**Welcome to the home of** the Hurd TWiki. It is a web-based collaboration effort for anything related to the Hurd. It was announced on [May 12, 2002](http://mail.gnu.org/pipermail/bug-hurd/2002-May/008342.html) and is growing quickly. Recently this wiki moved to its new permanent home, . Please update your bookmarks if you got redirected here from the old location. In our Wiki everyone is equal and shares equal rights, liberties and responsibilities. Feel free to add content, but please respect the guidelines set forth in the %TWIKIWEB%.GoodStyle rules. For content on the Hurd Wiki we would prefer that you create your own [user account](http://vmlinux.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/TWikiUsers) on the %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiRegistration page. You may also see [[Main/TWikiGuest]] for info on how to use the guest account.

  • The Gnu Hurd?
    • Welcome Note - sent monthly to
      Debian-Hurd@lists.debian.org & Help-Hurd@gnu.org
    • official GNU/Hurd site
    • Debian GNU/Hurd port
    • Hurd Names?
    • Install Notes? - How to install the GNU Hurd
      • Tarball Notes 20020816?
      • CDNotes J 2?
      • Grub Notes? - quick reference
      • Newbie Questions? - More than frequently asked questions
      • Hurd FAQ
      • Known Hurd Limits? - Limitations of the GNU operating system
    • Community & People
      • Mail Lists? - Available mailing lists
      • Seen Hurd? - Listings of Hurd appearances
      • Who Runs GNU? - Does RMS run it on his desktop yet?
      • Savannah Projects? - includes CVS & Bug systems
      • Hurd Developers?
      • Personal Hurd Pages?
      • User Groups? - Canadian, French & Russian
      • Hurd IRC? - 24 x 7, some channels have 7 day rolling summaries

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