# <a name="Internet_Relay_Chat"> Internet Relay Chat </a> The Hurd has its own #hurd channel hosted on [Freenode.net](http://freenode.net) (renamed from [the Open Projects Network](http://www.openprojects.net)). Connect to <irc://irc.freenode.net> and `/join #hurd` to begin. The main URLs for the project are <http://hurd.gnu.org> (official) and <http://hurd.gnufans.org> (this site) in that order. We happen to have developers in Australia, Europe, Canada and the US so we have most time zones covered most of the time. Most of the logs are [kept here](http://web.walfield.org/~hird/) and collected by the Deride bot [source code](http://ftp.walfield.org/pub/people/neal/deride/), a new LISP bot written by Neal Walfield. **_Lingo:_** We use "Hird!" to say "Hello!" on the Hurd channels. Why is this? Because a female member of the community once made this mistake when typing "Hi" and it has stuck ever since. **_Note:_** "Stupid" questions do not exist! We do sometimes forget that we have all learned how to use IRC. Please don't mind the louder voices on the channel if they seem a bit caustic. ## <a name="hurd_main_channel"> #hurd - main channel </a> * [7 day](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-irc-stats-thisweek.html) summary (run nightly) * [Full log](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-irc-stats-thisweek.html) summary (run nightly) ## <a name="hurd_es_Spanish_discussion"> #hurd-es - Spanish discussion </a> * [7 day](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-es-irc-stats-thisweek.html) summary (run nightly) * [Full log](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-es-irc-stats.html) summary (run nightly) ## <a name="hurdfr_French_discussion"> #hurdfr - French discussion </a> * [7 day](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurdfr-irc-stats-thisweek.html) summary (run nightly) * [Full log](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurdfr-irc-stats.html) summary (run nightly) logs seem to have been collected for September 9, 2002 - October 23, 2002 - January 10, 2003. ## <a name="hurd_bunny_mostly_non_technical_"> #hurd-bunny - mostly non-technical, off topic & fun </a> * [Summary](http://bender.yi.org/hurd-bunny/) #hurd-bunny logs are collected and hosted via a moobot run on another machine. [Old log](http://web.walfield.org/~grant/hurd-bunny-irc-stats.html) summary - logs no longer recorded using Deride. #hurd-bunny is a place to discuss whatever you want with other people related to the Hurd project in some way. This is a social channel. -- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 20 Jul 2002<br /> -- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 22 Jan 2003