AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-04-18Use tag to place sudo into runningSamuel Thibault
2013-04-18Merge branch 'master' of Thibault
2013-04-18mention sudo su - instead of sudo suSamuel Thibault
2013-04-18Merge remote-tracking branch 'dirichlet.SCHWINGE/master'Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-18Merge remote-tracking branch 'darnassus--hurd-web/master'Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-18Merge branch 'master' of braunbox:~hurd-web/hurd-webSamuel Thibault
2013-04-18Provide hint about what can be a starterSamuel Thibault
2013-04-17(no commit message)
2013-04-16Merge remote-tracking branch 'fp/master' into HEADThomas Schwinge
2013-04-16Merge remote-tracking branch 'savannah/master' into HEADThomas Schwinge
2013-04-16IRC.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-15Record issue about missing cancellation point supportSamuel Thibault
2013-04-15(no commit message)
2013-04-15Merge branch 'master' of Babenhauserheide
2013-04-15qoth polish.Arne Babenhauserheide
2013-04-15(no commit message)
2013-04-14(no commit message)
2013-04-14qoth: todo: gather info from debian hurdArne Babenhauserheide
2013-04-14qoth: gathered the news items for 2012-q3 and q4Arne Babenhauserheide
2013-04-14qoth: processed bug-hurd october and november.Arne Babenhauserheide
2013-04-14qoth: added news for 2012-08 and 2012-09Arne Babenhauserheide
2013-04-13Document the move from flubber, snubber to darnassus some more.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-13community/gsoc/project_ideas/smp -> open_issues/smp.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-13Remove links broken with earlier FAQ restructurations.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-13faq/asking_questions.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-13Integrate the Microkernel FAQ into the general FAQ.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-13Rework FAQ machinery to be based on tags instead of filenames.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-13faq_all -> faq_inlined.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-12(no commit message)
2013-04-10Updated weblink that was removed due to the link being broken. Should be fixe...
2013-04-09Fixed the ArchHurd link that pointed to a 404, and removed the SuperUnprivig...
2013-04-07community/gsoc/project_ideas/smp -> open_issues/smp.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07gdb: Fix link.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07community/gsoc/project_ideas/gdb: New.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07open_issues/glibc/t/tls-threadvar: getcontext/setcontext.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07open_issues/gnat: Add some links.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07Revert "drop the gnat gsoc project idea"Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07community/gsoc/project_ideas/gcc_asan -> open_issues/_san.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07Merge remote-tracking branch 'fp/master'Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07IRC.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07Merge remote-tracking branch 'darnassus--hurd-web/master'Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07Revert "Edited"Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07Merge remote-tracking branch 'savannah/master'Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07open_issues/vdso: New.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-07microkernel/mach/gnumach/interface/device/time: New.Thomas Schwinge
2013-04-05(no commit message)
2013-04-05(no commit message)
2013-04-03(no commit message)
2013-04-02(no commit message)