## The Hurd This part of the wiki is dedicated to the the Hurd servers, the most important components comprising the GNU operating system. Built on top of the Mach microkernel the servers are designed to replace the functionality provided by regular monolithic UNIX kernels. If you cannot find what you look for the topic might have been moved to the new Distrib, Mach or GNU TWiki webs. This has been done to help clarify the different aspects of the GNU/Hurd efforts for new users. For an introduction to this site, see .

The Gnu Hurd?
About the GNU/Hurd System
GNUHurd Status?
Things TODO before the next release
Welcome Note
sent monthly to debian-hurd@lists.debian.org & help-hurd@gnu.org
Hurd Names?
What does the HURD acronym stand for?
Known Hurd Limits?
Limitations of the GNU operating system. Includes updates on the status of Random Device? (for ssh), Dhcp Client?, Ppp Daemon?, Hurd Console?, Ext Two Size?, other filesystems, etc.
Neighbor Hurd?
A concept possible with microkernels
Seen Hurd?
GNU/Hurd sightings
Funny Hurd?
Logos, rumors and other funny unrelated stuff mentioning "Hurd"
Hurd FAQ
For anything else you cannot find here.

GNU/Hurd Technical References

  • Docs and papers
  • Building Hurd?
  • Distributed Servers? - architecture made possible by the Hurd
  • Hurd Specific Glibc Api?
  • ABITransition Status? - Old info (early 2002) on the ABI transition
  • Kernel Cousin Debian Hurd?
  • Mach.Oskit Mach Status List? - Status and TODO information
  • Power PC port, using OSF Mach
  • Neighbour Hurd - Using and a neighbour for testing and debugging.

Install Notes?
How to install the GNU system.
For Further information, See the Distrib? web.

Community & People
Please see the Main? web for registered users information and Hurd community resources.

Microkernel Systems
Please see the Mach? web

Developer Related
Please see above and the Distrib? web

Hot Topics (more?) Top Contributors
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More search options in Web Search?

Currently, Web refers to the Hurd Web.

  • Web Index? - alphabetical
  • Web Changes? - by modification time
  • Web Notify? - email alerts

---- This site was [announced](http://mail.gnu.org/pipermail/bug-hurd/2002-May/008342.html) on May 12, 2002. The following are checkpoints for maintenance and administration:
TWiki.TWiki Discuss?
Maintenance topic for the Hurd Wiki as a whole.
TWiki.Hurd Wiki Copyright Discuss?
Copyright, licensing and legal discussion.
TWiki.Hurd Wiki Move?
We're looking for a more permanent host.
Main.Hurd Gnu Fans Org Discuss?
Topic about the http://hurd.gnunfans.org front HTML page.
Web Preferences?
For the admins only, personal settings on your home topic.
* [[ATTACHURLhurd-J2-CD1frontsxd]]: OOo format: excuse me, GIMP and TWiki illiterate * [[ATTACHURLhurd-J2-CD1rearsxd]]: OOo format: excuse me, GIMP and TWiki illiterate * Excuse me, GIMP and TWiki illiterate, GNUbe ;):
![hurd-J2-CD1front.png](%ATTACHURLPATH%/hurd-J2-CD1front.png) * Excuse me, GIMP and TWiki illiterate, GNUbe ;):