# Internet Relay Chat
The Hurd has its own #hurd channel hosted on [Freenode.net](http://freenode.net) (renamed from [the Open Projects Network](http://www.openprojects.net)). Connect to and `/join #hurd` to begin.
We happen to have developers in Australia, Europe, Canada and the US so we have most time zones covered most of the time. Most of the logs are [kept here](http://web.walfield.org/~hird/) and collected by the Deride bot [source code](http://ftp.walfield.org/pub/people/neal/deride/), a new LISP bot written by Neal Walfield.
**_Lingo:_** We use "Hird!" to say "Hello!" on the Hurd channels. Why is this? Because a female member of the community once made this mistake when typing "Hi" and it has stuck ever since.
**_Note:_** "Stupid" questions do not exist! We do sometimes forget that we have all learned how to use IRC. Please don't mind the louder voices on the channel if they seem a bit caustic.
## #hurd - main channel
* [7 day](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-irc-stats-thisweek.html) summary (run nightly)
* [Full log](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-irc-stats-thisweek.html) summary (run nightly)
## #hurd-es - Spanish discussion
* [7 day](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-es-irc-stats-thisweek.html) summary (run nightly)
* [Full log](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-es-irc-stats.html) summary (run nightly)
## #hurdfr - French discussion
* [7 day](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurdfr-irc-stats-thisweek.html) summary (run nightly)
* [Full log](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurdfr-irc-stats.html) summary (run nightly)
logs not taken September 9, 2002 - October 14+, 2002. Neal told me it will start at the next reboot of hird whenever that is.
## #hurd-bunny - mostly non-technical, off topic & fun
* [Summary](http://bender.yi.org/hurd-bunny/)
#hurd-bunny logs are collected and hosted via a moobot run on another machine. [Old log](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-bunny-irc-stats.html) summary - logs no longer recorded using Deride.
#hurd-bunny is a place to discuss whatever you want with other people related to the Hurd project in some way. This is a social channel.
## #hurd-tech
This channel started as an "overflow" channel when #hurd gets too flooded and off-topic. It is no longer available.
-- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 20 Jul 2002
-- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 29 Dec 2002