The [installation]( page is the logical place to start. Neal Walfield's [guide]( is excellent. Items not mentioned elsewhere include: * The current system install image is located temporarily located * a recommended /etc/apt/sources.list deb unstable main deb ftp:/ unstable main deb-src unstable main * Some packages like libc6-dev are old yet depended on by other packages not yet updated. In this particular case, I believe the new dependency is libc0.3-dev. However these dependencies may cause problems for apt. To circumvent these problems there are two general solutions. * The first is to change the dependencies that apt looks at in the /var/lib/apt/lists/ directory. For example, you could modify libc0.3 to provide the missing libc6-dev package. * Installing the "equivs" package and creating a dummy package is the second alternative. This will satisfy the apt dependency in a cleaner manner. * To install under the bochs emulator Alfred M. Szmidt wrote a [great guide](