Since this Mach web (section) is new to the Hurd Wiki? and we are still migrating data to it, please look at the rest of the wiki as well.

This web deals exclusively with the Mach micro kernel that provides the base for the Hurd servers which makes out the GNU operating system.

Feel free to add relevant content.

Table of Contents:

  • Mach History?: History of Mach

  • Mach Concepts?

  • Gnu Mach?: Stable GNUmach 1.3 kernel

  • Oskit Mach?: GNUmach 2.0
    • Oskit Mach Status List?: Status and TODO list
    • Useful Oskit Patches?: Some useful patches for the OSKit
    • Building Oskit Mach?: How to build your own GNUmach kernel
    • Remote Debug Oskit Mach?: How to use gdb to remote debug the GNUmach kernel

  • Micro Kernel FUD?: The Micro Kernel Experiment Continues

  • Micro Kernel Research?: Papers on Mach related topics

Hot Topics (more?) Top Contributors
%INCLUDE{"WebStatistics" pattern=".*?\-\-statTopContributors\-\-\>[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+(\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|).*"}%

More search options in Web Search?

Currently, Web refers to the Mach Web.

  • Web Index? - Alphabetical index
  • Web Notify? - Email notification of changes
  • Web Changes? - Change log of topics
  • Web Topic List? - Index by Topic
  • Web Statistics? - Statistical trivia
  • Web Preferences? - Administrative options

---- Meta discussion takes place in the [[WebDiscuss]] topic. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 31 Oct 2002