# Debian GNU/Hurd FAQ
See also [[Hurd/FrequentlyAskedQuestions]] and [[DebianAfterInstall]]
## df
There is no /etc/mtab, so just running \`df' will yield an error. Pass df a path like \`df /' or \`df .' to see the disk usage of that particular file system.
## sshd
You need to disable [[PriviledgeSeperation]] in /etc/ssh/sshd\_options. Also make sure you have /dev/random, see below.
## /dev/random
There is no random device by default as no secure implementation has been finished yet. An easy (but very insecure) work-around is to copy a binary file like \`/bin/bash' to /dev/random and /dev/urandom.
## Hurd console
Edit /etc/default/hurd-console to configure the Hurd console and enable it on bootup. See [[Hurd/HurdConsole]] for further information about the Hurd console.
## swap
## 2GB harddisk limit
The 2GB limit has been removed in Debian GNU/Hurd.
## Free memory
Run \`vmstat' to see memory and swap usage.
## translators
## 512MB RAM limit
GNU Mach does not cope well with lots of memory. The best is to limit the memory it can see via GRUB's upppermem feature. Add \`uppermem 786432' to GRUB's Hurd entry in menu.lst
This should be fixed.
## xserver-common
You need to run \`dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common' and select \`Anybody' for starting X as there is no way to detect console users currently.
## emacs-snapshot uninstallable
## reporting Bugs
Please try to reproduce bugs which are not obviously Hurd-specific on Debian GNU/Linux and then file them there.
If you find a genuine issue in Debian GNU/Hurd, please file it in our Alioth bug tracker at [http://alioth.debian.org/tracker/?atid=411594&group\_id=30628&func=browse](http://alioth.debian.org/tracker/?atid=411594&group_id=30628&func=browse) If you find a bug in the Hurd or GNU Mach themselves, either file a bug against the respective Debian packages, or directly at
## ps hangs
If \`ps' hangs, try \`ps -M' which might still works.
## porting packages
## debugging glibc
To get debugging information for glibc, you need to install the libc0.3-dbg package. At the place gdb looks for debugging symbols by default (/usr/lib/debug/lib/), Debian's libc0.3-dbg stores only frame unwind information. If you want to step into glibc while debugging, you need to add LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH=/usr/lib/debug to gdb's environment. If that still does not work, try LD\_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/debug/libc.so.0.3 instead. You can add to gdb's environment via "set env FOO bar" from the gdb command line.
It seems that this is no longer needed with the Debian glibc 2.5 packages, but I may as well be wrong. Have to check that again.
## debugging translators
In order to debug translators and being able to step into glibc during it, you need the hurd-dbg and libc0.3-dbg packages installed. Then start the translator like settrans -P /foo /usr/bin/env LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH=/usr/lib/debug /hurd/foofs". The -P option will make it pause and you will be able to attach gdb to the process.
Is starting the translator like this really needed?
## other repositories
If you want to use the _apt-get source_ facility, make sure that _/etc/apt/sources.list_ contains a line like
deb-src http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian unstable main
... replacing _de_ with your homeland's code.
## kernel logs
The kernel logs are written to /dev/klog by Mach. Run "cat /dev/klog > foo" as root and hit ctrl+c after a few seconds to catch the logs. You can do this only once and do not do this in single-user mode (where ctrl+c does not work).
## \`bad hypermeta data'
If you get the error \`bad hypermeta data' when trying to mount an ext3 partition from GNU/Linux, that is usually because the file system has not been unmonted cleanly (maybe GNU/Linux got suspended to disk) and the Hurd cannot mount it as ext2 without checking. Either boot back into GNU/Linux remount it once or you can try to run "fsck.ext3" from GNU/Hurd directly.
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-- [[Main/MichaelBanck]] - 14 Mar 2006
Mentioned Hurd FAQ. reformated. -- [[Main/AaronHawley]] - 14 Mar 2006