# Table of Contents %TOC% # Introduction This page is a simple project page for me. I use it to keep track of things concerning the Hurd. If you wish to comment on my lack of progress/life the do so in [[TWiki/GoodStyle]], preferable at the bottom of this topic. # Current Project I am currently working on updating the OSKit's Linux drivers from Linux 2.2.12 to 2.2.21 plus the ATA-100 patches for Linux 2.2.19. This because my Promise ATA-100 controller at home prevents me from running the Hurd on my SMP machine. (Even though I now have rigged another machine for my testing efforts ...) ## Project plan: Update OSKit Linux drivers I have forked. I will now work on two paths: 1. Patch ALL drivers, patch by patch, from 2.2.12 to 2.2.13 etc. 2. Continue my work on patching only the IDE stuff. Yesterday I patched the Linux drivers (all of them) from 2.2.12 to 2.2.13, I found a **stable** oskit-mach (before the Roland messup with the GDT's) sitting in an old directory - dated June 2002. (Don't get me started on stable tags on the CVS and the likes!) After having built both of them I finally, after almost six months of no results, managed to successfully boot the oskit-linux-2.2.13-mach-binary and start the Hurd! * Diff file [patch-oskit-linux-2.2.13.diff.gz](http://vmlinux.org/joachim/hurd/patch-oskit-linux-2.2.13.diff.gz) This month (I'm getting more moderate in my time plan) I will **try** to continue patching towards Linux 2.2.21. As I progress I will update this page. ## Old Project plan 1. Start off with OSKit, St. Patrick's Day release. 2. Upgrade the Linux IDE drivers to Linux 2.2.19, and 2.2.21 3. Test against HEAD branch of gnumach (oskit-mach) 4. Import the ATA-100 patch. 5. Test again. 6. Release fat patch. I will do this in parts, see status table below. ## Old Status
Part Brief description DIFF Date
I Upgrade IDE drivers TGZ May 4, 2002
II Import ATA-100 patches: PDC20267 HPT366. -- --
III Upgrade to Linux 2.2.21 of IDE drivers. -- --
IV Upgrade rest of ATA-100 drivers. -- --
V Upgrade ISA NIC's. -- --
VI Upgrade rest of drivers. -- --
## Accessing GNU CVS export CVSROOT=":pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.gnu.org:/cvsroot/hurd" ## OSKit-Mach Troubles * Building OSKit & Mach and optimizations, context SMP: * OSKit \_\_libc\_multiple\_libcs: * Enabling OSKit drivers in Mach: * IDE Bios probe trap on page zero problem: * Neal announces oskit-mach binary: * Neal crashes with OSKit 200009 on 0x104: * Igor crashes on 0x104: # Future Work 1. Enable [[FreeBSD]] drivers from OSKit in Mach. Checked that, does not work easily since the [[FreeBSD]] drivers are initialized from the [[FreeBSD]] PCI probe. OSKit-Mach uses the Linux PCI stuff and hence it would not be done easily. 2. Use the sound drivers in the OSKit -- port a useful sound daemon. 3. I want to get SMP working with OSKit-mach. # Links Misc. links for my pleasure only. * [Savannah - GNU CVS](http://savannah.gnu.org) * [Gnu/Hurd](http://hurd.gnu.org) * [OSKit-mach docs](http://www.etherhogz.org/doc/) * "Building OSKit-Mach" the document: * [Walken Hurd hackers guide](http://www.via.ecp.fr/~walken/hurd/) [(mirror)](http://vmlinux.org/crash/mirror/www.via.ecp.fr/) * [CMU CS Mach pages](http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/mach/public/www/mach.html) * [Univ. of Utah's Mach 4](http://www.cs.utah.edu/projects/flux/mach4/html/) * OSKit [HTML](http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit/html/oskit-www.html) or [PS.GZ](http://vmlinux.org/joachim/hurd/oskit.ps.gz) manual. Mach docs * wget -m -np (nearly 250M) * wget -m -np (nearly 2G (e.g. includes oskit)) * wget -m -np (About 20-30M) * ---- -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 28 Okt 2002