## Discussions about the front page **_Old discussions:_** [[WIKIHOMEURLMainTOPICrev114]] This topic is for discussion of the HTML page as the "home" page for the Hurd Wiki. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 07 Nov 2002 Isn't it good to have search box in ? -- [[Main/OgnyanKulev]] - 17 Mar 2003 That's a good idea. In TWiki terms, which kind of search would you recommend? I know that I frequently do a keyword search on a particular web, but that's not good for the front page. A full text search of all webs all items? Hmmm, I wonder what performance is required for that kind of search. I'll check it now. -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 17 Mar 2003 TWiki suggests using descriptive topic names and we do so. Topic names can be considered as kind of "keywords" or "short titles" so I think the best would be if this search box searches through all topic names in all webs. BTW [Jakob Nielsen](http://useit.com/) states that many many users find what they want by searching, not by browsing. Of course, the truth can be found by looking at the web logs :-) -- [[Main/OgnyanKulev]] - 18 Mar 2003 In addition to the [[WebChanges]] topics, did you know we are running as well? :-) -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 18 Mar 2003 Ah, yes, I forgot about it. And I've noticed that it is linked only from [[TWiki/SiteUsageStatistics]], [[Hurd/WebStatistics]] and [[Main/TWikiColophon]]. Obviously the first is the canonical "parent" through which the webalizer page should be found. But "more" - "ref-by" - "find topics in all public webs that link to [[SiteUsageStatistics]]" gives no pages! Looking at webalizer logs it seems nobody is using the search capability :-/ It's interesting that I use it often to quickly jump to a page that I know but others mostly browse :-) -- [[Main/OgnyanKulev]] - 18 Mar 2003 Don't put too much trust into the WebAlizer. I cannot recall if I only put **/bin/view/\*** or if it actually displays **_all_** the requested pages. I pretty much view the Wiki as a dictionary/encyclopedia. Therefore I almost always use the search facility to find what I look for - similar to what I do when surfing the net. A search facility on the front page is a great idea. Let's worry about resource utilization when we get there and start with a **_big bad search_**! :-) Grant, the top-right search/go box in the Wiki should have a link to [[WebSearch]], you're so right. I'll put it in asap. I also found a bug related to preview/back in IE (See [[TWiki/GnuSkinTodo]]). -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 19 Mar 2003