While Debian Developers and users use the official [WNPP](http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/) (Work Needed and Prospective Packages) page, a system of special bugs in the [Debian Bug Tracking System](http://bugs.debian.org/), this page is intended to give another location (and method) for giving feedback and provide status for developers of the Hurd. Please simply add a package name, the person's name sho's porting it, possibly with URL or as a separate page if you have relevant notes on the package.

This data is for porting purposes only. Any conflict between the Debian BTS data and the data here should be resolved in favor of the Debian BTS. It's hoped this page will allow people to keep notes on packages that need some care.

Packages in need of porting help:

* Ported packages up for adoption

* Ported orphaned packages

* Packages currently being ported

* Rewritten/replaced packages
  * fakeroot - [status](http://mail.gnu.org/pipermail/bug-hurd/2002-May/008322.html)

* Requested packages
  * [Entropy Gathering Daemon](http://bugs.debian.org/145498) - Mako Hill

-- created 19 May 2002