If you've got more money on hand than hacking time, you might consider buying some [maintenance points](http://www.g10code.com/products.html) ($10 a point) to help the Hurd along. From the [g10 Code](http://www.g10code.com/main.html) site...

> Hurd Maintenance Points are special: Some of our employees are well known Hurd hackers in their spare time; collected points for this program will be given to them in form of paid time.

And for further motivation, some words of wisdom from Marcus Brinkmann...

> By the way, if you are more on the speculating side, then it can't harm to just buy one or two maintenance points. That means that at some time I get an incentive to start the hacking, and there is a chance that when I start I don't stop for a while, and just continue on my private time (as I did for the last five years, if I might add that ;).

See also this related [mailing-list](http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/help-hurd/2003-04/msg00044.html) thread.

And of course you can also donate to the [Free Software Foundation](https://agia.fsf.org/mp/order.py?make-donation=1) (just specify you want to contribute to the Hurd project).

-- [[Main/GregBuchholz]] - 20 Oct 2003