## Welcome to the Hurd Web This TWiki web is for anything SPECIFICALLY related to _the Hurd_, the core of the [[GNU/WebHome]] operating system. Much of the information previously here now logically falls under the new [[Distrib/WebHome]], [[Mach/WebHome]] and [[GNU/WebHome]] TWiki webs. We hope this will help clarify the different aspects of the GNU/Hurd efforts for new users. For an introduction to the Hurd Wiki, see .

The Gnu Hurd?

GNUHurd Status?
What's necessary before the next release. Welcome Note: sent monthly to
Debian-Hurd@lists.debian.org & Help-Hurd@gnu.org
Hurd Names?
What does the HURD acronym stand for?
Known Hurd Limits?
Limitations of the GNU operating system. Includes updates on the status of DHCP, Random translator, filesystems, etc.
Seen Hurd?
Listings of GNU/Hurd appearances
Funny Hurd?
Logos, rumors and other funny unrelated stuff mentioning "Hurd"

Hurd FAQ

Relation between GNU and the Hurd

Distributed Servers?
system architecture made possible by the Hurd servers.
ABITransition Status?
Old info (early 2002) on Application Binary Interface (ABI) transitional information
GNU/Hurd Technical References
  • Docs and papers
  • Hurd Specific Glibc Api?
  • Mach.Oskit Mach Status List? - Status and TODO information

Pages not specific to the Hurd itself

  • Install Notes? - How to install the GNU system
    • For Further information, See the Distrib? web.

Hot Topics (more?) Top Contributors
%INCLUDE{"WebStatistics" pattern=".*?\-\-statTopContributors\-\-\>[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+(\|[^\|]+\|[^\|]+\|).*"}%

More search options in Web Search?

Currently, Web refers to the Hurd Web.

  • Web Changes? - by modification time
  • Web Statistics? - as above plus more
  • Web Index? - alphabetical
  • Web Notify? - email notification

## Community & People * Please see the [[Main/WebHome]] web that contains information about all the people registered on this TWiki system and for information about the members and resources for the Hurd community. ## Microkernel Systems * Please see the [[Mach/WebHome]] web ## Developer Related * Please see above and the [[Distrib/WebHome]] web. ---- ## Notes * This site was [announced](http://mail.gnu.org/pipermail/bug-hurd/2002-May/008342.html) on May 12, 2002. * Introductory information can be found on the %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest notes and %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiTutorial pages. Additional information about the TWiki software that is used to power this site is available from the TWiki homepage. * Maintenance discussions regarding the Hurd Wiki can be found in [[TWiki/TWikiDiscuss]]. * Copyright and legal discussions are found in [[HurdWikiCopyrightDiscuss]]. * While the new permanent home for this site is we need to find a more permanent host as well. See the [[HurdWikiMove]] topic for more information. * The [[Main/HurdGnuFansOrgDiscuss]] discuss the front page. * [[WebPreferences]] - administrative