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# Introduction

* [[TheGnuHurd]] - A Brief Description
* [[History]]
* [[HurdNames]] - Acronym and Spelling
* [[GNUHurdStatus]]
* [[KnownHurdLimits]]
* [[FrequentlyAskedQuestions]]
* [[Translation]] - Localized sites about the Hurd
* [[HurdDonations]] - if you've got more money than hack time
* [[Shopping]]
* [[FunnyHurd]] - From a different Herd

## Understanding the Hurd

* <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/docs.html" target="_top">Official documentation,  papers and presentations</a>: Available form the Hurd Web site.
* <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd-paper.html" target="_top">Towards a New  Strategy of OS Design</a>: an architectural overview by Thomas Bushnell, BSG. Marcus Brinkmann <a href="http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/l4-hurd/2005-10/msg00651.html" target="_top">revisited some parts of the paper</a> and Jonathan S. Shapiro <a href="http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/l4-hurd/2005-10/msg00654.html" target="_top">has further comments</a>
* <a href="http://kilobug.free.fr/hurd/pres-en/slides/slides.html" target="_top">Presentation by  Ga�l Le Mignot</a>
* [[DistributedServers]]: Architecture made possible by the Hurd.
* [[TranslatorPages]] - List of Hurd Translators

# Using the Hurd

* [[Running]]
* [[Distrib]] - Distributions
* [[PublicHurdBoxen]]

## Common Problems

* [[HurdConsole]]
* [[Xfree86]]
* [[DebianX]]
* [[DebianXorg]]
* [[GNUstep]]
* [[CrossCompiling]]
* [[XattrHurd]]: Setting translators under GNU/Linux
* [[SerialConsole]]: Setting up a serial console.

# Contributing

* [[ToDo]]
* [[SeenHurd]] - Media references

# Developer References

* [[Debugging]]
* [[HurdSpecificGlibcApi]]: Functions in GLIBC for the Hurd.
* <a href="http://www.htu.tugraz.at/~past/hurd/global/" target="_top">Hurd Sourcecode Reference</a>: Searchable and browsable index of the code.