<table width="60%">
        <li> Name: Joachim Nilsson </li>
        <li> Email: <a href="mailto:joachim@gnufansNOSPAM.org">joachim@gnufansNOSPAM.org</a></li>
        <li> Phone: +46(0)21-123348 </li>
        <li> Work: �F Systemdesign AB, V�ster�s, <a href="http://www.af.se" target="_top">http://www.af.se</a></li>
        <li> Home: <a href="http://gnufans.org/joachim/" target="_top">http://gnufans.org/joachim/</a></li>
        <li> Location: <span style="background:"><font color="">Vasteras Office</font></span><a href="http://LOCATION/VasterasOffice">?</a></li>
        <li> Comment: Local TWiki admin guy </li>
    <td align="right" valign="top">
      <div align="right"><img alt="Portrait" src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/jo.jpg" /></div>

### <a name="Personal"> Personal </a>

Hello, this is the page of [Joachim Nilsson](http://gnufans.org/joachim/). I'm a computer geek soon to turn "Dad" with a lot of diverse interests. This wiki page displays some of my interests.

I am employed as a embedded systems consultant for the Swedish company Aktiebolaget �ngpannef�reningen in V�ster�s. Roughly, "The Incorporated Steamboiling Association". As you might have guessed it's a very old consultant firm from 1896. Today they cover almost all engineering disciplines. See more on <http://www.af-world.com>

### <a name="Hardcore_stuff"> Hardcore stuff </a>

I'm a bit involved in the GNU operating system, the Hurd. Having done some contractual work earlier on both on the VxWorks Wind kernel, Linux and eCos I got interested in micro kernels. Being a free software enthusiast I am now focusing my energy on GNU. More specifically, [[Mach/OskitMach]], a.k.a. OSKit-Mach.

Currently I work on updating the Linux drivers in the OSKit from 2.2.12 to 2.2.21. See progress at:


One of my goals is to get my SMP machine at home booting the Hurd. This is now impossible due to the ATA-100 controller which does not have support in Mach.

### <a name="HTML_amp_friends"> </a> HTML &amp; friends

I am the local TWiki admin guy. When I volonteered to run the Hurd wiki web on <http://vmlinux.org> I decided to create a suitable skin for it. The result is the [[TWiki/GnuSkinPlugin]]. See it in action on the [[Hurd/WebHome]] web. Other stuff I've done, and still working on, is this. The [[TWiki/TigerSkinPlugin]]. Actually, I'm only updating it and fixing it so it'll work with Mozilla more nicely -- lot of work remains since it's a complex skin.

More interesting things at <http://twiki.org>

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For all the work done by me in this entire Wiki, or any other Wiki for that matter. The following terms applies.

    Copyright (C) 2002 Joachim Nilsson <joachim@gnufans.org>,

    Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted
    in any medium, provided this copyright notice is preserved and the terms
    set in the GNU FDL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html, are followed.