# Getting Your GNU/Hurd Running This web is about the distribution of the software. Right now the [Debian GNU/Hurd](http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/) distribution is the only organized distribution. However a non-Debian [GNU OS](http://hurd.gnu.org) distribution is being discussed, as well as a [Gentoo GNU/Hurd](http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=41939&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0) one.



Debian GNU/Hurd port
Official page about the Debian distribution of the GNU/Hurd system. This is the only current distribution system available.

Welcome Note
Introduction to GNU and the Hurd sent monthly to Help-Hurd@gnu.org.

Software Licensing?
The copyright and license information for software that is distributed with the Hurd software is important. Debian has it's DFSG guidelines. Other distributions will need to address these same issues.

Frequently Asked Questions
The Hurd FAQ is a key resource. New Questions? includes more questions and answers. A good document on how to ask good questions is ESR's Smart Questions.

Gnu Debian Relationship?
How does the GNU/Debian relationship work?

Software Licensing?
The copyright and license information for software that is distributed with the Hurd software is important. Debian has it's DFSG guidelines. Other distributions will need to address these same issues.

Hot Topics (more?) Top Contributors
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More search options in Web Search?

Currently, Web refers to the Distrib Web.

  • Web Index? - alphabetical
  • Web Changes? - by modification time
  • Web Notify? - email alerts

## Installation
Install Instructions
Neal Walfield wrote a step-by-step guide that is the first document anyone installing Debian GNU/Hurd should read. Install Notes? is an errata companion document with more helpful hints that have not yet been incorporated.
Release Information
About the latest CD release (today the CDNotes K 1? and Tarball Notes 20020816?) Includes errata, known bugs and fixes. See CDNotes Home? and Tarball Notes Home? for summaries
Grub Notes?
A quick reference and explanation. There's also a topic for the new Grub Conf?.
Another installation method is using an emulated environment. The [[BochsEmulator]] is the recommended virtual machine solution. * [[BochsFAQ]] - Common questions you should read. * [[VmWare]] - Why using it is discouraged.
Debian Installer
Work has been started by James Morrison and Glenn McGrath to Port Debootstrap?. There is also a New Debian Installer?. Why should Hurd folks care? It's important becuase this is the next generation installer that is intended to be used by all ports when Sarge is released.
## For Developers
Savannah Projects?
Savannah is a CVS & Bug system evolved from a free version of the code that powers sourceforge.net. It has forked and been slightly modified for use by FSF, GNU and non-GNU projects. Actual Development takes place here. There is also a help wanted list.
Porting Issues? FAQ
What does it take to move a piece of Debian packaged software to the GNU/Hurd port?
Building The Hurd?
A summary by the Gentoo folks, thanks Jon Portnoy - avenj@gentooNOSPAM.org
Debain Infrastructure
Testing is critical in helping the development effort. Bugs (defect reports) can be filed against the Debian software package in which they are found. Bts Filing? tells how to file a Debian bug report. Debian Packages? has some information about how Debian splits the software into packages and some references. There is a buildd autobuilder compiling the Debian Sid archive software for the GNU/Hurd port. Buildd Status? includes information on the buildd & turtle efforts.
Technical References
There are many standards and documents that might be applicable for those interested in developing software.
* GNU [Coding Standards](http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards.html) * [[TestSuites]] - Posix, Perl, results feedback, etc. * [docs and papers](http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/docs.html) * [[Hurd/HurdSpecificGlibcApi]] * [[CodeAnnouncements]] - Recent coding projects related to the Hurd
Debian Developer's Corner
The following references are provided as a starting point for those interested in helping to package software for Debian GNU/Hurd and Debian GNU/Linux.
* [Policy Manual](http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/) * Developer's [Reference](http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/) * New Maintainers [Guide](http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/) * There are many Debian email lists
Debian Todo
Packages needing attention. A possible use of this site could be to help track similar needs via Hurd Wnpp?. This is not yet implemented.
Gnu Distribution Rumors?
There are some discussions and several rumors circulating about creating a completely new distribution, not using a Debian architecture.
## Misc.
Why a seperate section of the website for this?
There are fundamentally different issues about distributions compared with coding. Distributions are concerned with final default configurations of packaged software and system integration as they use many software packages and help give users a sense of using an OS "product."
Why Debian?
A one page document focused on Debian aimed at users to answer their question "Why Debian?"
Debian Product Sheet?
Technical description of Debian aimed at those interested in Debian.
* [Misc. Docs @Etherhogz](http://www.etherhogz.org/doc/) * [Ognyan Kulev Collection](http://debian.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/~ogi/hurd/links/index.html) of links * [2000 Jim Franklin Collection](http://angg.twu.net/the_hurd_links.html) of links ---- Meta discussions about the Distrib web goes in the [[WebDiscuss]] topic. [[WebPreferences]] - administrative