Sporadic efforts by numerous individuals have been made to keep the information in this wiki current. The hope that the primary development team would make this a canonical source has not been fulfilled. While some of the information and links here are still valid, unfortunately much is not.
-- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 24 Jul 2007
GNU stands for GNU's Not Unix. It is a project announced in 1983 by [[RichardStallman]] (RMS). The Free Software Foundation ([FSF](http://www.fsf.org/fsf/fsf.html)) was founded in 1985 to act as a parent organization for GNU and many other projects. GNU and some non-GNU projects are now hosted on the [Savannah](http://savannah.gnu.org) platform similar to SourceForge.net.
- [[History]]
- Background information about the GNU Project.
- [[GnuNames]]
- A page describing the name GNU itself and it's usage.
- [[TheGnuManifesto]]
- A founding document that still influences the system's technical design and moral philosophy.
- [[CopyleftLicenses]]
- Information on the licenses used on GNU software, and on other free software licenses
- [[FreeDocumentationLicense]]
- A relatively new license used by the FSF to extend the copyright of documentation.
- FAQ Link
- What is the relation between GNU and Hurd?
- Assisting
- If you would like to help the GNU movement visit the official site at http://www.gnu.org.
- [[SoftwareProjects]]
- Information about other GNU projects.
- gnu-system-discuss
- Mailing list for discussion about the GNU system.