## Discussions about the front page **_Old discussions:_** [[WIKIHOMEURLMainTOPICrev114]], [[WIKIHOMEURLMainTOPICrev123]] FAQ: Why can't just anyone edit ? The simple answer - **effective** KM doesn't work well in **complete** anarchy, that's why KM is valuable. See Part II above for a brief discussion. We can discuss it again if someone would like, just append your comment here. The [[Main/TWikiAdminGroup]] has the rights to change it, the people most responsible for this site. That only seems fair. The alternative is... EVERY other page on the entire site is editable. This topic is for discussion of the HTML page as the "home" page for the Hurd Wiki. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 07 Nov 2002 What do folks think of the new page that I updated via [[Main/HurdGnuFansOrg]]? -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 25 Feb 2004