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There is an expanding community of people developing and running test Debian GNU/Hurd machines. Many have already registered on this TWiki system and contributed information directly to this site. We have also linked to all the relevant data you can find on other sites.

The two key resources most often used for communication are the Debian and GNU Mail Lists?, as well as the Hurd IRC?.

Mail Lists?
Available mailing lists

Hurd Wiki

Hurd IRC?
Who Runs GNU?
Hurd Developers?
Who's who?
Personal Hurd Pages?
Users with Hurd wiki pages
User Groups?
Canadian, French & Russian
Hurd Conferences?
Meetings either directly held for the Hurd or with significant Hurd developer attendance.

Hurd User Guide.

The main HTML page for http://hurd.gnufans.org is located at Hurd Gnu Fans Org? but has restricted editing. If you are interested in helping us better represent the site to new and returning users (by helping edit the front page) you are encouraged to participate in the discussion held in the Hurd Gnu Fans Org Discuss? topic.

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More search options in Web Search?

Here, Web refers to the Main Web.

  • Web Index? - alphabetical
  • Web Changes? - by modification time
    • Web Notify? - email alerts
  • Web Preferences? - settings

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