## GNU, FSF & RMS GNU stands for GNU's Not Unix. It is a [project](http://www.fsf.org/gnu/gnu.html) announced in [1983](http://www.fsf.org/gnu/initial-announcement.html) by Richard M Stallman ([RMS](http://www.stallman.org)). The Free Software Foundation ([FSF](http://www.fsf.org/fsf/fsf.html)) was founded in 1995. This is the parent organization for many different projects. Some non-GNU projects are now hosted on the [Savannah](http://savannah.gnu.org) platform similar to SourceForge.net.

Copyleft Licenses?
Information on the licenses used on GNU software, and on other free software licenses
Free Documentation License?
A relatively new license used by the FSF to extend the copyright of documentation.
FAQ Link
What is the relation between GNU and Hurd?
If you would like to help the GNU movement visit the official site at http://www.gnu.org.

Welcome Note
Introduction to GNU and the Hurd sent monthly to Help-Hurd@gnu.org.

Web Discuss?
Meta discussion about how to make this section of the site better.
Web Preferences?
administrative info.

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More search options in Web Search?

Currently, Web refers to the GNU Web.

  • Web Index? - alphabetical
  • Web Changes? - by modification time
    • Web Notify? - email alerts