## Introduction MIG is a program which generates remote procedure call (RPC) code for communication between client and server processes in a Mach based operating system. Since this Mig TWiki "web" is new and we are still migrating data to it, please look at the original [[Hurd/WebHome]] TWiki web as well.

Mach servers run as separate tasks and communicate with inter-process communication (IPC) messages. This IPC interface is language independant and faily complex. This is where MIG steps in. Mig is capable of generating the RPC code for the client-server communication.

GNU MIG is fully compatible with OSF MIG. The official Mig site is a page hosted on the official Hurd site. It also has it's own CVS module within the main Hurd CVS site.

Available Topics

  • Mach Interface Generator?
  • Mig Documentation?


Meta discussion can go in the Web Discuss? topic.

Web Preferences? - administrative info.

Hot Topics (more?) Top Contributors
%INCLUDE{"WebStatistics" pattern=".*?\-\-statTopContributors\-\-\>[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+(\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|).*"}%

More search options in Web Search?

Currently, Web refers to the Mig Web.

  • Web Changes? - by modification time
  • Web Statistics? - as above plus more
  • Web Index? - alphabetical
  • Web Notify? - email notification