# <a name="Toronto_GNU_Hurd_User_Group"> </a> Toronto (GNU/)Hurd User Group We are the first of the [[WebHome]] [[UserGroups]], and consequently the biggest! Our name is a slight misnomer, since we have plenty of members who live outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We have a members in the Kitchener/Waterloo area who are about two hours from Toronto (by automobile,) and a member in Oakland, California, USA who is about two hours from Toronto (by aeroplane.) ## <a name="Membership"> Membership </a> Anyone can join! Just find us, and help contribute to the [[WebHome]]. ## <a name="Services"> Services </a> Currently, we maintain a [Savannah](http://savannah.gnu.org) project site at <http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/thug>. As well, our web page links to lots of useful [documentation](http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/thug/docs.html). ## <a name="Contact_us"> Contact us </a> Our website can be found at: <http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/thug/>. You can typically find us in the #thug channel on the OpenProjects IRC network (irc.debian.org). As well, we have a mailing list at [thug at gnu dot org](http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/thug). -- [[Main/SimonLaw]] - 25 May 2002