# Internet Relay Chat
The Hurd has its own #hurd channel hosted on [the Open Projects Network](http://www.openprojects.net). Connect to and /join [\#hurd](irc://irc.openprojects.net/#hurd) to start asking stupid questions ... err, /join [\#hurd-bunny](irc://irc.openprojects.net/#hurd-bunny) for the "stupid" questions. :-)
**_Channels related to the Hurd:_**
Server: irc.openprojects.net
* #hurd - general discussion, [logged](http://web.walfield.org/~hird/)
* #hurd-tech - technical focused discussion, [logged](http://web.walfield.org/~hird/)
* #hurd-bunny - Off-topic fun place.
* #hurd-fr - French speeking channel for Hurd:ers.
We use "Hird!" to say "Hello!" on the Hurd channels.
There does not exist any "stupid" questions!
We have all been beginners.
-- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 20 Jul 2002