## <a name="Maintenance_of_the_WEB_web"> Maintenance of the %WEB% web </a>

I've setup a preliminary front page for the Distrib web. Nothing fancy, but I think it's better to have a general idea on display rather than nothing. This is your baby Grant. :)

Where should all this stuff go?

<form action="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/search%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/SearchResult">
    <li><input name="search" size="32" type="text" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" />    (More options in <span style="background:"><font color="">Web Search</font></span><a href="http://LOCATION/WebSearch">?</a>) </li>
    <li><span style="background:"><font color="">Web Changes</font></span><a href="http://LOCATION/WebChanges">?</a>: Find out recent modifications to the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. </li>
    <li><span style="background:"><font color="">Web Index</font></span><a href="http://LOCATION/WebIndex">?</a>: Display all %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% topics in alphabetical order. See also the faster <span style="background:"><font color="">Web Topic List</font></span><a href="http://LOCATION/WebTopicList">?</a></li>
    <li> %NOTIFYTOPIC%: Subscribe to be automatically notified when something changes in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. </li>
    <li> %STATISTICSTOPIC%: View access statistics of the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. </li>
    <li> %WEBPREFSTOPIC%: Preferences of the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. </li>


* You are currently in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. The color code for this web is a (SPECIFY COLOR) background, so you know where you are.
* If you are not familiar with the %WIKITOOLNAME% collaboration tool, please visit %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%TWIKIWEB% web first.


-- [[Main/JoachimNilsson]] - 28 Nov 2002