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  <p align="left">Autor: <b>Alejandro Sanchez Acosta</b></p>
  <p align="left">You can contact with me sending a mail to the following mail address: <b>raciel at x0und punto net</b></p>
  <p align="left">Here you can see a little summary about my diary:</p>
  <p align="left"> On <b>20 July 2002</b> I send a mail to Gnome Hispano asking for resources to Mono Hispano foundation.</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>21 July 2002</b> Alvaro del Castillo giveme some resources to Mono Hispano (mailing list, CVS..)</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>22 July 2002</b> I send the first mail to the Mono Hispano List telling the objetives and the future of Mono Hispano</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>25 July 2002</b> I start with some projects about documentation in Mono Hispano, a tutorial of C#, remoting, NET.</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>5 August 2002</b> I translated the document about embedding mono runtime of Miguel de Icaza and Paulo Molaro.</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>15 August 2002</b> I and Alvaro make the conference about Mono Hispano for IV Hispalinux.</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>20 August 2002</b> I translated the document about unmanaged calls and P/Invoke of dietmar.</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>25 August 2002</b> Ismael Olea give me CVS account to upload my articles ant tutorials to TLDP-es</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>28 August 2002</b> I start preparing my exams and doing all the pending practices.</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>7 September 2002</b> I talk with the kernelcoders author about the intent to mount an spanish comunity of kernel coders.</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>9 September 2002</b> I ask for to create a mailing list about Hurd and the creation of Hurd Hispano in the spanish gnu group(www.es.gnu.org)</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>13 September 2002</b> I finish translating a document about NET</p>
  <p align="left">On <b>15 September 2002</b> I start documenting a little about garbage collector. </p>
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