The [[GnuSkinPlugin]] is a rip-off from the [[TigerSkinPlugin]] with a lot of the useless stuff removed. It is designed to be simple and functional and yet stylish enough to be used in production like environments. The [[GnuSkin]] design is a rip-off [the Hurd website](, with a few bells and whistles from TWiki added. See the [[GnuSkinPlugin]] page for more information about the [[GnuSkin]] features. Or take a look at the [[Know/WebHome]] for a hint of how it looks and feels. Attached is a screenshot of the [[GnuSkin]] displaying the editable [[WebMenu]] (left hand menu) page. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 04 Jun 2002 * Beta screenshot, June 4th, 2002 - 09:44 CET: