Welcome to the home of **%WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB%**. This is a web-based collaboration area for anything related to the Hurd. It was announced on [May 12, 2002](http://mail.gnu.org/pipermail/bug-hurd/2002-May/008342.html) and is growing quickly. In our Wiki everyone is equal and shares equal rights, liberties and responsibilities. Feel free to add content, but please respect the guidelines set forth in the %TWIKIWEB%.GoodStyle rules. For content on the Hurd Wiki we would prefer that you create your own account on the %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiRegistration page and use that instead of a [[Main/TWikiGuest]] account (see that page for info on how to use the guest account). * [[TheGnuHurd]] * [[KnownHurdLimits]] * [[InstallNotes]] * [[NewbieQuestions]] * [[ABITransitionStatus]] * [[MailLists]] * [[BtsFiling]] * [[GnuDebianRelationship]] * Developer Related * [[BuilddStatus]] * [[HurdWnpp]] * Hurd microkernels * [[GnuMach]] - Current kernel * [[OskitMach]] - Near future kernel, [[OskitMachStatusList]] * [Oskit Mach Alpha Port](http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gnumach-alpha/) * [[OskitL4]] - Distant future kernel * [[MicroKernelFUD]] * Hurd People * [[HurdDevelopers]] * [[PersonalHurdPages]] * [[UserGroups]] * [[SeenHurd]] * [[HurdLinks]] **Notes:** * You are currently in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. Its background is in a greyish tone, similar to . * If you are unfamiliar with the [TeamWorkWiki](http://twiki.org), visit the %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest or the %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiTutorial pages for an intro. * See [[TWikiHostingStuff]], for standard TWiki Web miscellanea. * Maintenance of the %WEB% wiki web is found in [[HurdTWikiDiscuss]]. * Copyright and legal discussions, [[HurdWikiCopyrightDiscuss]].