<div> <center> [ <span style="background:"><font color="">Gnu Skin</font></span><a href="http://LOCATION/GnuSkin">?</a> | <span style="background:"><font color="">Gnu Skin</font></span><a href="http://LOCATION/GnuSkin">?</a> | <span style="background:"><font color="">Gnu Skin Plugin</font></span><a href="http://LOCATION/GnuSkinPlugin">?</a> | <nop>GnuSkinTodo | <span style="background:"><font color="">Gnu Skin Release Notes</font></span><a href="http://LOCATION/GnuSkinReleaseNotes">?</a> | <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/twiki-skins" target="_top">CVS</a> ] </nop></center> </div> ## <a name="Small_ToDo_list_for_the_GnuSkin"> </a> Small ToDo list for the [[GnuSkin]] **_Introduction:_** Please use the TWiki:Plugins/GnuSkinPluginDev topic for discussions regarding the GNUskin. The leading theme for all my work was given to me by my English teacher at university. He said; "Writers always do too much. The beauty lies in short concise sentences." To make it easier for us to understand he paced the lecture hall and repeatedly stated: _Simplify, simplify, simplify!_ There is a book written on this emphasizing my point even further. The book is brief and straight to the point. If you don't believe me, read [Elements of Style](http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0205191584/paradigmonlinewr/102-3410829-5714537) by William Strunk & E. B. White. ---- **_Latest News:_** 2003-03-02: [[GnuSkin]] 1.2 is released! Download from TWiki:Plugins/GnuSkinInstall CVS available from Savannah, <http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/twiki-skins> Development is progressing smoothly. If you would like to see the latest [[GnuSkin]] you can visit my personal web below. I do not make any promises on user experience or even if the site is up and running w/o bugs ... beware of bleeding edge! * <http://joachim.vmlinux.org/twiki/bin/view/> Use the sandbox for tests and fooling around. ### <a name="Branch_1_x"> Branch 1.x </a> Oups, some bugs and suggestions for improvement just arrived. * In IE: Go back in preview after changing something in a topic. The changes are lost. * The link to [[WebSearch]] was lost from the Go/Search field. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 19 Mar 2003 ### <a name="Branch_2_x"> Branch 2.x </a> Before I start working on this I must upgrade my home TWiki installation... The new 2.x branch (becomes head after release of 1.2) intended for TWiki:Codev/BeijingRelease will contain mostly the same code as the 1.2 release. With a few small additions: **_Pending:_** * I18N fixes for the 2.0 release. The Beijing release prompts this, see TWiki:Plugins/InternationalisingYourSkin. Stefan has supplied a patch below! :-) * _Roll back to topic revision X_ * Perhaps delay this after 2.0? * Other adaptations for the Beijing release of TWiki? * Read up on TWiki.org * Enable checkpoint save from preferences setting. **_Fixed:_** * Another bug related to 01Feb2003 release. EDITBOXSTYLE is not supported by [[GnuSkin]]. Modify edit.gnu.tmpl and add style="%EDITBOXSTYLE%" to the textarea tag and it will work with automatic edit area just as the TWiki skin. Same HTML as in `edit.tmpl`. * FIXED. <br />Reported by TWiki:Main.StefanLindmark - 24 Feb 2003 * Add option to turn preview mode off. * Perhaps delay this after 2.0? * Added to 1.2 using the savemulti scipt by Colas. The user can now select either to preview or directly save any changes made, or cancel them altogether. * Blue and Green skin style is available - add other complementary colors as well. This is useful to contrast with the web colors! ### <a name="Future_releases"> Future releases </a> * Separate the side bar, the [[WebMenu]], from the [[GnuSkinPlugin]]. * After 2.0! * Look at some neat DHTML scripts for the [[WebMenu]] and the More button. * Disable per default - document howto include them. * Consider enabling these through a preferences variable. * Parametrisize more. * User configurable everything, as far as possible. * The top logo could perhaps be removed altogether, and/or be more user customizable. * Fix the CSS stuff - one should be able to use a style sheet that "matches" the chosen web color better. (matches/complements/whatever). * Use customizable menu. Be able to use the standard TWiki menus? ### <a name="Comments_and_User_Supplied_Patch"> Comments and User Supplied Patches </a> This brainstorm topic for the [[GnuSkin]] was mostly for myselft, but has proved probably useful to others as well. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 17 Feb 2003 I18N modifications required to use new I18N features in TWiki incorporated into templates. Please see attached diff file for diffs againt [[GnuSkin]] CVS 2003-02-18. -- TWiki:Main.StefanLindmark - 21 Feb 2003