**Category of a %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% topic** The bottom part of a %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% topic has a category table. It is used to categorize a topic: * [[UseCategory]]: Tell if the category table should be used or not * [[TopicClassification]]: Classify a topic as public or confidential * [[OperatingSystem]]: OS used * [[OsVersion]]: OS version When creating a topic it is important to set the appropriate values. This ensures that it is possible to do all kinds of query and search in [[WebSearch]]. An explanation of the table items follows. ---- %INCLUDE\{"UseCategory"\}% ---- %INCLUDE\{"TopicClassification"\}% ---- %INCLUDE\{"OperatingSystem"\}% ---- %INCLUDE\{"OsVersion"\}% ---- -- %MAINWEB%.PeterThoeny - 20 Aug 2000 <br />