path: root/open_issues/gnumach_vm_map_red-black_trees.mdwn
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+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-04-23
+ <braunr> btw, i'm running a gnumach version using red-black trees for vm
+ map entries
+ <antrik> braunr: sounds fashionable ;-)
+ <youpi> braunr: with some perf improvement?
+ <braunr> looks promising for our ext2fs instances showing several thousands
+ of map entries
+ <braunr> youpi: i'm not using it for lookups yet
+ <braunr> but the tree is there, maintained, used for both regular and copy
+ maps, and it doesn't crash
+ <youpi> good :)
+ <braunr> antrik: isn't it ? :)
+ <braunr> youpi: and the diff stat is like 50/15
+ <antrik> braunr: what's the goal of using the fashionable trees?
+ <braunr> antrik: speeding up lookups in address spaces
+ <antrik> braunr: so the idea is that if we have a heavily fragmented
+ address space, the performance penalty is smaller?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <antrik> OK
+ <antrik> I take it you gave up on attempts to actually decrease
+ fragmentation?...
+ <braunr> it's not as good as reducing fragmentation, which requires
+ implementing a powerful merge, but it's still better
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> it's too messy for my brain :/
+ <antrik> I see
+ <antrik> oh
+ <braunr> it will add some overhead though
+ <youpi> I guess log(n) ?
+ <braunr> but if there is a significant performance gain, it'll be worth it
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> i was more thinking about the memory overhead
+ <antrik> right now it's a linear list?
+ <youpi> I don't think we care nowadays :)
+ <braunr> antrik: yes
+ <antrik> ouch
+ <braunr> antrik: yes ... :>
+ <braunr> the original authors expected vm maps to have like 30 entries
+ <braunr> so they used a list for the maps, and a hash table for the
+ object/offset to physical page lookups
+ <braunr> there is a small lookup cache though, which is a nice optimization
+ <braunr> my code now uses it first, and falls back to the RB tree if the
+ hint didn't help
+ <antrik> braunr: well, don't forget to check whether it actually *is* still
+ an optimisation, when using fashionable trees ;-)
+ <braunr> antrik: i checked that already :)
+ <braunr> i did the same in x15
+ <antrik> I see
+ <braunr> both bsd and linux uses a similar technique
+ <braunr> use*
+ <braunr> (well, bsd actually use what is done in mach :)
+ <antrik> (or perhaps the other way around... ;-) )
+ <braunr> i don't think so, as the bsd vm is really the mach vm
+ <braunr> but we don't care much
+ <antrik> oh, right... that part actually went full circle
+ <braunr> youpi: i have a patch ready for test on machines with significant
+ amounts of map entries (e.g. the buildds ..)
+ <braunr> youpi: i won't have time for tests tonight, are you interested ?
+ <braunr> (i've been running it for 15 minutes without any issue for now)
+ <youpi> I'd say post to the list
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> braunr: your patch uses the rb tree for lookups, right?
+ <youpi> braunr: the buildd using rbtree seems swift
+ <youpi> but maybe it's just a psychologic effect :)
+ <youpi> the chroot ext2fs already has 1392 lines in vminfo
+ <youpi> an rbtree can't hurt there :)
+ <youpi> braunr: it really seems faster
+ <youpi> the reboot might have helped too
+ <youpi> benchmarks shall say
+ <youpi> for now, I'll just let ironforge use it
+ <antrik> youpi: it's always fast after a reboot ;-)
+ <youpi> sure
+ <youpi> but still
+ <youpi> I mean
+ <youpi> *obviously* the reboot has helped
+ <youpi> but it might not be all
+ <youpi> at least it feels so
+ <youpi> and obviously only benchmarks can say
+ <antrik> the major benefit AIUI is rather that the slowdown happening over
+ time will be less noticable
+ <youpi> "over time" is actually quite fast
+ <youpi> ext2 fills up very quickly when you build a package
+ <youpi> it went up to 1700 lines very quickly
+ <youpi> and stabilized around there
+ <antrik> yeah, it can be very fast under heavy load
+ <youpi> that's why I say reboot seems not all
+ <youpi> it's already not so fresh
+ <youpi> with 1700 lines in vminfo
+ <antrik> well, I don't know how much of the slowdown I'm experiencing
+ (after doing stuff under memory pressure) is actually related to VM map
+ fragmentation...
+ <antrik> might be all, might be none, might be something in between
+ <youpi> then try his patch
+ <antrik> guess I should play a bit with vminfo...
+ <antrik> well, currently I actually experience pretty little slowdown, as
+ for certain reasons (only indirectly related to the Hurd) I'm not running
+ mutt on this machine, so I don't really have memory pressure...
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-04-24
+ <braunr> youpi: yes, it uses bst lookups
+ <braunr> youpi: FYI, the last time i checked, one ext2fs instance had 4k+
+ map entries, and another around 7.5k
+ <braunr> (on ironforge)
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-04-24
+ <youpi> braunr: $ sudo vminfo 624 | wc -l
+ <youpi> 22957
+ <youpi> there's no way it can not help :)
+ <braunr> youpi: 23k, that's really huge
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-04-26
+ <braunr> youpi: any new numbers wrt the rbtree patch ?
+ <youpi> well, buildd times are not really accurate :)
+ <youpi> but what I can tell is that it managed to build qtwebkit fine
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> so the patch is probably safe :)
+ <braunr> i'll commit it soon then
+ <youpi> I'd say feel free to, yes
+ <braunr> thanks
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-04-27
+ <braunr> elmig: don't expect anything grand though, this patch is mostly
+ useful when address spaces get really fragmented, which mainly happens on
+ buildds
+ <braunr> (and it only speeds lookups, which isn't as good as reducing
+ fragmentation; things like fork still have to copy thousands of map
+ entries)