## Table of Contents
## About
OSKit Mach is a branch off of the [[GnuMach]] kernel which makes use of the underpinnings provided by [the OSKit](http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit/) from [the Flux Research Group](http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/). After the release of [[GnuMach]] 1.3, OSKit Mach has been merged as the new [[GnuMach]] 2.x mainline.
The OSKit provides a neat driver base where both [[FreeBSD]] and Linux (2.2.12) drivers are made available to [Mach](http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/mach/public/www/mach.html) and thus the Hurd. You can also run a [Neighbor Hurd](http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/howto/subhurd.html).
## Research
-- An article by Chris Maeda and Brian N. Bershad discussing microkernel optimizations of an UDP driver.
## Status
Here is a [[OskitMachStatusList]] on what is required before a full conversion of the project to using oskit.
There's also an effort at an [Oskit Mach Alpha Port](http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gnumach-alpha/).
## Building
First you need to get the latest OSKit and the oskit-mach stuff. Take a look at the following [tutorial](http://www.etherhogz.org/doc/oskit-mach.html) to get started. Or the locally kept brief version, [[BuildingOskitMach]].
## Debugging
Igor Khavkine's, , excellent help to [remote debug oskit-mach over a serial line](http://www.etherhogz.org/doc/oskit-boot.txt), or the local [[RemoteDebugOskitMach]].