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5 files changed, 329 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/faq/how_many_developers.mdwn b/faq/how_many_developers.mdwn
index da457d96..9e079852 100644
--- a/faq/how_many_developers.mdwn
+++ b/faq/how_many_developers.mdwn
@@ -67,3 +67,10 @@ We're an open project: any interested party (*you*!) are very welcome to start
Likewise, for reaching out to new developers, we're participating in [[Google's
Summer of Code program|community/gsoc]].
+As *el_presidente* commented on
+> Developers, developers, developers, developers.
+> They are the people that matter at this point in time.
diff --git a/faq/old_faq.txt b/faq/old_faq.txt
index 98c605eb..e370277e 100644
--- a/faq/old_faq.txt
+++ b/faq/old_faq.txt
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ users when they are talking about, installing, using, compiling and
developing the GNU Hurd as well as its binary distribution Debian
GNU/Hurd. Be sure to read this before asking for help.
-The GNU Hurd is under active development and a stable version has not
-yet been released. Be aware that: there is a lot of work yet to be
+The GNU Hurd is under active development.
+Be aware that there is a lot of work yet to be
completed; you will find bugs; your system will crash. That said, there
is a lot of room for contributions at all levels: development of the
Hurd and Mach proper, porting applications, writing documentation and,
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ at:
?? What is OSKit-Mach?
-{NHW,FH} There are two versions of GNU Mac that are in use: GNU Mach
+{NHW,FH} There have once been two versions of GNU Mach developed: GNU Mach
1.x and GNU Mach 2.x, formerly known as OSKit-Mach. The former uses
the drivers from Linux 2.0.x while the latter uses the University of
Utah's OSKit library for drivers. You can find out more about the
@@ -414,9 +414,7 @@ OSKit library at:
-GNU Mach 2.x is usable, but some things are still missing or not
-working, like the serial port and scsi drivers. This is why GNU Mach
-2.0 hasn't released yet and the two versions coexist.
+The project didn't work out too well, so development has again been halted.
?? Where is the documentation?
diff --git a/faq/release.mdwn b/faq/release.mdwn
index 9e5cc348..6ec26925 100644
--- a/faq/release.mdwn
+++ b/faq/release.mdwn
@@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
[[!meta title="When will the Hurd be released?"]]
-0.5 was released on 2013 September 27th.
+0.5 has been [[released on 2013-09-27|news/2013-09-27]]. Read about the
+[[Hurd's status|hurd/status]].
-*OK, but when will it be finished?*
+> OK, but when will it be finished?
-Well, is Linux considered to be really "finished"? Hurd 0.5 does work, of course
-it can become better, thanks for joining us to achieve that :)
-You can also read about the Hurd's [[hurd/status]].
+Well, is the Linux kernel considered to be really "finished"? Hurd 0.5 does
+work, but of course it can still become better -- beginning to
+[[contribute|contributing]] and [[joining us|how_many_developers]] is the best
+way for you to help achieve that. :-)
diff --git a/faq/sata_disk_drives/discussion.mdwn b/faq/sata_disk_drives/discussion.mdwn
index e9da8560..0b56f235 100644
--- a/faq/sata_disk_drives/discussion.mdwn
+++ b/faq/sata_disk_drives/discussion.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2013, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -238,3 +238,111 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
<braunr> i'll stick with ide for now, but at least setting sata with
libvirt was quite easy to do
<braunr> so we can easily switch later
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-10-22
+ <teythoon> youpi: do I need to do anything to enable the ahci driver?
+ gnumach 1.4 should include it, right?
+ <youpi> it should, yes
+ <youpi> make sure to put your board in ahci mode, not raid mode
+ <youpi> (and not ata mode)
+ <teythoon> youpi: hm, I will try to do so
+ <teythoon> youpi: does the driver print anything to the console?
+ <youpi> teythoon: yes, AHCI SATA 00:04.0 BAR 0xfebf1000 IRQ 11
+ <teythoon> youpi: well, the bios has two modes of operation, 'raid' and
+ 'ide', I selected 'ide'
+ <youpi> ergl
+ <teythoon> youpi: hm, I think my board has no ahci controller, linux uses
+ the sata_via module to talk to it :/
+ <youpi> ah :/
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-05
+ <braunr> teythoon: i don't completely trust the driver
+ <teythoon> oh ?
+ <braunr> it doesn't work on my laptop, and i had a failure once on a "big"
+ partition of 128G
+ <teythoon> hm
+ <teythoon> my hardware does not implement ahci, but in qemu it works fine
+ for me
+ <braunr> well qemu is the only supported "hardware"
+ <teythoon> but then my partitions are not that big
+ <youpi> braunr: no, it does work on my laptop too
+ <braunr> ok
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-12
+ <braunr> youpi: hum, sorry to ask but how do you use qemu to provide sata ?
+ <youpi> braunr: there's an important trick: getting it on another IRQ than
+ the eth0 board :/
+ <youpi> -device ahci,id=ahci1
+ <youpi> for nothing
+ <youpi> -device ahci,id=ahci2
+ <youpi> -drive id=root,file=/dev/${HDA}7,cache=writeback,if=none
+ <youpi> -device ide-drive,drive=root,bus=ahci2.1
+ <braunr> ok that's close enough to what i have
+ <braunr> but
+ <braunr> i'm using /dev/sda as the backend
+ <braunr> instead of a regular file
+ <braunr> sda already containing a regular debian linux system
+ <braunr> and grub2 can't boot because it seems to fail reading the
+ partition table
+ <braunr> it works perfectly when accessing it as an ide disk though
+ <braunr> youpi: do you see any reason why grub would fail with ahci ?
+ <braunr> also, why ahci2._1_ instead of 0 ?
+ <braunr> youpi: fyi, the cd installer always booted fine here, both on my
+ workstation and my laptop, i did about 50 tries on each machine
+ <braunr> the graphical mode doesn't seem to work though
+ <braunr> youpi: fyi2 the grub related issue i'm having is
+ <youpi> I'm using .1 because I have a /boot .0 before the / .1 :)
+ <braunr> humm
+ <braunr> you have two drives ?
+ <youpi> braunr: (cd installer): you mean, even in semi-graphical mode?
+ <braunr> one for /boot and the other for / ?
+ <youpi> I have 3 actually :)
+ <braunr> youpi: no, xorg
+ <braunr> ok i se
+ <braunr> see
+ <youpi> (cd installer) I'm talking about the working ones :)
+ <youpi> I know xorg does not boot
+ <braunr> ok
+ <braunr> so apparently, adding ,boot=on to the -drive parameter did the
+ trick
+ <youpi> k
+ <braunr> and now, i have a hurd system running from /dev/sda5 (the real
+ disk) in qemu
+ <youpi> for the pseudo-graphical console, I guess his monitor is too dumb
+ to be able to display 640x400
+ <braunr> possible
+ <youpi> most probably because no OS uses that any more nowadays :/
+ <youpi> (and that won't get better)
+ <braunr> so now i can debug ahci on my laptop using that :)
+ <braunr> youpi: is there a known limit to the size of an ahci drive in the
+ gnumach driver ?
+ <youpi> in the driver itself, it's simply lba48
+ <youpi> but the mach interface uses 32bit sector number
+ <youpi> thus 2TB limit
+ <braunr> that's plenty :)
+ <youpi> I have a 2TB drive :)
+ <youpi> so it won't be plenty for long
+ <braunr> 2TB for your hurd system ?
+ <youpi> no, for my backups etc.
+ <braunr> i meant plenty for our hurd instances
+ <youpi> but there could have been a hurd vm there
+ <youpi> and not necesseraly below 2TiB
+ <braunr> hm, the installer doesn't detect existing partitions on an ahci
+ drive :/
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-13
+ <braunr> youpi: looks like linux has trouble handling my ahci drive without
+ ioapic/msi
+ <braunr> no wonder gnumach can't either
+ <youpi> erf
diff --git a/faq/which_microkernel/discussion.mdwn b/faq/which_microkernel/discussion.mdwn
index ffdc6720..338da7d8 100644
--- a/faq/which_microkernel/discussion.mdwn
+++ b/faq/which_microkernel/discussion.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014 Free Software Foundation,
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -13,6 +14,65 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-01-12
+ <Pete-J> Hello i am just curious of the development of Hurd - what's the
+ current mission on the microkernel i see projects like l4 and viengoos,
+ will one of these projects replace Mach? or will you stick with Mach
+ <Pete-J> as i understand is that Mach is a first generation microkernel
+ that's very old in design and causes alot of issues
+ <Pete-J> that's where l4 and viengoos comes in - they are trying to be the
+ next generation Mach - am i correct?
+ <neal> l4 is not a drop in replacement for Mach
+ <neal> it doesn't actually do much resource management
+ <neal> for instance, you still have to implement a memory manager
+ <neal> this is where several issues are with Mach
+ <neal> l4 doesn't address those issues; it punts to the operating system
+ <Pete-J> and what about viengoos?
+ <neal> it's unfinished
+ <neal> and it implemented some untested ideas
+ <neal> i.e., parts of viengoos were research
+ <neal> there has not been a sufficient evaluation of those ideas to
+ determine whether they are a good approach
+ <Pete-J> meaning that viengoos is a research kernel that could aid Mach?
+ <neal> I'm not sure I understand your question
+ <Pete-J> Well is viengoos trying to be a replacement for Mach, or will
+ viengoos be an experiment of new ideas that could be implemented in Mach?
+ <Pete-J> i am sorry for my limited english
+ <neal> viengoos was designed with a Hurd-like user-land in mind
+ <neal> in that sense it was a Mach replacement
+ <neal> (unlike L4)
+ <neal> viengoos consisted of a few experiments
+ <neal> one could implement them in mach
+ <neal> but it would require exposing new interfaces
+ <neal> in which case, I'm not sure you could call the result Mach
+ <Pete-J> Well as i understand you develop two microkernels side by side,
+ wouldnt it be more effective to investigate viengoos more and maybe move
+ the focus to viengoos?
+ <antrik> no
+ <antrik> having something working all the time is crucial
+ <antrik> it's very hard to motivate people to work on a project that might
+ be useful, in a couple of years, perhaps...
+ <Pete-J> Well Mach is meant to be replaced one day - i see no reason to
+ keep on developing it just because it works at this moment
+ <Pete-J> *if Mach is meant to be replaced
+ <antrik> it's not at all clear that it will be replaced by something
+ completely different. I for my part believe that modifying the existing
+ Mach is a more promising approach
+ <Pete-J> as i understand man power is something you need - and by spreading
+ out the developers just makes the progress more slow
+ <antrik> but even if it *were* to be replaced one day, it doesn't change
+ the fact that we need it *now*
+ <antrik> all software will be obsolete one day. doesn't mean it's not worth
+ working on
+ <antrik> the vast majority of work is not on the microkernel anyways, but
+ on the system running on top of it
+ <Pete-J> ahh i see
+ <antrik> manpower is not something that comes from nowhere. again, having
+ something working is crucial in a volunteer project like this
+ <antrik> there are no fixed plans
# Olaf, 2011-04-10
This version mixes up three distinct phases: rewrite from scratch; redesign;
@@ -118,3 +178,144 @@ please discuss them...
<antrik> Xnu implements a few improvements that might be helpful; but it
doesn't address the really fundamental issues that matter for a true
multiserver system...
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-04
+ <bwright> Is hurd still using the Mach Microkernel?
+ <bwright> I am assuming the L4 port failed?
+ <teythoon> yes / yes, i believe so
+ <bwright> I am currently working as an intern on seL4 a verified
+ microkernel variant of L4.
+ <bwright> I was sort of interested as to why the port failed if there are
+ any old mailing list posts etc.
+ <bwright> Obviously if it is too much trouble to dig them up that is
+ understandable.
+ <teythoon> most interesting, i'm interested in software verification as
+ well :)
+ <teythoon> there's some stuff in the wiki
+ <bwright> (I am writing a multiserver atm on top of it)
+ <teythoon>
+ <bwright> Awesome thanks.
+ <braunr> bwright: iirc, l4 lacked some important asynchronous stuff
+ <braunr> the all synchronous model proved insufficient for an efficient
+ posix conforming system
+ <bwright> Yep, posix can get very annoying in places.
+ <bwright> Variants of l4 have async stuff that could probably work.
+ <braunr> okl4 is the only one i know of that does this
+ <braunr> but it may not have been the only issue
+ <bwright> That is the one I am working with :p
+ <braunr> the l4-hurd mailing list archives should tell you more about this
+ <bwright> Great :D
+ <bwright> Going to read through them and look into it.
+ <braunr> there was also an attempt on coyotos which failed for other
+ reasons related to the overall security mechanisms of the system iirc
+ <braunr> enjoy ;p
+ <bwright> On a side note I am also very interested in Multiservers.
+ <braunr> so are we :)
+ <bwright> I wouldn't mind hacking on hurd for fun in my spare time.
+ <braunr> it would probably be appreciated
+ <bwright> Currently porting a fuse implementation to L4 which is taking all
+ my time. But might hang out in the chat and mess around where I can.
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-06
+ <antrik> bwright: the original l4hurd was abandoned because original L4
+ didn't have any capability support, and implementing them in userspace
+ turned out too complex and too much overhead
+ <antrik> capability-enhanced L4 variants were only emerging at that time;
+ and while they were evaluated briefly, the Hurd/L4 initiators turned to
+ other ideas instead. the feasability of a Hurd port on a modern L4
+ variant was never evaluated deeply
+ <antrik> ultimately, the conclusion was that system design and microkernel
+ design are interwoven very tightly, and it doesn't make sense to try to
+ build something as complex as the Hurd on top of a microkernel not
+ specifically designed for it
+ <antrik> (this is in fact the same reason why the original Hurd on Mach
+ turned out so problematic...)
+ <cluck> antrik: fwiw i agree with what you said but it's a good idea to
+ keep stuff like genode in mind, in fact i'd go as far as saying that in a
+ microkernel it's a good thing to have interchangeable modules that can be
+ easily swapped :)
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-09
+ <cusement> braunr: would you share your negative opinions about
+ disadvantages of the existing L4s? A link to a dicussion is also fine of
+ course. I know my questions might be annoying, since im not deeply into
+ the materia yet. But Im interested in working on a open source kernel &
+ OS alternative suitable for mid/long term requirements, after I was
+ struggling with many deficits of monolithic kernels for years.
+ <braunr> cusement: there are two i know of: 1/ many of them are purely
+ synchronous, a property that makes it hard to provide some async unix
+ facilities like signals or select and 2/ they don't implement
+ capabilities, merely thread-based messaging, so capabilities would have
+ to be implemented in user space
+ <cusement> i was recently reasearching for alternatives, since i am simply
+ fed up with the chaotic situation with the Linux kernel
+ <cusement> like Mach, XNU , ...
+ <cusement> well, im still doing my research on alternatives, ATM i simply
+ found L4 to have more future potential than Mach
+ <braunr> cusement: can i ask you why you think that ?
+ <cusement> for example i like the fact that there is (at least one) L4
+ variant that is proofen "right" on theoretical basis, since i am very
+ interested in creating a system with high security
+ <braunr> cusement: what do you think does the formal proof bring to a piece
+ of code that is, by definition, small enough to be easily audited ?
+ <cusement> braunr: statistics. i could also write a small piece of parser
+ manually, but when it comes to security, i rather prefer a parser
+ generator, since it ensures that it will actually create a parser that
+ will be secure, no metter with which grammar definition i feed it
+ <braunr> cusement: i agree, but the part of the system it covers is so
+ small it requires more justification
+ <braunr> cusement: any other main reason ?
+ <braunr> (we're not going to debate the merits of sel4 right now :))
+ <azeem> cusement: if you are experienced in Linux device drivers, maybe you
+ want to check out DDE?
+ <cusement> braunr: well, i first actually have to check what the precise
+ scope of the L4 proof was to judge about its importance. I actually just
+ started to re-spawn my interest in micro kernels after years where i
+ abondened it for myself as being not practical relevant.
+ <braunr> ok
+ <cusement> azeem: that was actually one of the biggest reasons for me to
+ look at HURD. Because i am very unhappy about the chaotic driver
+ situation in Linux, with no isolation whatsoever.
+ <braunr> cusement: the hurd design is focused on quite more than that
+ <braunr> cusement: it's a property of practically all multiserver systems
+ out there to isolate each other
+ <braunr> other properties makes the hurd apart
+ <cusement> braunr: i know, but there also hybrids like XNU where drivers
+ are still in kernel space
+ <braunr> i don't consider xnu to be a multiserver system
+ <cusement> braunr: well, xnu also runs various fundamental services as
+ separate tasks / servers
+ <braunr> cusement: let me check
+ <cusement> xnu is mach based, and every mach derivative uses a multiserver
+ design, doesnt it?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> practically all mach based systems were monoliths in userspace
+ <cusement> you mean kernel space
+ <azeem> cusement: certainly at least the NeXT/OS X Mach-based setup is not
+ very multiserver
+ <braunr> cusement: no i mean userspace
+ <braunr> darwin and mac os x are good examples of such systems
+ <cusement> braunr: so you mean individual fundamental OS tasks on XNU are
+ actually just processed by one server
+ <cusement> havent really digged too deep in XNU, because of its monolithic
+ driver concept
+ <braunr> cusement: yes
+ <braunr> it's basically a bsd server on top of mach
+ <cusement> ok, got it
+ <antrik> braunr: OS X actually runs the UNIX server in kernel space as well
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-10
+ <antrik> braunr: I believe all the "modern" L4 variants have some kind of
+ capability support -- though they differ in the details, and when Marcus
+ and Neal did the initial evaluation of the first two of them, it was not
+ yet clear yet whether it would suffice for the needs of the Hurd...