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diff --git a/microkernel/mach/deficiencies.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/deficiencies.mdwn
index f2f49975..e1f6debc 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/deficiencies.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/deficiencies.mdwn
@@ -258,3 +258,265 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
working on research around mach
<antrik> braunr: BTW, I have little doubt that making RPC first-class would
solve a number of problems... I just wonder how many others it would open
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-09-04
+ <braunr> it was intended as a mach clone, but now that i have better
+ knowledge of both mach and the hurd, i don't want to retain mach
+ compatibility
+ <braunr> and unlike viengoos, it's not really experimental
+ <braunr> it's focused on memory and cpu scalability, and performance, with
+ techniques likes thread migration and rcu
+ <braunr> the design i have in mind is closer to what exists today, with
+ strong emphasis on scalability and performance, that's all
+ <braunr> and the reason the hurd can't be modified first is that my design
+ relies on some important design changes
+ <braunr> so there is a strong dependency on these mechanisms that requires
+ the kernel to exists first
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-09-06
+In context of [[open_issues/multithreading]] and later [[open_issues/select]].
+ <gnu_srs> And you will address the design flaws or implementation faults
+ with x15?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> i'll address the implementation details :p
+ <braunr> and some design issues like cpu and memory resource accounting
+ <braunr> but i won't implement generic resource containers
+ <braunr> assuming it's completed, my work should provide a hurd system on
+ par with modern monolithic systems
+ <braunr> (less performant of course, but performant, scalable, and with
+ about the same kinds of problems)
+ <braunr> for example, thread migration should be mandatory
+ <braunr> which would make client calls behave exactly like a userspace task
+ asking a service from the kernel
+ <braunr> you have to realize that, on a monolithic kernel, applications are
+ clients, and the kernel is a server
+ <braunr> and when performing a system call, the calling thread actually
+ services itself by running kernel code
+ <braunr> which is exactly what thread migration is for a multiserver system
+ <braunr> thread migration also implies sync IPC
+ <braunr> and sync IPC is inherently more performant because it only
+ requires one copy, no in kernel buffering
+ <braunr> sync ipc also avoids message floods, since client threads must run
+ server code
+ <gnu_srs> and this is not achievable with evolved gnumach and/or hurd?
+ <braunr> well that's not entirely true, because there is still a form of
+ async ipc, but it's a lot less likely
+ <braunr> it probably is
+ <braunr> but there are so many things to change i prefer starting from
+ scratch
+ <braunr> scalability itself probably requires a revamp of the hurd core
+ libraries
+ <braunr> and these libraries are like more than half of the hurd code
+ <braunr> mach ipc and vm are also very complicated
+ <braunr> it's better to get something new and simpler from the start
+ <gnu_srs> a major task nevertheless:-D
+ <braunr> at least with the vm, netbsd showed it's easier to achieve good
+ results from new code, as other mach vm based systems like freebsd
+ struggled to get as good
+ <braunr> well yes
+ <braunr> but at least it's not experimental
+ <braunr> everything i want to implement already exists, and is tested on
+ production systems
+ <braunr> it's just time to assemble those ideas and components together
+ into something that works
+ <braunr> you could see it as a qnx-like system with thread migration, the
+ global architecture of the hurd, and some improvements from linux like
+ rcu :)
+### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-09-07
+ <antrik> braunr: thread migration is tested on production systems?
+ <antrik> BTW, I don't think that generally increasing the priority of
+ servers is a good idea
+ <antrik> in most cases, IPC should actually be sync. slpz looked at it at
+ some point, and concluded that the implementation actually has a
+ fast-path for that case. I wonder what happens to scheduling in this case
+ -- is the receiver sheduled immediately? if not, that's something to
+ fix...
+ <braunr> antrik: qnx does something very close to thread migration, yes
+ <braunr> antrik: i agree increasing the priority isn't a good thing, but
+ it's the best of the quick and dirty ways to reduce message floods
+ <braunr> the problem isn't sync ipc in mach
+ <braunr> the problem is the notifications (in our cases the dead name
+ notifications) that are by nature async
+ <braunr> and a malicious program could send whatever it wants at the
+ fastest rate it can
+ <antrik> braunr: malicious programs can do any number of DOS attacks on the
+ Hurd; I don't see how increasing priority of system servers is relevant
+ in that context
+ <antrik> (BTW, I don't think dead name notifications are async by
+ nature... just like for most other IPC, the *usual* case is that a server
+ thread is actively waiting for the message when it's generated)
+ <braunr> antrik: it's async with respect to the client
+ <braunr> antrik: and malicious programs shouldn't be able to do that kind
+ of dos
+ <braunr> but this won't be fixed any time soon
+ <braunr> on the other hand, a higher priority helps servers not create too
+ many threads because of notifications, and that's a good thing
+ <braunr> gnu_srs: the "fix" for this will be to rewrite select so that it's
+ synchronous btw
+ <braunr> replacing dead name notifications with something like cancelling a
+ previously installed select request
+ <antrik> no idea what "async with respect to the client" means
+ <braunr> it means the client doesn't wait for anything
+ <antrik> what is the client? what scenario are you talking about? how does
+ it affect scheduling?
+ <braunr> for notifications, it's usually the kernel
+ <braunr> it doesn't directly affect scheduling
+ <braunr> it affects the amount of messages a hurd server has to take care
+ of
+ <braunr> and the more messages, the more threads
+ <braunr> i'm talking about event loops
+ <braunr> and non blocking (or very short) selects
+ <antrik> the amount of messages is always the same. the question is whether
+ they can be handled before more come in. which would be the case if be
+ default the receiver gets scheduled as soon as a message is sent...
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> scheduling handoff doesn't imply the thread will be ready to
+ service the next message by the time a client sends a new one
+ <braunr> the rate at which a message queue gets filled has nothing to do
+ with scheduling handoff
+ <antrik> I very much doubt rates come into play at all
+ <braunr> well they do
+ <antrik> in my understanding the problem is that a lot of messages are sent
+ before the receive ever has a chance to handle them. so no matter how
+ fast the receiver is, it looses
+ <braunr> a lot of non blocking selects means a lot of reply ports
+ destroyed, a lot of dead name notifications, and what i call message
+ floods at server side
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> it used to work fine with cthreads
+ <braunr> it doesn't any more with pthreads because pthreads are slightly
+ slower
+ <antrik> if the receiver gets a chance to do some work each time a message
+ arrives, in most cases it would be free to service the next request with
+ the same thread
+ <braunr> no, because that thread won't have finished soon enough
+ <antrik> no, it *never* worked fine. it might have been slighly less
+ terrible.
+ <braunr> ok it didn't work fine, it worked ok
+ <braunr> it's entirely a matter of rate here
+ <braunr> and that's the big problem, because it shouldn't
+ <antrik> I'm pretty sure the thread would finish before the time slice ends
+ in almost all cases
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> too much contention
+ <braunr> and in addition locking a contended spin lock depresses priority
+ <braunr> so servers really waste a lot of time because of that
+ <antrik> I doubt contention would be a problem if the server gets a chance
+ to handle each request before 100 others come in
+ <braunr> i don't see how this is related
+ <braunr> handling a request doesn't mean entirely processing it
+ <braunr> there is *no* relation between handoff and the rate of incoming
+ message rate
+ <braunr> unless you assume threads can always complete their task in some
+ fixed and low duration
+ <antrik> sure there is. we are talking about a single-processor system
+ here.
+ <braunr> which is definitely not the case
+ <braunr> i don't see what it changes
+ <antrik> I'm pretty sure notifications can generally be handled in a very
+ short time
+ <braunr> if the server thread is scheduled as soon as it gets a message, it
+ can also get preempted by the kernel before replying
+ <braunr> no, notifications can actually be very long
+ <braunr> hurd_thread_cancel calls condition_broadcast
+ <braunr> so if there are a lot of threads on that ..
+ <braunr> (this is one of the optimizations i have in mind for pthreads,
+ since it's possible to precisely select the target thread with a doubly
+ linked list)
+ <braunr> but even if that's the case, there is no guarantee
+ <braunr> you can't assume it will be "quick enough"
+ <antrik> there is no guarantee. but I'm pretty sure it will be "quick
+ enough" in the vast majority of cases. which is all it needs.
+ <braunr> ok
+ <braunr> that's also the idea behind raising server priorities
+ <antrik> braunr: so you are saying the storms are all caused by select(),
+ and once this is fixed, the problem should be mostly gone and the
+ workaround not necessary anymore?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <antrik> let's hope you are right :-)
+ <braunr> :)
+ <antrik> (I still think though that making hand-off scheduling default is
+ the right thing to do, and would improve performance in general...)
+ <braunr> sure
+ <braunr> well
+ <braunr> no it's just a hack ;p
+ <braunr> but it's a right one
+ <braunr> the right thing to do is a lot more complicated
+ <braunr> as roland wrote a long time ago, the hurd doesn't need dead-name
+ notifications, or any notification other than the no-sender (which can be
+ replaced by a synchronous close on fd like operation)
+ <antrik> well, yes... I still think the viengoos approach is promising. I
+ meant the right thing to do in the existing context ;-)
+ <braunr> better than this priority hack
+ <antrik> oh? you happen to have a link? never heard of that...
+ <braunr> i didn't want to do it initially, even resorting to priority
+ depression on trhead creation to work around the problem
+ <braunr> hm maybe it wasn't him, i can't manage to find it
+ <braunr> antrik:
+ <braunr> "Long ago, in specifying the constraints of
+ <braunr> what the Hurd needs from an underlying IPC system/object model we
+ made it
+ <braunr> very clear that we only need no-senders notifications for object
+ <braunr> implementors (servers)"
+ <braunr> "We don't in general make use of dead-name notifications,
+ <braunr> which are the general kind of object death notification Mach
+ provides and
+ <braunr> what serves as task death notification."
+ <braunr> "In the places we do, it's to serve
+ <braunr> some particular quirky need (and mostly those are side effects of
+ Mach's
+ <braunr> decouplable RPCs) and not a semantic model we insist on having."
+### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-09-08
+ <antrik> The notion that seemed appropriate when we thought about these
+ issues for
+ <antrik> Fluke was that the "alert" facility be a feature of the IPC system
+ itself
+ <antrik> rather than another layer like the Hurd's io_interrupt protocol.
+ <antrik> braunr: funny, that's *exactly* what I was thinking when looking
+ at the io_interrupt mess :-)
+ <antrik> (and what ultimately convinced me that the Hurd could be much more
+ elegant with a custom-tailored kernel rather than building around Mach)
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-09-24
+ <braunr> my initial attempt was a mach clone
+ <braunr> but now i want a mach-like kernel, without compability
+ <lisporu> which new licence ?
+ <braunr> and some very important changes like sync ipc
+ <braunr> gplv3
+ <braunr> (or later)
+ <lisporu> cool 8)
+ <braunr> yes it is gplv2+ since i didn't take the time to read gplv3, but
+ now that i have, i can't use anything else for such a project: )
+ <lisporu> what is mach-like ? (how it is different from Pistachio like ?)
+ <braunr> l4 doesn't provide capabilities
+ <lisporu> hmmm..
+ <braunr> you need a userspace for that
+ <braunr> +server
+ <braunr> and it relies on complete external memory management
+ <lisporu> how much work is done ?
+ <braunr> my kernel will provide capabilities, similar to mach ports, but
+ simpler (less overhead)
+ <braunr> i want the primitives right
+ <braunr> like multiprocessor, synchronization, virtual memory, etc..
+### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-09-30
+ <braunr> for those interested, x15 is now a project of its own, with no
+ gnumach compability goal, and covered by gplv3+
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/memory_management.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/memory_management.mdwn
index c630af05..3e158b7c 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/memory_management.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/memory_management.mdwn
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
<braunr> and mmu management
<braunr> (but maybe that's what you meant by physical memory)
## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-02-16
<braunr> antrik: youpi added it for xen, yes
@@ -119,3 +120,16 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
<braunr> there is issue with watch ./slabinfo which turned in a infinite
loop, but it didn't affect the stability of the system
<braunr> actually with a 64-bits kernel, we could use a 4/x split
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-08-10
+ <braunr> all modern systems embed the kernel in every address space
+ <braunr> which allows reduced overhead when making a system call
+ <braunr> sometimes there is no context switch at all
+ <braunr> on i386, there are security checks to upgrade the privilege level
+ (switch to ring 0), and when used, kernel page tables are global, so
+ they're not flushed
+ <braunr> using sysenter/sysexit makes it even faster
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/ports.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/ports.mdwn
index f114460c..e7fdb446 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/ports.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/ports.mdwn
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation,
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 Free Software
+Foundation, Inc."]]
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@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
* [[Xen]]
+ * [[open_issues/64-bit_port]]. There is some preliminary work for a
+ x86\_64 port.
+ * [[open_issues/ARM_port]]. Is not in a usable state.
* [PowerPC]( Is not in a usable state.
* Alpha: [project I](, and
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/projects/clean_up_the_code.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/projects/clean_up_the_code.mdwn
index 2a9b4b60..89a27b01 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/gnumach/projects/clean_up_the_code.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/gnumach/projects/clean_up_the_code.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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@@ -121,3 +121,12 @@ further files (also exported ones) that serve no real value, but are being
# Rewrite ugly code
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-09-06
+ <mcsim> hello. Why size parameter of rpc device_read has type
+ "mach_msg_type_number_t *"? Why not just "vm_size_t *"?
+ <mcsim> this parameter has name data_count
+ <braunr> that's one of the reasons mach is confusing
+ <braunr> i can't really tell you why, it's messy :/
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/history.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/history.mdwn
index 5a3608cd..776bb1d7 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/history.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/history.mdwn
@@ -58,3 +58,23 @@ Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any med
Apple's Macintosh OSX (OS 10.x) is based on [Darwin]( _"Darwin uses a monolithic kernel based on [[TWiki/FreeBSD]] 4.4 and the OSF/mk Mach 3."_ Darwin also has a [Kernel Programming]( Book.
-- [[Main/GrantBow]] - 22 Oct 2002
+IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-08-29:
+ <pavlx> was moved the page from about darwin kernel programming
+ as described on the
+ <pavlx> i found the page and it's
+ <pavlx> it's not anymore the old page
+ <pavlx> and the link about darwin does noit exists anymore ! the new one
+ could be
+ <pavlx> the old one was
+ <pavlx> the link to Darwin is changed i suppose that the nw one it's
+ <pavlx> and the link to Kern Programming it's
+ <pavlx> can't be anymore
diff --git a/microkernel/mach/port.mdwn b/microkernel/mach/port.mdwn
index 26b55456..ccc7286f 100644
--- a/microkernel/mach/port.mdwn
+++ b/microkernel/mach/port.mdwn
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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-Foundation, Inc."]]
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+Software Foundation, Inc."]]
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@@ -86,4 +86,4 @@ When a server process' thread receives from a port set, it dequeues exactly one
message from any of the ports that has a message available in its queue.
This concept of port sets is also the facility that makes convenient
-implementation of [[UNIX]]'s `select` [[system_call]] possible.
+implementation of [[UNIX's `select` system call|glibc/select]] possible.