%TOC% ---- Note to Hurd devs: this is a temporary topic i created in order to take some (off topic)notes just until i can get my own server back up and running. thanks. --TB ---- # <a name="1st_level_Classroom_Notes"> 1st level Classroom Notes </a> * Week 1 # <a name="_DSL_vs_Dialup_"> **DSL vs Dialup** </a> ---- ## <a name="Digital_Subscriber_Line_DSL"> </a> Digital Subscriber Line - DSL * Faster * More Expensive * Always On * Can use phone line while online * Different Equipment **THEY BOTH USE PHONE LINE** * 2 types of dsl * ADSL ASYNCRONOUS OR ASYMETRIC (example: 1.5 TO 9MB DOWN 16-640 KB UP) * SDSL SYNCRONOUS OR SYMETRIC (example: 3MB DOWN 3MB UP) What equipment is needed * DSL / Cable Modem * Ethernet adapter * Category 5 cable (ethernet cable) * RT-45 * USB universal Serial Buss * (can be used but _do not_ reccomend) ## <a name="IP_Addressing"> IP Addressing </a> * => * 4,228,250,625 ### <a name="Private_IP_Address_Ranges"> Private IP Address Ranges </a> * X=0-255 * 192.168.x.x - used w/ Routers& Configurable Modems * This range is the most typical private range used. * 10.x.x.x - Used w/ routers or configurable Modems. * 172.16.x.x - Used w/ routers. (this is a typical range used by businesses) ### <a name="Non_Routable_Range"> Non-Routable Range </a> * 169.254.x.x - Non Routable IP Range telling you something is broken Created by Microsoft for troubleshooting purposes * 127.x.x.x - Range reserved for local host (norton's, microsoft, etc.) ## <a name="Acronyms"> Acronyms </a> * IANA - internet Assigned Numbers Authority * Distribute IP Address to backbone Co. ie AT&T, Bell Co. ### <a name="Public_IP_Addressing"> Public IP Addressing </a> * How to become an ISP 1) Contact SBC to obtain IP Addresses: * 300 members * - 2) Distribut IP Addresses Gateway Address = IP Addresses of the DHCP Server (endpoint) DHCP - Dynamic host control protocol ---- 1) contact SBC to obtain more ip addresses * 500 Members * - 2) Distribute IP addresses Static - Specified IP address that never changes ## <a name="Authentication_Processes"> Authentication Processes </a> **MAC Addressing** \*MAC address- Physical address of any device that can carry an internet connection * it authenticates through the modem or next piece of connecting equipment's MAC Address PPOE - Point to point protocol (over the ethernet) -requires a customer to logon w/user/password before reciving an ip address the only os w/ppoe built in XP&MACX they install pppoe software or get a router or configurable modem. Trouble shooting DSL / Cable ## <a name="1st_Step_of_Trouble_shooting_POW"> </a> 1st Step of Trouble shooting - POWERCYCLING ### <a name="take_down_order"> take down order </a> * unplug modem from power supply * unplug any connecting equipment from Power Supply (router, Switch, etc) * SHUTDOWN (not restart) the pc ### <a name="bringing_up_order"> bringing up order </a> * plugin the modem into power supply * plug the connecting equipment into the power suply * restart the PC ## <a name="2nd_Step_of_Trouble_Shooting_Lig"> 2nd Step of Trouble Shooting -Light Status of </a> Modem * Power * on = good * off = bad 1. verify it is plugged in 2. check for power at the source (switch?) * dsl/link/sync * on = good * off = bad 1. check connection between wall and modem phone line dsl + co-AX cable) 2. verify it worked previously nothing changed, (moved, jacks, storm) 3. verify all connecting information (PPPOE, MAC address, static) * Enet/USB/PC/Sync/Link * on = good * off = bad 1.check connection between modem and pc ethernet usb 2. switch cable ends crossover vs straight through 3. check the ethernet adapter * Act/Activity/Data/(10/100) - TX/RX * * on or flashing = good * off = bad 1. This light has no bearing in your troubleshooting * Test/Alarm/Standby * off = good * on = bad 1. This light must be off in orter to troubleshoot. Where to find IP information - IP configuration LC start => LC run => tye commands or cmd => LC OK button => type "winipcfg" => press enter => chose NIC in dropdown 1.) Adapter Address = MAC address 2.) IP address - NIC 3.) Gateway Address - DHCP Server * If there is **NO** NIC in the dropdown box * verify cust has startup disk or cab files (win\*.cab) * Rip and reinstall TCP/IP * If it says Media Disconnectd or IP = * Not connected * verify lights on modem * verify wiring \* if they are reciving an IP address of 169.254.x.x * they are set to DHCP, but not contacting DHCP Server - Its broken and try to release /renew ip address ## <a name="what_will_happen_next"> what will happen next </a> 1. will recieve IP Address 2."Unable to contact DHCP Server" Error * try to release and renew again 3. "DHCP Server unavailable revewing IP address" - Error * try to release and renew again 4. "No adapter in a state permissable to perform operation" Error * configured to static * check settings 5. "unable to perform operation" or " operation was attempted on something that is not a socket" Error \* winsock Error * * email winsock fix * Send to shop ## <a name="if_you_are_unable_to_recieve_an_"> if you are unable to recieve an IP address </a> * verify wiring * verify account * verify settings ## <a name="where_to_go_and_check_settings"> where to go and check settings </a> * DLC My Comp > DLC Control Panel > DLC Network >highlight TCP/IP => Ethernet Adapter - - LC Properties button * IP addresses tab => Static - Specify an IP address Dynamic Obtain Automatic * Gateway tab => Static - 1 gateway address entered Dynamic None entered * DNS Tab - ISP Specific PING packet internet Groper Sonar for the internet 3 ways to tell if you are connected to the internet 1. ping outside address 1. thpe winipcfg => press enter => choose NIC in drop down box obtain ip address and gateway address (put in tracker notes) 1. type ping ipaddress press enter ie: ping ethernet adapter * good response = 4 sent * Bad response - 4 sent 0-3 recieved / 1-4 lost 1. Check for a firewall => disable it and run ping again 2. rip and reinstall TCP/IP => Run ping again 3. check the ethernet adapter 1. type ping gatewayaddress => press enter (ie ping DHCP Server Bad Response 1. 1. ) check for a firewall => disable => run ping again 2. ) Rip and reinstall TCP/IP => run ping again 3. ) make sure network allows ping (shawneeling and madison) 4. ) verify all connectings information (pppoe, <MAC address,, Static) 5. ) Broken - Sent ticket to network 2. type ping www.yahoo.com => press enter good response = connected 1. type ping yahoo's ip press enter (ie ping * if you get a bad response on the domain name and good response on IP check DNS * after entering DNS if you still cant pull the site by domain or IP => winsock error - email or shop ## <a name="Checking_the_NIC_Network_Interfa"> </a> Checking the NIC - Network Interface Controller DLC My Comp => DLC Control Panel => DLC System => LC Device Manager Tab => LC (+) next to network adapters If there is Red X * Means the device has been disabled RC the device LC Enable. If there is Yellow! * Means the PC recognizes the device but does not know how to use it * Uninstall/Reinstall NIC - RC the device => LC Uninstall => LC OK => Reboot PC => Follow hardware wizard * to uninstall they must have drivers disk or it must be original to PC if there is yellow or no network adapters (check other devices for PCI Adapter) * means PC has no idea what device is or how to use it * uninstall reinstall NIC * Same as Above ## <a name="ISPs"> </a> ISPs <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> ISP </td> <td> requires </td> </tr> <tr> <td> shawneelink </td> <td> static </td> </tr> <tr> <td> farmsrstell </td> <td> static </td> </tr> <tr> <td> rallstech </td> <td> static </td> </tr> <tr> <td> grandriver </td> <td> static </td> </tr> <tr> <td> horry county dsl </td> <td> pppoe </td> </tr> <tr> <td> hargray dsl </td> <td> pppoe </td> </tr> <tr> <td> conporium dsl </td> <td> pppoe </td> </tr> <tr> <td> green online </td> <td> MAC address of modem </td> </tr> <tr> <td> horry county cable </td> <td> MAC address of the next connecting device after the modem </td> </tr> </table> # <a name="XP"> XP </a> * home * 98 * ME * business * NT * 2000 different ways to get to Control Panel * Windows XP View * Left Click Start => Left Click C.P. * Classic View * Left Click Start => Settings => Left Click Control Panel => Double Left Click My computer => Double Left click Control Panel (you want to troubleshoot from the classic view of the Classic View of the Control Panel (not category) ## <a name="How_to_make_a_new_dial_up_connec"> How to make a new dial-up connection </a> 1. Left Click Start => Left click Control Panel => Double Left Click Network connections => Double Left Click Create a new connection => follow the wizzard 2. Right Click Internet Explorer => Left Click Properties => Left Click Connection Tab => Left Click Setup Button => follow wizzard check the properties of a connection 1. left click start => left click control panel => Double left click network connections => Right clikc connection name => left click properties 2. Right click IE => left click properties => left click connection tab => highlight connection in box => Left click settings button => left click properties Button * option tab => lower redial attempts to 0-1 attempts * networking tab => what used to be the network section of teh Control Panel * Advanced Tab => internet connection firewall. ## <a name="How_to_check_modem_properties"> How to check modem properties </a> dlc my comp dlc cp dlc modem options lc modems tab lc properties button check tabs * run diagnostics lc diagnostics tab lc query modem button * enter init string lc advanced tab * lower port speed lc modems tab * lower FIFO buffers lc advanced tab lc poet settings button ## <a name="how_to_configure_LAC"> </a> how to configure LAC * DLC my comp dlc cp dlc network connections rc the lac lc properties dlc tcp/ip configure settings ## <a name="making_a_pppoe_connection"> making a pppoe connection </a> * lc start lc cp dlc network connections dlc create a new connections follow wizard for a "broadband connections that requires a username and password" running an IP configuration lc start lc run type command or cmd lc ok type ipconfig press enter * to find MAC Address - "ipconfg /all" * to release - "ipconfig /release" * to renew - ipconfig /renew ## <a name="reset_TCP_IP"> </a> reset TCP/IP \*lc start lc run type command or cmd lc ok type "netsh int ip reset c:\\reset c:\\resetlog.txt" press enter type exit press enter ## <a name="checking_the_NIC"> </a> checking the NIC * lc start lc cp dlc system lc hardware tab lc device manager button lc (+) next to network adapters * still looking for the X symbox the ? symbol, and the ! symbol. ## <a name="System_Restore_ME_amp_XP_"> System Restore (ME & XP) </a> * LC Start programs accessories system tools lc system restore * create a restore point always create before uninstalling restore to an earlier time - as a last resort , no further back than 15 days # <a name="windows_2000"> windows 2000 </a> exactly like XP with the following exceptions * no system restore * no built in firewal * no built in pppoe * must rip & reinstall TCP/IP (Must have disk) ## <a name="to_check_network_properties"> to check network properties </a> \*DLC my comp dlc cp dlc network and dial up connection s RC connection lc properties lc networking TAB # <a name="Windows_NT"> Windows NT </a> ## <a name="to_check_propeties_of_a_connecti"> to check propeties of a connection </a> \*( dlc my comp dlc dial up networking lc more butoon lc endit entry and modem properties # <a name="macintosh_apple_"> macintosh (apple) </a> * **do not support version 8 or older** ## <a name="how_to_determine_version"> how to determine version </a> * click apple click about this computer/mac ## <a name="how_to_get_to_remote_access"> how to get to remote access </a> * click apple click control panels click remote access ## <a name="how_to_configure_for_DSL_OS_9_an"> </a> how to configure for DSL / OS 9 and 8 * click apple click control panels click tcp/ip set connect via to built in ethernet configure settings manually=> static using DHCP - Dynamic ## <a name="to_get_to_the_internet_setupassi"> to get to the internet setupassistant </a> * double click hard drive find and double click assistants folder double click internet setup assistant + follwo assistant ## <a name="how_to_use_free_ppp_to_check_use"> how to use free ppp to check username and password </a> * click apple click control panels click free ppp setup click > to expand screen click accounts tab click edit button check username and password # <a name="MAC_X"> </a> MAC X ## <a name="how_to_make_dial_up_connection"> how to make dial up connection </a> * click apple click system preferences double click network click configure and choose internal modem check settings * TCP/IP set to PPP * PPP check username / password * proxies check for proxies * modem no inits change the drivers ## <a name="how_to_configure_DSL_connection"> </a> how to configure DSL connection * click apple click system preferences double click network click ()show) configure and choose build in ethernet check settings * TCP/IP => static manually dynamic - using DHCP * [[PPPoE]] => configure PPPE check User/Pass * Proxies => check for Proxy Servers ## <a name="Interaction_Client"> Interaction Client </a> 1. what is the client 2. what are teh three states a tech 1st) can be in ? 3. what are Queues? 4. how do you transfer calls to second level? 5. how do you transfer a call to another tech? 6. how do you log out? # <a name="Basic_Linksys_Router_Setup"> Basic Linksys Router Setup </a> computers (192,168.1.x => lan (router) / NAT / WAN => modem => wall jack * NAT = Network Address Translator * WAN = Wide Area Net * LAN = local Area Network * LAN IP = Gateway for each PC How do you access a routers interface, like to enter a static IP address? 1. run an IP configuration and obtain the GW address (should be 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x ) 2. open your web browser and enter the GW address into the address bar and click "go" 3. at the username / password pop up, you enter the default login => LC OK button -- [[Main/TravisBarker]] - 04 Oct 2005