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+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-05-07
+ <braunr> things that are referred to as "system calls" in glibc are
+ actually RPCs to the kernel or other tasks, those RPCs have too lookup
+ port rights
+ <braunr> the main services have tens of thousands of ports, looking up one
+ is slow
+There is a [[!FF_project 268]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-04-23
+ <braunr> youpi: is there any use of the port renaming facility ?
+ <youpi> I don't know
+ <braunr> at least, did you see such use ?
+ <braunr> i wonder why mach mach_port_insert_right() lets the caller specify
+ the port name
+ <youpi> ../hurd-debian/hurd/serverboot/default_pager.c: kr =
+ mach_port_rename( default_pager_self,
+ <braunr> mach_port_rename() is used only once, in the default pager
+ <braunr> so it's not that important
+ <braunr> but mach_port_insert_right() lets userspace task decide the port
+ name value
+ <youpi> just to repeat myself again, I don't know port stuff very much :)
+ <braunr> well you know that a port denotes a right, which denotes a port
+ <youpi> yes, but I don't have any real experience with it
+ <braunr> err
+ <braunr> port name
+ <braunr> the only reason I see is that the caller, say /hurd/exec running a
+ fork()
+ <braunr> hm
+ <braunr> no, i don't even see the reason here
+ <braunr> port names should be allocated by the kernel only, like file
+ descriptors
+ <youpi> you can choose file descriptor values too
+ <braunr> really ?
+ <youpi> with dup2, yes
+ <braunr> oh
+ <braunr> hm
+ <braunr> what's the data structure in current unices to store file
+ descriptors ?
+ <braunr> a hash table ?
+ <youpi> I don't know
+ <braunr> i'll have to look at that
+ <braunr> FYI, i'm asking these questions because i'm thinking of reworking
+ ipc spaces
+ <braunr> i believe the use of splay trees completely destroys performance
+ of tasks with many many port names such as the root file system
+ <youpi> that can be a problem yes
+ <youpi> since there are 3 ports per opened file, and like 3 per thread too
+ <braunr> + the page cache
+ <youpi> with a few thousand opened files and threads, that makes a lot
+ <youpi> by "opened file" I meant page cache actually
+ <braunr> i saw numbers up to 30k
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> on buildds I easily see 100k ports
+ <braunr> for a single task ?
+ <braunr> wow
+ <youpi> yes
+ <youpi> the page cache is 4k files
+ <braunr> so that's definitely worth the try
+ <youpi> so that already makes 12k ports
+ <youpi> and 4k is not so big
+ <braunr> it's limited to 4K ?
+ <youpi> I haven't been able to check where the 100k come from yet
+ <youpi> braunr: yas
+ <braunr> could be leaks :/
+ <youpi> yes
+ <braunr> omg, a hard limit on the page cache ..
+ <youpi> vm/vm_object.c:int vm_object_cached_max = 4000; /* may
+ be patched*/
+ <braunr> mach is really old :(
+ <youpi> I've raised it
+ <youpi> before it was 200
+ <youpi> ...
+ <braunr> oO
+ <youpi> I tried to dro pthe limit, but then I was lacking memory
+ <youpi> which I believe have fixed the other day, but I have to test again
+ <braunr> that implementation doesn't know how to deal with memory pressure
+ <youpi> yes
+ <braunr> i saw your recent changes about adding warnings in such cases
+ <braunr> so, back to ipc spaces
+ <braunr> i think splay trees 1/ can get very unbalanced easily
+ <braunr> which isn't hard to imagine
+ <braunr> and 2/ make poor usage of the cpu caches because they're BST and
+ write a lot to memory
+ <youpi> maybe you could write a patch which would dump statistics on that?
+ <braunr> that's part of the job i'm assigning to myself
+ <youpi> ok
+ <braunr> i'd like to try replacing splay trees with radix trees
+ <youpi> I can run it on the buildds
+ <youpi> buildds are very good stress-tests :)
+ <braunr> :)
+ <youpi> 22h building -> 77k ports
+ <youpi> 26h building -> 97k ports
+ <youpi> the problem is that when I add leak debugging (backtraces), I'm
+ getting out of memory :)
+ <braunr> that will be a small summer of code outside the gsoc :p
+ <braunr> :/
+ <braunr> backtraces are very consuming
+ <youpi> but that's only because of hardcoded limits
+ <youpi> I'll have to test again with bigger limits
+ <braunr> again ..
+ <braunr> evil hard limits
+ <youpi> well, actually we could as well just drop them
+ <youpi> but we'd also need to easily get statistics on zone/vm_maps usage
+ <youpi> because else we don't see leaks
+ <youpi> (except that the machine eventually crashes)
+ <braunr> hm
+ <braunr> i haven't explained why i was asking my questions actually
+ <braunr> so, i want radix trees, because they're nice
+ <braunr> they reduce the paths lengths
+ <braunr> they don't get too unbalanced (they're invariant wrt the order of
+ operations)
+ <braunr> they don't need to write to memory on lookups
+ <braunr> the only drawback is that they can create much overhead if their
+ usage pattern isn't appropriate
+ <braunr> elements in such a structure should be close, so that they share
+ common nodes
+ <youpi> the common usage pattern in ext2fs is a big bunch of ever-open
+ ports :)
+ <braunr> if there is one entry per node, it's a big waste
+ <braunr> yes
+ <youpi> there are 3, actually
+ <braunr> but the port names have low values
+ <braunr> they're allocated sequentially, beginning at 0
+ <braunr> (or 1 actually)
+ <braunr> which is perfect for radix trees
+ <youpi> yes
+ <youpi> 97989: send
+ <braunr> but if anyone can rename
+ <braunr> this introduces a new potential weakness
+ <youpi> ah, if it's just a weakness it's probably not a problem
+ <youpi> I thought it was even a no-go
+ <braunr> i think so
+ <youpi> I guess port rename is very seldom
+ <braunr> but in a future version, it would be nice not to allow port
+ renaming
+ <braunr> unless there are similar issues in current unix kernels
+ <braunr> in which case i'd say it's acceptable
+ <youpi> there are
+ <braunr> of that order ?
+ <youpi> and it'd be useful for e.g. processing
+ tracing/debugging/tweaking/whatever
+ <youpi> it's also used to hide fds from a process
+ <braunr> port renaming you mean ?
+ <youpi> you allocate them very high
+ <youpi> yes
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> choosing your port name, generally
+ <youpi> to match what the process expects for instance
+ <braunr> then it would be a matter of resource limiting (which we totally
+ lack afaik)
+ <braunr> along the number of maximum open files, you would have a number of
+ maximum rights
+ <braunr> does that seem fine to you ?
+ <youpi> if done throught rlimits, sure
+ <braunr> something similar yes
+ <youpi> (_no_ PORTS_MAX ;) )
+ <braunr> oh and, in addition, i remember gnumach has a special
+ configuration of the processor in which caching is limited
+ <braunr> like write-through only
+ <youpi> didn't I fix that recently ?
+ <braunr> i don't know :)
+ <braunr> CR0=e001003b
+ <braunr> i don't think it's fixed
+ <youpi> I mean, in the git
+ <braunr> ah
+ <youpi> not in the debian package
+ <braunr> didn't tried the git version yet
+ <braunr> last time i tried (which was a long time ago), it made the kernel
+ crash
+ <braunr> have you figured why ?
+ <youpi> I'm not aware of that
+ <braunr> anyway, splay trees write a lot, and most trees write a lot even
+ at insertion/removal to rebalance
+ <youpi> braunr: Mmm, there's no clearance of CD in the kernel actually
+ <braunr> with radix trees, even if caching can't be fully enabled, it would
+ make much better use of it
+ <braunr> so if port renaming isn't a true issue, i'll choose that data
+ structure
+ <youpi> that'd probably be better yes
+ <youpi> I'm surprised by the CD, I do remember fixing something like this
+ lately
+ <braunr> there are several levels where CD can be set
+ <braunr> the processors ORs all those if i'm right
+ <braunr> to determine if caching is enabled
+ <youpi> I know
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> but in my memory that was at the CR* level, precisely
+ <braunr> maybe for xen only ?
+ <youpi> no
+ <braunr> well good luck if you hunt that one, i'm off, see you :)
+ <youpi> braunr: ah, no, it was the PGE flag that I had fixed
+ <antrik> braunr: explicit port naming is used for example to pass some
+ initial ports to a new task at well-known places IIRC
+ <antrik> braunr: but these tend to be low numbers, so I don't see a problem
+ there
+ <antrik> (I'm not familiar with radix trees... why would high numbers be a
+ problem?)
+ <youpi> braunr: iirc the ipc space is limited to ~192k ports
+ <braunr> antrik: in most cases i've seen, the insert_right() call is used
+ on task_self()
+ <braunr> and if there really are special ports (like the bootstrap or
+ device ports), they should have special names
+ <braunr> IIRC, these ports are given through command line expansion by the
+ kernel at boot time
+ <braunr> but it seems reasonable to think of port renaming as a potentially
+ useful feature
+ <braunr> antrik: the problem with radix trees isn't them being high, it's
+ them being sparse
+ <braunr> you get the most efficient trees when entries have keys that are
+ close to each other
+ <braunr> because radix trees are a type of tries (the path in the tree is
+ based on the elements composing the key)
+ <braunr> so the more common prefixes you have, the less external nodes you
+ need
+ <braunr> here, keys are port names, but they can be memory addresses or
+ offsets in memory objects (like in the page cache)
+ <braunr> the radix algorithm takes a few bits, say 4 or 6, at a time from a
+ key, and uses that as an index in a node
+ <braunr> if keys are sparse, there can be as little as one entry per node
+ <braunr> IIRC, the worst case (on entry per node with the maximum possible
+ number of nodes for a 32-bits key) is 2% entries
+ <braunr> the reste being null entries and almost-empty nodes containing
+ them
+ <braunr> so if you leave the ability to give port rights the names you
+ want, you can create such worst case trees
+ <braunr> which may consume several MiB of memory per tree
+ <braunr> tens of MiB i'd say
+ <braunr> on the other hand, in the current state, almost all hurd
+ applications use sequentially allocated port names, close to 0 (which
+ allows a nice optimization)
+ <braunr> so a radix ree would be the most efficient
+ <antrik> well, if some processes really feel they must use random numbers
+ for port names, they *ought* to be penalized ;-)
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-04-27
+ <braunr> antrik: remember when you asked why high numbers would be a
+ problem with radix trees ?
+ <braunr> here is a radix tree with one entry, which key is around 5000
+ <braunr> [ 656.296412] tree height: 3
+ <braunr> [ 656.296412] index: 0, level: 0, height: 3, count: 1,
+ bitmap: 0000000000000002
+ <braunr> [ 656.296412] index: 1, level: 1, height: 2, count: 1,
+ bitmap: 0000000000004000
+ <braunr> [ 656.296412] index: 14, level: 2, height: 1, count: 1,
+ bitmap: 0000000000000080
+ <braunr> three levels, each with an external node (dynamically allocated),
+ for one entry
+ <braunr> so in the worst case of entries with keys close to the highest
+ values, the could be many external nodes with higher paths lengths than
+ when keys are close to 0
+ <braunr> which also brings the problem of port name allocation
+ <braunr> can someone with access to a buildd which has an uptime of at
+ least a few days (and did at least one build) show me the output of
+ portinfo 3 | tail ?
+ <braunr> port names are allocated linearly IIRC, like PIDs, and some parts
+ of the kernel may rely on them not being reused often
+ <braunr> but for maximum effifiency, they should be
+ <braunr> efficiency*
+ <braunr> 00:00 < braunr> can someone with access to a buildd which has an
+ uptime of at least a few days (and did at least one build) show me the
+ output of portinfo 3 | tail ?
+ <braunr> :)
+ <youpi> it's almost like wc -l
+ <youpi> 4905: receive
+ <youpi> vs 4647
+ <youpi> for /
+ <youpi> 52902: receive
+ <youpi> vs 52207
+ <youpi> for the chroot
+ <braunr> even after several builds ?
+ <braunr> and several days ?
+ <youpi> that's after 2 days
+ <youpi> it's not so many builds
+ <youpi> rossini is not so old
+ <youpi> (7h)
+ <youpi> but many builds
+ <youpi> 70927: send
+ <youpi> vs 70938
+ <braunr> ok
+ <braunr> so it seems port names are reused
+ <braunr> good
+ <youpi> yes they are clearly
+ <braunr> i think i remember a comment about why the same port name
+ shouldn't be reused too soon
+ <youpi> well, it could help catching programming errors
+ <braunr> that it helped catch bugs in applications that could
+ deallocate/reallote quickly
+ <braunr> reallocate*
+ <braunr> without carefuly synchronization
+ <braunr> careful
+ <braunr> damn, i'm tired :/
+ <youpi> but that's about debugging
+ <youpi> so we don't care about performance there
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> i'll try to improve allocation performance too
+ <braunr> using e.g. bitmaps in each external node back to the root so that
+ unused slots are quickly found
+ <braunr> i thknk that's what idr does in linux
+ <antrik> braunr: idr?
+ <braunr> antrik: a data structure used to map integers to pointers
+ <braunr>
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-06-08
+ <braunr> hm, reverse space/port to name lookups also suck
+ <braunr> having separate types for simple ipc entries and splay tree
+ entries really makes many parts of the ipc code complicated
+ <braunr> and a global hash table for these operations is scary
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-06-09
+ <braunr> hm nice, my radix tree code runs inside gnumach, along with the
+ original splay tree code and assertions making sure results are the same
+ <braunr> there is this "collision" thing i'm not sure to understand but
+ once this is solved, replacing the splay trees should be easy
+ <braunr> youpi: is there a way to easily know the number of send rights
+ associated to a port ?
+ <youpi> portinfo ?
+ <braunr> portinfo gives information in a space
+ <braunr> but this is specific to a port
+ <braunr> is there an option for that ?
+ <youpi> -v
+ <braunr> hm ok
+ <youpi> 25: send (refs: 550)
+ <braunr> nice
+ <braunr> youpi: if you have time, could you give me the min/max/avg numbers
+ of send rights referring to the same port on buildds ?
+ <braunr> i'm trying to estimate if it's better to have space->list_of_ports
+ or port->list_of_spaces to replace the global ipc hash table
+ <braunr> the latter seems better but there could be unexpected cases on
+ machines using large amounts of resources like the buildds
+ <youpi> max is 64k
+ <youpi> min is 1 of course :)
+ <braunr> 64k
+ <braunr> then it's not what i'm looking for
+ <youpi> avg is 55
+ <braunr> isn't this the number of urefs ?
+ <youpi> I don't know
+ <braunr> hmm
+ <braunr> what i'm looking for is the number of *pure send rights* for the
+ same port
+ <braunr> i don't think portinfo can give it
+ <braunr> there can only be one such send right per task for the same port
+ <braunr> 64k would mean there are 64k tasks
+ <youpi> ok, so it's more difficult
+ <youpi> it means using -t
+ <braunr> ahh
+ <youpi> and run n^2 portinfo over the n processes
+ <braunr> i see
+ <youpi> Mmm, that will however still show any duplicate send right
+ <youpi> but then by min/max/avg, you mean, over time ?
+ <braunr> i'll change the source code, simpler
+ <youpi> e.g. min would be right after boot?
+ <braunr> min is 1
+ <youpi> 1 what ?
+ <braunr> 1 send right to a port
+ <youpi> ah, 1 for a given port
+ <braunr> yes
+ <youpi> ok, it becomes really hairy to compute, I don't hav ethe time :)
+ <braunr> avg and max are more interesting :)
+ <braunr> no worries
+ <youpi> braunr: I wouldn't be surprised that max is the number of tasks
+ <youpi> e.g. for a send port to the proc server for instance
+ <braunr> youpi: it is, but i'm not looking for potential numbers
+ <youpi> I'm not talking about a potential number, but an actual number
+ that's almost always true
+ <braunr> for one port, yes
+ <braunr> but yes, ok for max
+ <braunr> this makes choosing an appropriate data structure difficult
+ <antrik> braunr: actually, min number of send rights to a port is 0... but
+ I'm sure you know that already :-)
+ <antrik> youpi: normally each client gets a separate port. I'm not sure
+ there are any ports with send rights distributed over many tasks...
+ <jkoenig> antrik, what about / ?
+ <youpi> antrik: not necessarily
+ <antrik> jkoenig: not sure... isn't the "/" port authenticated to the
+ specific user?
+ <jkoenig> antrik, I guess so, but a single user could still have many
+ tasks.
+ <jkoenig> (wrt /)
+ <antrik> jkoenig: well, in theory the tasks having exactly the same UIDs
+ and GITs could probably share an auth token... but that's not how things
+ are handled in general
+ <antrik> at least I don't think so
+ <antrik> tasks are authenticated, not users
+ <antrik> err... GIDs :-)
+ <jkoenig> antrik, still, my quick glance to the fork() code seemed to
+ indicate the port is inherited as-is, maybe authentication happens only
+ when something is actually looked up?
+ <jkoenig> hmm "rpctrace ls -d /" does not show any authentication calls,
+ only a lookup("") on the root which returns a different port
+ <jkoenig> so I guess the root port is "deauthenticated" or something when
+ the uid of a process is changed.
+ <antrik> too bad cfhammer isn't around, he digged into all this stuff...
+ <antrik> I know that there is a mechanism which reauths all FDs when the
+ IDs of a process change
+ <antrik> but I'm not sure the "/" port uses this mechanism
+ <braunr> antrik: but the radix tree codee is really used as is, which means
+ no locking, no preloading before locking, all of this because simple
+ locks don't exist on UP, and because the kernel isn't preemptible
+ <braunr> antrik: and yes, min number is 0, but in that case you don't need
+ (space, port) -> right lookups :)
+ <braunr> antrik: or put in another way, whichever reasonable structure you
+ use, when it's empty, you don't care much
+ <braunr> which also means that the min number has actually no value here
+ <braunr> because the same applies to 1
+ <braunr> then what seems to take most time is forks
+ <braunr> and i hope my upcoming kernel changes will help the situation a
+ bit
+ <pinotree> what are your incoming gnumach changes about?
+ <braunr> the ipc translation layer speed
+ <braunr> which basically means operating on port names (looking them up,
+ inserting, removing, renaming, looking up send rights to a specific
+ ports) will be faster
+ <braunr> and i believe forks are (one of) the most demanding use cases wrt
+ ipc space manipulation
+ <braunr> i'm really surprised how badly the splay trees are used
+ <braunr> the worst case for this data structure is traversal
+ <braunr> and this is done in many situations
+ <braunr> leaving the tree in its worst case shape
+ <braunr> and i didn't mentioned the bunch of memory writes occurring, event
+ for things like lookups or traversals
+ <braunr> this is slow and can disrupt many cpu cache lines
+ <braunr> and when there are 10k to 100+k (e.g. in some ext2fs instances on
+ buildds), just imagine the number of operations involved in those
+ operations
+ <braunr> a simple traversal_next involves a rotation *gasp*
+ <braunr> this means potentially writing on 3 different cache lines, for
+ *one* next operation
+ <pinotree> what are you replacing that splay tree with?
+ <braunr> radix trees
+ <braunr> much shorter paths
+ <braunr> extremely few memory writes
+ <braunr> locality of reference when traversing
+ <braunr> good cache usage (as many of the top nodes are reused)
+ <braunr> the two drawbacks are 1/ memory allocation for external nodes,
+ which means the tree must be preloaded before locking
+ <braunr> and 2/ high memory overhead if the keys are sparse
+ <braunr> but this isn't the case with port names, unless someone messes it
+ up by assigning random names to many rights
+ <antrik> braunr: so, when will we see the first performance comparision?
+ :-)
+ <braunr> antrik: that's a topic of itself, how to compare ?
+ <braunr> antrik: the thing is, my current gnumach patches only makes
+ assertions
+ <braunr> this is the best way i found to test my tree in real life
+ conditions
+ <braunr> much cleanup is needed
+ <braunr> and what i'd like to do is to completely replace all teh
+ translation layer structures with it
+ <braunr> which means removing much code, making sure it still works as
+ expected
+ <braunr> this is tedious
+ <braunr> so one month at least
+ <antrik> braunr: comparing shouldn't be too hard... the average configure
+ script does a lot of forking, which should be a good benchmark according
+ to your observations
+ <braunr> rough estimates are easy, yes
+ <braunr> but my observations my be wrong :p
+ <antrik> braunr: well, we don't really need precise numbers...
+ <antrik> unless you need to do some kind of fine-tuning?
+ <braunr> i don't know yet
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-06-18
+ < braunr> hmm, i'm having a problem with integrating my radix tree code in
+ gnumach
+ < braunr> inserting into such a tree can trigger memory allocation
+ < braunr> so commonly, the tree i loaded with nodes before insertion,
+ usually if it requires strong locking
+ < braunr> ipc spaces are locked using "simple locks" (which are spin locks)
+ < braunr> but spin locks are noops on UP, and gnumach is always UP ..
+ < braunr> so, should i still include preloading code, even if it'll end up
+ dead code ?
+ < antrik> hm... I think we discussed this before; but isn't gnumach
+ supposed to be SMP-capable, minus bugs?...
+ < braunr> it is
+ < braunr> but ofc, if i choose not to include preloading, i'll write
+ #errors so that the day gnumach is built for SMP again, such support will
+ be included
+ < antrik> oh, sorry, I think I misread. what is UP?
+ < braunr> uniprocessor
+ < antrik> well, if it's just bugs forcing the current UP state, I think
+ saying that gnumach is always UP is a stretch...
+ < braunr> sure, but it's a practical consideration
+ < antrik> does the locking complicate stuff? or is it just performance
+ considerations?
+ < braunr> no it's about correctness and completeness
+ < braunr> if you don't preload a tree before locking
+ < braunr> and memory allocation occurs while you're holding a simple lock
+ < braunr> and memory allocation requires the kernel to sleep
+ < braunr> you're screwed
+ < braunr> but i hate the idea of including code that won't be used and
+ which won't be easy to test
+ < braunr> so i'm wondering if it's ok for now to just put this in a TODO
+ comment and write it when the time is right
+ < braunr> or if i should spens the week adding this and tweaking the
+ userspace implementation to "emulate" spin locks
+ < antrik> well, it's tricky situation. on one hand, it seems stupid to
+ include handling for something that presently isn't used, and it's not
+ clear when it will. on the other hand, I'd rather not see additional
+ problems introduced that will make fixing SMP even harder...
+ < braunr> that's why i'm asking here
+ < antrik> of course, you could resolve this question by fixing SMP
+ first... ;-)
+ < braunr> ew
+ < antrik> well, I guess it would be best first to make the code work... and
+ we can still decide about the locking thing before it goes mainline I'd
+ say?
+ < braunr> "make the code work" ?
+ < antrik> I mean make gnumach work with your radix tree code
+ < braunr> without preloading then
+ < antrik> yeah... as a first step... I guess adding it later won't be any
+ harder than adding it right now?
+ < braunr> not much
+ < braunr> testing is what requires time really
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-06-27
+ < braunr> ok, here is the radix tree code:
+ < braunr> the preloading stuff will be added in the kernel only, as it's
+ really pointless and not easily doable in userspace
+ < youpi> preloading?
+ < braunr> youpi: yes, preloading
+ < braunr> radix trees allocate external nodes
+ < youpi> well, providing a url at some random time of some random day is
+ not a great way to get eyes on it :)
+ < braunr> and ipc spaces are locked when inserting/allocating names
+ < braunr> we normally don't need preloading in gnumach
+ < braunr> since there is no preemption nor SMP
+ < braunr> but in case someone changes that, i'd like the code to be mostly
+ ready
+ < braunr> and correctly handle those ugly simple locks
+ < braunr> youpi: is what i say clear enough or do you need more background
+ on what is done ?
+ < youpi> about preloading?
+ < braunr> yes
+ < youpi> I guess it means allocating nodes in advance?
+ < braunr> yes
+ < youpi> k
+ < braunr> before locking the ipc spaces
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-06-28
+ < braunr> antrik: i think i won't write the code for the preloading stuff
+ actually
+ < braunr> antrik: it's not very difficult, but i really hate the idea of
+ not being able to reliably test it
+ < braunr> antrik: and i'd rather concentrate on integrating the radix tree
+ code in gnu mach now
+ < braunr> (i've already removed much code, even some files which weren't
+ actually used before my changes !)
+ < braunr> hmm, i won't be able not to write the preloading code after all
+ < antrik> braunr: not able not to write? how's that?
+ < braunr> antrik: it's actually required
+ < braunr> there are three functions, ipc_entry_get, ipc_entry_alloc, and
+ ipc_entry_grow_table
+ < braunr> ipc_entry_get cannot allocate memory
+ < braunr> if it fails, ipc_entry_grow_table is called, which will allocate
+ memory
+ < braunr> ipc_entry_alloc calls both of them depending on the result of
+ ipc_entry_get
+ < braunr> this is the equivalent of the preloading thing i had in mind
+ < braunr> not a bad thing after all
+ < braunr> the only thing i'm afraid of are the "optimized" version of those
+ ipc functions in te so-called fast paths
+ < braunr> i'm afraid if i don't deal right with those, the kernel may end
+ up using mostly slow paths
+ < braunr> but considering the purpose of those fast paths was merely to
+ avoid the overhead of function calls and some locking functions, it
+ shouldn't be that bad
+ < braunr> this is such a mess eh
+ < antrik> hurray microoptimisations ;-)
+ < braunr> there, the preload functions are done, easy :)
+ < antrik> braunr: seems you spent less time implementing it than pondering
+ whether you should implement it ;-)
+ < braunr> well, i couldn't implement it correctly before knowing what
+ should have been done exactly
+ < braunr> and there are still other problems :/
+ < braunr> and the other problems make me reconsider if this was useful at
+ all eh
+ < braunr> youpi: i'm unable to find where ipc tree entries are released
+ except in ipc_entry_alloc_name(), which could mean they're leaked ...
+ < braunr> youpi: would you have time to take a look ?
+ < youpi> they aren't in ipc_entry_dealloc() ?
+ < braunr> no .....
+ < youpi> it's not so unprobable that they're only freed when the task quits
+ < braunr> i don't see that either
+ < braunr> i only see them released in ipc_entry_alloc_name()
+ < braunr> so maybe they're reused
+ < braunr> but i'm not sure about that when reading the code
+ < braunr> oh wait, yes, they are :/
+ < braunr> my bad
+ < youpi> in the ipc_splay_tree_* fucntions I guess?
+ < braunr> yes
+ < braunr> it's just surprsing to see them allocated outside the tree code
+ only
+ < braunr> but released in both the entry and the splay tree code ...
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-06-29
+ < braunr> hmm i missed an important thing :/
+ < braunr> and it's scary
+ < braunr> it looks like the splay tree is mainly used when names are
+ provided
+ < braunr> whereas the entry table is used when names are allocated
+ < braunr> which means the table is the main ipc data structure, even for
+ tasks with lots of rights
+ < braunr> i can make my root ext2fs have more than 10k rights, and i see
+ the ipc table table grow along that number ...
+ < braunr> now thetable has 15k+ entries
+ < braunr> IOW there is no point to put the radix tree code in gnumach :(
+ < antrik> braunr: what do you mean by "provided" and "allocated"?
+ < antrik> and what is that table you are talking about?
+ < braunr> antrik: provided means the user space tasks gives the name of the
+ new right
+ < braunr> antrik: allocated means the kernel generates it
+ < braunr> antrik: the table i'm talking about is is_table in struct
+ ipc_space
+ < braunr> 55 * Every space has a non-NULL is_table with
+ is_table_size entries.
+ < braunr> 56 * A space may have a NULL is_tree. is_tree_small
+ records the
+ < braunr> 57 * number of entries in the tree that, if the table were
+ to grow
+ < braunr> 58 * to the next larger size, would move from the tree to
+ the table.
+ < braunr> here is the description which mislead me (in addition of the
+ obscure code)
+ < braunr> 50 * Spaces hold capabilities for ipc_object_t's (ports
+ and port sets).
+ < braunr> 51 * Each ipc_entry_t records a capability. Most
+ capabilities have
+ < braunr> 52 * small names, and the entries are elements of a table.
+ < braunr> 53 * Capabilities can have large names, and a splay tree
+ holds
+ < braunr> 54 * those entries. The cutoff point between the table
+ and the tree
+ < braunr> 55 * is adjusted dynamically to minimize memory
+ consumption.
+ < antrik> ah, so the rights with a low name are in a linear table, and only
+ those with "random" high names are stored in the splay tree instead?
+ < antrik> seems a rather complex design... I guess though there isn't much
+ room for further optimisation there :-(
+ < antrik> (well, except for code size optimisation -- which could in fact
+ make a considerable difference...)
+ < braunr> well there are problems with this approach, but most don't
+ concern performance
+ < braunr> when the table gets big (close to the page size or more), it gets
+ remapped when reallocated
+ < braunr> which will incur some penalty because of the tlb
+ < braunr> but it's annoying even for small tables
+ < braunr> the initial table size is 4 entries, and from what i can see,
+ most tables are 128 entries wide when tasks are destroyed
+ < braunr> an obvious simple optimization is to set a larger default size
+ < braunr> the same applies for the dead name tables
+ < braunr> those reallocations are a pain, and they're due to this design
+ < braunr> they can also fail because of fragmentation
+ < braunr> there would be a point to radix trees if they would replace all
+ that, and not just the splay tree
+ < braunr> but this would cause a lot of changes in a lot of places, and in
+ particular the "optimized" fast paths i mentioned yesterday
+ < braunr> we'll see how they perform in x15 :>
+ < braunr> there is a slight noticeable improvement when increasing the
+ initial size of the entry table
+ < antrik> braunr: well, if you use them in a completely different
+ implementation, there will be no way of telling whether they make a
+ difference
+ < antrik> how did you test the improvement?
+ < braunr> antrik: no actually it's completely negligeable
+ < braunr> hm
+ < braunr> is that a valid word ? :)
+ < braunr> negligible
+ < braunr> youpi: did you see my comments about the ipc stuff this earlier
+ today ?
+ < braunr> youpi: well to make things short, when port names are allocated,
+ the right they refer to is allocated from the ipc table
+ < braunr> youpi: the splay tree is only used for user provided names
+ < braunr> youpi: i had tables as large as the number of rights in a space
+ (i could easily reach 20k)
+ < braunr> youpi: whereas the splay trees had at most ~40 entries ..