Note: since GNU Mach doesn't handle PAE, you need a PAE-disabled Hypervisor. Get the binaries [here]( - Copy gnumach-xen and hurd-modules to your dom0 /boot. - Copy hurd into /etc/xen, edit it for fixing access to your hurd / and swap - Run xm create -c hurd, gnumach should get started. - If xm complains about networking, it's Xen fault, see Xen documentation for how to configure the network. The simplest way is network-bridge with fixed IPs. If you want to generate these images, first get the gnumach-1-branch-Xen-branch branch from gnumach CVS. Then look for "Ugly" in kern/bootstrap.c, how to generate hurd-modules is explained there, and you'll have to fix EXT2FS_SIZE and LD_SO_SIZE by hand. Then use ./configure --enable-platform=xen && make The current hurd-modules was built from the debian packages hurd 20070606-2 and libc0.3 2.6.1-1.