%TOC% Note to Hurd devs: this is a temporary topic i created in order to take some (off topic)notes just until i can get my own server back up and running. thanks. --TB ---- # **DSL vs Dialup** ## Digital Subscriber Line - DSL * Faster * More Expensive * Always On * Can use phone line while online * Different Equipment **THEY BOTH USE PHONE LINE** * 2 types of dsl * ADSL ASYNCRONOUS OR ASYMETRIC (example: 1.5 TO 9MB DOWN 16-640 KB UP) * SDSL SYNCRONOUS OR SYMETRIC (example: 3MB DOWN 3MB UP) What equipment is needed * DSL / Cable Modem * Ethernet adapter * Category 5 cable (ethernet cable) * RT-45 * USB universal Serial Buss * (can be used but _do not_ reccomend) ## IP Addressing * => * 4,228,250,625 ### Private IP Address Ranges * X=0-255 * 192.168.x.x - used w/ Routers& Configurable Modems * This range is the most typical private range used. * 10.x.x.x - Used w/ routers or configurable Modems. * 172.16.x.x - Used w/ routers. (this is a typical range used by businesses) ### Non-Routable Range * 169.254.x.x - Non Routable IP Range telling you something is broken Created by Microsoft for troubleshooting purposes * 127.x.x.x - Range reserved for local host (norton's, microsoft, etc.) ## Acronyms * IANA - internet Assigned Numbers Authority * Distribute IP Address to backbone Co. ie AT&T, Bell Co. ### Public IP Addressing * How to become an ISP 1) Contact SBC to obtain IP Addresses: * 300 members * - 2) Distribut IP Addresses Gateway Address = IP Addresses of the DHCP Server (endpoint) DHCP - Dynamic host control protocol ---- 1) contact SBC to obtain more ip addresses * 500 Members * - 2) Distribute IP addresses Static - Specified IP address that never changes ## Authentication Processes **MAC Addressing** \*MAC address- Physical address of any device that can carry an internet connection * it authenticates through the modem or next piece of connecting equipment's MAC Address PPOE - Point to point protocol (over the ethernet) -requires a customer to logon w/user/password before reciving an ip address the only os w/ppoe built in XP&MACX they install pppoe software or get a router or configurable modem. Trouble shooting DSL / Cable ## 1st Step of Trouble shooting - POWERCYCLING ### take down order * unplug modem from power supply * unplug any connecting equipment from Power Supply (router, Switch, etc) * SHUTDOWN (not restart) the pc ### bringing up order * plugin the modem into power supply * plug the connecting equipment into the power suply * restart the PC ## 2nd Step of Trouble Shooting -Light Status of Modem * Power * on = good * off = bad 1. verify it is plugged in 2. check for power at the source (switch?) * dsl/link/sync * on = good * off = bad 1. check connection between wall and modem phone line dsl + co-AX cable) 2. verify it worked previously nothing changed, (moved, jacks, storm) 3. verify all connecting information (PPPOE, MAC address, static) * Enet/USB/PC/Sync/Link * on = good * off = bad 1.check connection between modem and pc ethernet usb 2. switch cable ends crossover vs straight through 3. check the ethernet adapter * Act/Activity/Data/(10/100) - TX/RX * * on or flashing = good * off = bad 1. This light has no bearing in your troubleshooting * Test/Alarm/Standby * off = good * on = bad 1. This light must be off in orter to troubleshoot. Where to find IP information - IP configuration LC start => LC run => tye commands or cmd => LC OK button => type "winipcfg" => press enter => chose NIC in dropdown 1.) Adapter Address = MAC address 2.) IP address - NIC 3.) Gateway Address - DHCP Server * If there is **NO** NIC in the dropdown box * verify cust has startup disk or cab files (win\*.cab) * Rip and reinstall TCP/IP * If it says Media Disconnectd or IP = * Not connected * verify lights on modem * verify wiring \* if they are reciving an IP address of 169.254.x.x * they are set to DHCP, but not contacting DHCP Server - Its broken and try to release /renew ip address ## what will happen next 1. will recieve IP Address 2."Unable to contact DHCP Server" Error * try to release and renew again 3. "DHCP Server unavailable revewing IP address" - Error * try to release and renew again 4. "No adapter in a state permissable to perform operation" Error * configured to static * check settings 5. "unable to perform operation" or " operation was attempted on something that is not a socket" Error \* winsock Error * * email winsock fix * Send to shop ## if you are unable to recieve an IP address * verify wiring * verify account * verify settings ## where to go and check settings * DLC My Comp > DLC Control Panel > DLC Network >highlight TCP/IP => Ethernet Adapter - - LC Properties button * IP addresses tab => Static - Specify an IP address Dynamic Obtain Automatic * Gateway tab => Static - 1 gateway address entered Dynamic None entered * DNS Tab - ISP Specific PING packet internet Groper Sonar for the internet 3 ways to tell if you are connected to the internet 1. ping outside address 1. thpe winipcfg => press enter => choose NIC in drop down box obtain ip address and gateway address (put in tracker notes) 1. type ping ipaddress press enter ie: ping ethernet adapter * good response = 4 sent * Bad response - 4 sent 0-3 recieved / 1-4 lost 1. Check for a firewall => disable it and run ping again 2. rip and reinstall TCP/IP => Run ping again 3. check the ethernet adapter 1. type ping gatewayaddress => press enter (ie ping DHCP Server Bad Response 1. 1. ) check for a firewall => disable => run ping again 2. ) Rip and reinstall TCP/IP => run ping again 3. ) make sure network allows ping (shawneeling and madison) 4. ) verify all connectings information (pppoe, <MAC address,, Static) 5. ) Broken - Sent ticket to network 2. type ping www.yahoo.com => press enter good response = connected 1. type ping yahoo's ip press enter (ie ping * if you get a bad response on the domain name and good response on IP check DNS * after entering DNS if you still cant pull the site by domain or IP => winsock error - email or shop ## Checking the NIC - Network Interface Controller DLC My Comp => DLC Control Panel => DLC System => LC Device Manager Tab => LC (+) next to network adapters If there is Red X * Means the device has been disabled RC the device LC Enable. If there is Yellow! * Means the PC recognizes the device but does not know how to use it * Uninstall/Reinstall NIC - RC the device => LC Uninstall => LC OK => Reboot PC => Follow hardware wizard * to uninstall they must have drivers disk or it must be original to PC if there is yellow or no network adapters (check other devices for PCI Adapter) * means PC has no idea what device is or how to use it * uninstall reinstall NIC * Same as Above ## ISPs
ISP requires
shawneelink static
farmsrstell static
rallstech static
grandriver static
horry county dsl pppoe
hargray dsl pppoe
conporium dsl pppoe
green online MAC address of modem
horry county cable MAC address of the next connecting device after the modem
# XP * home * 98 * ME * business * NT * 2000 different ways to get to Control Panel * Windows XP View * Left Click Start => Left Click C.P. * Classic View * Left Click Start => Settings => Left Click Control Panel => Double Left Click My computer => Double Left click Control Panel (you want to troubleshoot from the classic view of the Classic View of the Control Panel (not category) ## How to make a new dial-up connection 1. Left Click Start => Left click Control Panel => Double Left Click Network connections => Double Left Click Create a new connection => follow the wizzard 2. Right Click Internet Explorer => Left Click Properties => Left Click Connection Tab => Left Click Setup Button => follow wizzard check the properties of a connection 1. left click start => left click control panel => Double left click network connections => Right clikc connection name => left click properties 2. Right click IE => left click properties => left click connection tab => highlight connection in box => Left click settings button => left click properties Button * option tab => lower redial attempts to 0-1 attempts * networking tab => what used to be the network section of teh Control Panel * Advanced Tab => internet connection firewall. ## How to check modem properties dlc my comp dlc cp dlc modem options lc modems tab lc properties button check tabs * run diagnostics lc diagnostics tab lc query modem button * enter init string lc advanced tab * lower port speed lc modems tab * lower FIFO buffers lc advanced tab lc poet settings button ## how to configure LAC * DLC my comp dlc cp dlc network connections rc the lac lc properties dlc tcp/ip configure settings ## making a pppoe connection * lc start lc cp dlc network connections dlc create a new connections follow wizard for a "broadband connections that requires a username and password" running an IP configuration lc start lc run type command or cmd lc ok type ipconfig press enter * to find MAC Address - "ipconfg /all" * to release - "ipconfig /release" * to renew - ipconfig /renew ## reset TCP/IP \*lc start lc run type command or cmd lc ok type "netsh int ip reset c:\\reset c:\\resetlog.txt" press enter type exit press enter ## checking the NIC * lc start lc cp dlc system lc hardware tab lc device manager button lc (+) next to network adapters * still looking for the X symbox the ? symbol, and the ! symbol. ## System Restore (ME & XP) * LC Start programs accessories system tools lc system restore * create a restore point always create before uninstalling restore to an earlier time - as a last resort , no further back than 15 days # windows 2000 exactly like XP with the following exceptions * no system restore * no built in firewal * no built in pppoe * must rip & reinstall TCP/IP (Must have disk) ## to check network properties \*DLC my comp dlc cp dlc network and dial up connection s RC connection lc properties lc networking TAB # Windows NT ## to check propeties of a connection \*( dlc my comp dlc dial up networking lc more butoon lc endit entry and modem properties # macintosh (apple) * **do not support version 8 or older** ## how to determin version * click apple click about this computer/mac ## how to get to remote access * click apple click control panels click remote access ## how to configure for DSL / OS 9 and 8 * click apple click control panels click tcp/ip set connect via to built in ethernet configure settings manually=> static using DHCP - Dynamic ## to get to the internet setupassistant * double click hard drive find and double click assistants folder double click internet setup assistant + follwo assistant ## how to use free ppp to check username and password * click apple click control panels click free ppp setup click > to expand screen click accounts tab click edit button check username and password # MAC X ## how to make dial up connection * click apple click system preferences double click network click configure and choose internal modem check settings * TCP/IP set to PPP * PPP check username / password * proxies check for proxies * modem no inits change the drivers ## how to configure DSL connection * click apple click system preferences double click network click ()show) configure and choose build in ethernet check settings * TCP/IP => static manually dynamic - using DHCP * [[PPPoE]] => configure [[PPPoE]] check User/Pass * Proxies => check for Proxy Servers ## Interaction Client 1. what is the client 2. what are teh three states a tech 1st) can be in ? 3. what are Queues? 4. how do you transfer calls to second level? 5. how do you transfer a call to another tech? 6. how do you log out? -- [[Main/TravisBarker]] - 04 Oct 2005