this page is under construction **DSL vs Dialup** ## Digital Subscriber Line - DSL * Faster * More Expensive * Always On * Can use phone line while online * Different Equipment **THEY BOTH USE PHOHNE LINE** * 2 types of dsl * ADSL 1.5 TO 9MB DOWN 16-640 KB UP * SDSL sYNCRONOUS OR SYMETRIC 3MB DOWN 3MB UP What equipment is needed * DSL / Cable Modem * Ethernet adapter * Category 5 cable (ethernet cable) * RT-45 * USB universal Serial Buss * (can be used but _do not_ reccoment) ## IP Addressing * => * 4,228,250,625 ### Private IP Address Ranges * X=0-25 192.168.x.x - used w/ Routers& Configurable Modems * This range is the most typical private range used. * 10.x.x.x - Used w/ routers or configurable Modems. * 172.16.x.x - Used w/ routers. (this is a typical range used by businesses) ### Non-Routable Range * 169-254.x.x - Non Routable IP Range telling you something is broken Created by Microsoft for troubleshooting purposes * 127.x.x.x - Range reserved for local host (norton's, microsoft, etc.) ## Acronyms * IANA - internet Assigned Numbers Authority * Distribute IP Address to backbone Co. ie AT&T, Bell Co. ### Public IP Addressing * How to become an ISP 1) Contact SBC to obtain IP Addresses: 300 members - 2) Distribut IP Addresses Gateway Address = IP Addresses of the DHCP Server (endpoint) DHCP - Dynamic host control protocol ---- 10 contact SBC to obtain more ip addresses - 2) Distribute IP addresses * Static - Specified IP address that never changes ## Authentication Processes **MAC Addressing** \*MAC address- Physical address of any device that can carry an internet connection * it authenticates through the modem or next piece of connecting equipment's MAC Address PPOE - Point to point protocol (over the enternet) -requires a customer to logon w/user/password before reciving an ip address the only os w/ppoe built in XP&MACX they install pppoe software or get a router or configurable modem. Trouble shooting DSL / Cable ## 1st Step of Trouble shooting - POWERCYCLING ### take down order * unplug modem from power supply * unplug any connecting equipment from Power Supply (router, Switch, etc) * SHUTDOWN (not restart) the pc ### bringing up order * plugin the modem into power supply * plug the connecting equipment into the power suply * restart the PC 2nd Step of [[TroubleShooting]] -Light Status Modem \*Power * * on = good * off = bad 1. verifty it is plugged in 2. check for power at the source (switch?) * dsl/link/sync * on = good * off = bad 1. check connection between wall and modem phone line dsl + co-AX cable) 2. verify it worked previously nothing changed, (moved, jacks, storm) 3. verify all connecting information (PPPOE, MAC address, static) * * Enet/USB/PC/Sync/Link * on = good * off = bad 1.check connection between modem and pc ethernet usb 2. swithc cable ends crossover vs straight through 3. check the ethernet adapter * Act/Activity/Data/(10/100) - TX/RX * on or flashing = good * off = bad 1 this light has no bearing in your troubleshooting * Test/Alarm/Standby * off = good * on = bad 1. this light must be off in orter to troubleshoot. Where to find IP information - IP configuration LC start => LC run => tye commands or cmd => LC OK button => type "winipcfg" => press enter => chose NIC in dropdown 1.) Adapter Address = MAC address 2.) IP address - NIC 3.) Gateway Address - DHCP Server * If there is **NO** NIC in the dropdown box * verify cust has startup disk or cab files (win\*.cab) * Rip and reinstall TCP/IP * If it says Media Disconnectd or IP = * Not connected * verify lights on modem * verify wiring \* if they are reciving an IP address of 169.254.x.x * they are set to DHCP, but not contacting DHCP Server - Its broken and try to release /renew ip address ## what will happen next 1. will recieve IP Address 2."Unable to contact DHCP Server" Error * try to release and renew again 3. "DHCP Server unavailable revewing IP address" - Error * try to release and renew again 4. "No adapter in a state permissable to perorm operation" Error * configured to static * check settings 5. "unable to perform operation" or " operation was attempted on something that is not a socket" Error \* winsock Error * * email winsock fix * Send to shop if you are unable to recieve an IP address verify wiring verify account verify settings -- [[Main/TravisBarker]] - 04 Oct 2005