From c0ce04131f5115a646d1fd1701f431fad88151ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Peter Thoeny Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 07:26:51 +0000 Subject: none --- TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.mdwn | 11 +++++++---- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.mdwn b/TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.mdwn index bae3f9e8..f8edb6e6 100644 --- a/TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.mdwn +++ b/TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.mdwn @@ -298,16 +298,19 @@ These installation steps use Apache web server on Linux as an example. TWiki sho **_Note:_** These installation notes assume user `nobody` for all files manupulated by the cgi scripts (executed by the web server), and user `twiki` for all other files. You need to replace user `nobody` with an other user in case the web server executes the script with a different user ( default for Debian is `www-data` ). Also, you can substitute user `twiki` with your own user name. -* Request the TWiki distribution (in Unix ZIP format) from . +* Request the TWiki distribution (in Unix ZIP format) from . * Create directory `/home/httpd/twiki` and unzip the TWiki distribution to this directory. * The `twiki/bin` directory of TWiki must be set as a cgi-bin directory. Add `/home/httpd/twiki/bin` to `/etc/httpd/conf/access.conf` with only `ExecCGI` option. * The `twiki/pub` directory of TWiki must be set so that it is visible as a URL. Add `/home/httpd/twiki/pub` to `/etc/httpd/conf/access.conf` with normal access options (copy from /home/httpd/html). * Now add `Alias` for `/twiki/pub` and `ScriptAlias` for `/twiki/bin` to `/etc/httpd/conf/srm-conf` . * Restart Apache by `/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S85httpd restart` . +* Make sure PERL and the PERL CGI library is installed on your system. Default location of PERL executable is `/usr/bin/perl` . In case PERL is installed in a different location, the first line of all perl scripts in the `twiki/bin` directory need to be changed (alternatively you can create a symbolic link from `/usr/bin/perl` ). * Test if the `twiki/bin` directory is cgi-enabled: * Enter the URL of that directory into your browser ( `` ). It is not set correctly as cgi-bin in case you get something like `"Index of /twiki/bin"` . It is OK if you get a message like `"Forbidden. You don't have permission to access /twiki/bin/ on this server."` * Execute the `testenv` script from your browser ( `` ). It should show a table of all CGI environment variables. -* Make sure PERL and the PERL CGI library is installed on your system. Default location of PERL executable is `/usr/bin/perl` . In case PERL is installed in a different location, the first line of all perl scripts in the `twiki/bin` directory need to be changed (alternatively you can create a symbolic link from `/usr/bin/perl` ). +* On systems where the Perl scripts require a file extension you need to: + * Rename all scripts in the `twiki/bin` directory to have a file extension, i.e. rename `view` to `view.cgi` . + * Specify this file extension in the `$scriptSuffix` variable in `twiki/bin/` . * To be able to edit the perl scripts and .tmpl files it is necessary to `chown` and `chgrp -R twiki` so all the files have the owner you want. * The scripts execute as `nobody` . Set the file permission of all Perl scripts in the `twiki/bin` directory as executable to `-rw-r-xr-x` . * Set the file permission of all files below `twiki/data` to 666 ( `-rw-rw-rw-` ). @@ -315,7 +318,7 @@ These installation steps use Apache web server on Linux as an example. TWiki sho * Set the file permission of the `twiki/pub` directory to 777 ( `drwxrwxrwx` ). * Edit the file `twiki/bin/` and set the variables at the beginning of the file to your needs. * Make sure RCS is installed. In case RCS is not in the `path` environment variable, add it to `path` . Alternatively, add the full path name to the `rcs, ci, co, rlog, rcsdiff` commands in the variables of `twiki/bin/` . -* Point your browser at and start wiki-ing away! +* Point your browser at `` and start wiki-ing away! * Note in case cgi user is **_not_** `nobody` : The `*,v` RCS repository files delivered with the installation package are locked by user `nobody` . In case the user is different (e.g. `www-data` ), it is not possible to check in files, this has the effect that the topic version number does not increase when saving a topic. In this case you need to unlock all repository files and lock them as user `www-data` , or simply delete all the repository files. * Security issue: Directories `twiki/data` , `twiki/templates` and all its subdirectories should be set so that they are **not** visible as a URL. (Alternatively, move the directries to a place where they are not visible, and change the variables in `twiki/bin/` accordingly) @@ -499,4 +502,4 @@ directory `twiki/pub/icn/` : -rw-r--r-- 1 twiki t5 152 Mar 27 03:17 xls.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 twiki t5 144 Mar 27 03:17 zip.gif --- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 22 Oct 1998
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 18 Nov 1998
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 11 Jan 1999
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 20 Jan 1999
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 06 Mar 1999
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 27 Mar 1999
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 02 Jun 1999
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 14 Jun 1999
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 23 Jun 1999
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 01 Sep 1999
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 29 Sep 1999
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 14 Jan 2000
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 02 Feb 2000
-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 04 Feb 2000
+-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 11 Feb 2000
-- cgit v1.2.3