## Discussions about the front page **_Old discussions:_** [[WIKIHOMEURLMainTOPICrev114]] This topic is for discussion of the HTML page as the "home" page for the Hurd Wiki. We've expanded the scope of what we covered and created some new webs we'll be migrating data toward. It's a process. However even the main twiki.org site has a [standard HTML page](http://twiki.org) that orients new people to understanding the web structure of the twiki.org web site and gives basic intro summary. I would like to keep it brief and demonstrate the real meat of the various webs including some kind of contextual introduction. This is needed before browsing any twiki site with multiple "webs" which is a twiki specific concept. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 07 Nov 2002 Cleared up this mess. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 29 Dec 2002 To summarize recent changes, Main.WebHome has been re-appropriated to serve a navigation function. The text editing area for the front HTML page has been moved to [[HurdGnuFansOrg]] and the discussion area to talk about changes is at [[HurdGnuFansOrgDiscuss]]. I've recently redone the Main.WebHome to match the other webs and try to give a consistent look and feel across "TWiki Webs." Good work. Thanks Joachim! -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 29 Dec 2002 _De rien, mon ami._ I think now we can safely say we've almost reached all our goals before the deadline. Removed old stuff, see it above under **_Old discussions:_**, this is btw a very neat feature of TWiki. Being able to view different revisions of a topic, I mean. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 29 Dec 2002