# <a name="Bochs_IA_32_x86_64_Emulator"> Bochs IA-32/x86-64 Emulator </a>

[Bochs](http://bochs.sf.net) is so cool (btw there's a [Debian package](http://packages.debian.org/bochs)). It's currently the best alternative to run GNU on it.

Note that [[BochsEmulator]] is quite slow and installing GNU in it will probably take you a lot of time. The Bochs project hosts [a preinstalled image](http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=12580) so you can save that time.

That GNU image has network, Xfree86 and the console server installed and configured (X has some problems though). If you want to try it out, please read the [[BochsFAQ]] for GNU guest first.

-- [[Main/RobertMillan]] - 20 Nov 2002