## Installing packages without having a network connection. This procedure is based on (package apt-doc). Having _apt_ installed is needed to use it. Put into Debian GNU/Hurd's /etc/apt/. #### You _can_ mount your Debian GNU/Hurd partition under another OS. Networked system, user root # mkdir SOMEWHERE # mount /dev/DEBIAN_GNU_HURD_PARTITON SOMEWHERE # cd SOMEWHERE # apt-get -c etc/apt/apt.conf.offline {update, upgrade, install foo, etc.} Debian GNU/Hurd, user root # apt-get {update, upgrade, install foo, etc.} #### You _can't_ mount your Debian GNU/Hurd partition under another OS. Debian GNU/Hurd, user root # tar -cf SOMEWHERE/tar /etc/apt/{apt.conf.offline,sources.list} /var/lib/dpkg/status Copy _SOMEWHERE/tar_ to the remote system. _/var/lib/dpkg/status_ is needed for the remote system's _apt_ to know which packages (and their versions) are already installed on your Debian GNU/Hurd system. Networked system, any user $ mkdir debian_gnu_hurd $ cd debian_gnu_hurd $ tar -xf SOMEWHERE/tar $ mkdir -p var/lib/apt/lists/partial var/cache/apt/archives/partial tmp $ apt-get -c etc/apt/apt.conf.offline {update, upgrade, install foo, etc.} $ tar -cf SOMEWHERE/tar var/ Copy _SOMEWHERE/tar_ back to your Debian GNU/Hurd system. If you modified _etc/apt/sources.list_, don't forget to also copy it back. Debian GNU/Hurd, user root # tar -xf SOMEWHERE/tar # mv var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/ # mv var/lib/apt/lists/*_* /var/lib/apt/lists/ # apt-get {update, upgrade, install foo, etc.} -- [[Main/ThomasSchwinge]] - 03 Aug 2005