%SEARCH\{"Mediatype.\*?value=\\"CD"" scope="text" regex="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="$topic",", "\}%

Here's a place for notes and sharing info about peculiarities with this set of CDs.

This CD set is based on the [[Distrib/TarballNotes20020816]]

This means it uses GNU Mach 1.3. (I think, even though it says 1.2?)

-- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 15 Oct 2002

This set is the third in the series to use a libio-enabled libc. This is the first set to use the newer Hurd & libc, which means you don't need to manually upgrade them after installing with this CD set.

-- [[Main/AndrewMitchell]] - 16 Oct 2002

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Warning, 700 MB media is needed for discs 2 & 3

-- [[Main/TWikiGuest]] - 20 Oct 2002
