AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-11-06Remove hurd-l4.html.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Integrate history.html and hurd-announcements.html, plus all Hurd flashes and...Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Integrate hurd-and-linux.html.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Don't know what to do with the changelogs.html page.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Move list of thanks to Hurd people.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06old_hurd_faq.html -> hurd/faq/old_hurd_faq.txtThomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Integrate auth.html, hurd-paper.html, hurd-talk.html. Move content from deve...Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Integrate two more HTML pages.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Add copyright and licensing header.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Integrate GNU Mach HTML pages.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06[[microkernel/mach/mig/gnu_mig]]: New; move most content there.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Add copyright and licensing header.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-06Remove old logos.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Add source and align to it.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Formatting.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05help.html -> contact_usThomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Add copyright and licensing header.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Add copyright and licensing header.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05microkernel/mach/gnumach -> microkernel/mach/gnu_machThomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Move information to another page.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Move list of thanks to Hurd people.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Split news items into separate files.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05News item machinery.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05hurd.html -> hurd/status and hurd/advantagesThomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Remove news items about translated pages.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Unify perhaps a thousand paragraphs stating what *the Hurd* is.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Update copyright years.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05This is no longer only a wiki, but will be the official pages.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05asking_questions: New file. Fill it with content from three pages and inline...Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Add copyright and licensing header.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Add copyright and licensing header.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05contributing/wiki -> contributing/web_pages.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05wiki_colophon -> colophon.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Remove old redirection pages. All URLs will change nevertheless.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-05Merge branch 'master' of kepler:tmp/hurd-homepage_to_git/converted.2.r into h...Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-04stale Hurd user groups removed: (site dead) and HurdIn (no link).Arne Babenhauserheide -> hurd/faq/old_faqThomas Schwinge
2008-11-04Enable the txt plugin.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-02weblog: niches: fix: 'FUSE alternative' needs no coding.Arne Babenhauserheide
2008-11-02weblog: niches: added niche: debian user-installs.Arne Babenhauserheide
2008-11-02weblog: niches: Added quotation marks around quotiations.Arne Babenhauserheide
2008-11-02weblog: niches: minor corrections.Arne Babenhauserheide
2008-11-02Merge branch 'master' of arnebab@flubber:~wiki/wikiArne Babenhauserheide
2008-11-02Sorted the ideas for niches according to the approximate amount of work neces...Arne Babenhauserheide
2008-11-01Use proper wikilink.Thomas Schwinge
2008-11-01(no commit message)scolobb
2008-11-01(no commit message)scolobb
2008-11-01running: qemu: intructions only needed to build your own image.Arne Babenhauserheide
2008-10-31qemu: added contact name for disk image.Arne Babenhauserheide
2008-10-31qemu: fixed markup.Arne Babenhauserheide