-*- mode: org -*- #+TITLE: the Hurd website The Hurd website available at https://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/ is a static website built with [[https://ikiwiki.info/][Ikiwiki]]. This directory contains the source files of the website. * Development environment The folling dependencies are needed to build the website ikiwiki, perl, cpan Text::Markdown, cpan Search::Xapian, cpan YAML::Syck, and Texinfo On Debian, do something like: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE sudo apt-get install ikiwiki perl libtext-markdown-perl \ libsearch-xapian-perl libyaml-syck-perl texinfo #+END_EXAMPLE The development manifest for Guix is described in the usual [[file:manifest.scm][manifest.scm]], run: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE guix shell #+END_EXAMPLE to enter a development environment. * Running the website To try out the website locally while you work on it, run the following commands: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE rm -rf ../web.rendered ./render_locally #+END_EXAMPLE the website is built out of tree (!) in in [[file:~/src/hurd/web.rendered][../web.rendered]].