This page describes the packaging policy for translators.
**Naming Scheme**
Possible package naming schemes (foo is a filesystem based translator, bar is a node based translator)
\* foofs, bar [this will make searching somewhat more of a hassle]
\* foofs-trans, bar-trans
\* foofs-translator, bar-translator
\* hurd-translator-foofs, hurd-translator-bar
\* source package should be called whatever the tarball/cvs module says
\* do we need to destinguish between file system and node based translators?
**Where to put files**
\* They should go into /hurd
\* What about setting passive translators in /servers or /dev?
**Short/Long description guidelines**
[packagename]: Foo translator for [doing bar] Foo is a GNU/Hurd translator which does [bar]
-- [[Main/MichaelBanck]] - 10 Mar 2006