**Welcome to the home** of the Hurd TWiki. :cool: It is a web-based collaboration effort for anything related to the GNU operating system and its core, the Hurd. It was announced on [May 12, 2002](http://mail.gnu.org/pipermail/bug-hurd/2002-May/008342.html) and is growing quickly. _Please take note as we will soon be moving data around to accomodate new TWiki webs. We hope this will help clarify the different aspects of the GNU/Hurd efforts for new users._ In our Wiki everyone is equal and shares equal rights, liberties and responsibilities. Feel free to add content, but please respect the guidelines set forth in the %TWIKIWEB%.GoodStyle rules. _For content on the Hurd Wiki we would prefer that you create your own [[Main/TWikiUsers]] on the %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiRegistration page_. You may also use the [[Main/TWikiGuest]] account when commenting on topics.

The Gnu Hurd?

  • Welcome Note - sent monthly to
    Debian-Hurd@lists.debian.org & Help-Hurd@gnu.org
  • Official GNU/Hurd site
  • Debian GNU/Hurd port
  • Hurd Names?
  • Debian GNUHurd Licensing?
  • Distributed Servers?
  • Newbie Questions? - More than frequently asked questions
  • Hurd FAQ
  • relation between GNU and the Hurd
  • Known Hurd Limits? - Limitations of the GNU operating system
  • Install Notes? - How to install the GNU system
    • Tarball Notes 20020816? - see Tarball Notes Home? for a summary
    • CDNotes K 1? - see CDNotes Home? for a summary
    • Bochs? - Our recommended virtual machine solution.
      • Bochs FAQ? - Common questions you should read.
      • VMware? - Why we don't support it.
    • Grub Notes? - quick reference

  • Community & People
    • Mail Lists? - Available mailing lists
    • Seen Hurd? - Listings of GNU/Hurd appearances
    • Who Runs GNU? - Does RMS run it on his desktop yet?
    • Savannah Projects? - includes CVS & Bug systems
    • Hurd Developers? - Who's who?
    • Personal Hurd Pages? - Users with Hurd wiki pages
    • User Groups? - Canadian, French & Russian
    • Hurd IRC? - 24 x 7, some channels have 7 day rolling summaries

Hot Topics (more?) Top Contributors
%INCLUDE{"WebStatistics" pattern=".*?\-\-statTopContributors\-\-\>[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+(\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|).*"}%

More search options in Web Search?

Currently, Web refers to the Hurd Web.

  • Web Changes? - by modification time
  • Web Statistics? - as above plus more
  • Web Index? - alphabetical
  • Web Notify? - email notification
  • Web Preferences? - administrative

## Microkernel Systems * [[Mach/GnuMach]] 1.3 - aging "current" microkernel * [[Mach/OskitMach]] (a.k.a. [[Mach/OskitMach]]) * [[Mach/OskitMachStatusList]] - Status and TODO information * [[PortToL4]] - Distant future kernel * [rtmk](http://rtmk.sf.net/) - Somewhat unrelated, but one goal is to port the Hurd. * [[MicroKernelFUD]] - Informative text on anti micro kernel propaganda ## Developer Related * [[PortingIssues]] - Tips for common porting problems. * Technical Status * [[GNUHurdStatus]] - What's necessary before the next release. * [[CodeAnnouncements]] - Recent coding projects related to the Hurd * Savannah [Help Wanted](http://savannah.gnu.org/people/?group=hurd) list * [[ABITransitionStatus]] - Transitional information (dated) * [[Mach/OskitMachStatusList]] - Status and TODO information * Proposed [[HurdWnpp]] - List of packages that need help. * Infrastructure * [[BtsFiling]] - How to file a bug report. * [[DebianPackages]] - Developer & informational. * [[BuilddStatus]] - Autobuilder (buildd & turtle) status reports. * Technical References * GNU [Hurd docs](http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/docs.html) and papers * GNU [Coding Standards](http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards.html) * [[TestSuites]] - Posix, Perl, results feedback, etc. * Debian [Developer's Corner](http://www.debian.org/devel/) * [Policy Manual](http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/) * Developer's [Reference](http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/) * New Maintainers [Guide](http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/) ## Misc. * [Misc. Docs @Etherhogz](http://www.etherhogz.org/doc/) * [Ognyan Kulev Collection](http://debian.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/~ogi/hurd/links/index.html) of links * [2000 Jim Franklin Collection](http://angg.twu.net/the_hurd_links.html) of links * [[GnuDebianRelationship]] - How does the GNU/Debian relationship work? * [[FunnyHurd]] - Logos, rumors and other funny stuff mentioning "Hurd" ---- ## Notes * A maintenance discussion regarding the Hurd Wiki can be found in [[HurdTWikiDiscuss]]. * While the new permanent home for this site is we need to find a permanent host as well. See the [[HurdWikiMove]] topic for more information. Also [[HurdGnuFansOrg]] HTML page discussion * Copyright and legal discussions are found in [[HurdWikiCopyrightDiscuss]]. * Information on the [TeamWorkWiki](http://twiki.org) (The T stands for Take Five originally -- [[Main/GrantBow]]) or %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest notes and %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiTutorial pages.