When you encounter any GNU/Hurd related bugs in a Debian package you can fix, please use the Debian BTS (Bug Tracking System) to report them.
Managing Debian packages and using the BTS is quite simple. If you're new to Debian, here's a short guide:
- first of all, check [http://bugs.debian.org/_package_](http://bugs.debian.org/package) to ensure the problem is not in the BTS already.
- you can fetch package sources with "apt-get source _package_"
- and unpack with "dpkg-source -x _package_\_x-y\_z.dsc"
- Debian packages have a makefile in debian/rules, with (at least) the following targets:
build (yup, to build)
binary (generates deb files in ../)
clean (full clean)
- when you have a patch, send it to the BTS using the reportbug utility (or manualy as explained in . The following parameters should be used:
Severity: important
(when the package is unbuildable or uninstallable, lower otherwise.)
Tags: sid, patch
- be nice to the maintainers. most are friendly and cooperative, and a few could annoy you for months before applying. Be patient.
Read for extensive documentation on the BTS.
-- [[Main/RobertMillan]] - 10 Jun 2002