path: root/community/gsoc/project_ideas/valgrind.mdwn
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diff --git a/community/gsoc/project_ideas/valgrind.mdwn b/community/gsoc/project_ideas/valgrind.mdwn
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+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
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+[[!meta title="Porting Valgrind to the Hurd"]]
+[Valgrind]( is an extremely useful debugging tool for memory errors.
+(And some other kinds of hard-to-find errors too.)
+Aside from being useful for program development in general,
+a Hurd port will help finding out why certain programs segfault on the Hurd,
+although they work on Linux.
+Even more importantly, it will help finding bugs in the Hurd servers themselfs.
+To keep track of memory use,
+Valgrind however needs to know how each system call affects the validity of memory regions.
+This knowledge is highly kernel-specific,
+and thus Valgrind needs to be explicitely ported for every system.
+Such a port involves two major steps:
+making Valgrind understand how kernel traps work in general on the system in question;
+and how all the individual kernel calls affect memory.
+The latter step is where most of the work is,
+as the behaviour of each single system call needs to be described.
+Compared to Linux,
+Mach (the microkernel used by the Hurd) has very few kernel traps.
+Almost all system calls are implemented as RPCs instead --
+either handled by Mach itself, or by the various Hurd servers.
+All RPCs use a pair of mach\_msg() invocations:
+one to send a request message, and one to receive a reply.
+However, while all RPCs use the same mach\_msg() trap,
+the actual effect of the call varies greatly depending on which RPC is invoked --
+similar to the ioctl() call on Linux.
+Each request thus must be handled individually.
+Unlike ioctl(),
+the RPC invocations have explicit type information for the parameters though,
+which can be retrieved from the message header.
+By analyzing the parameters of the RPC reply message,
+Valgrind can know exactly which memory regions are affected by that call,
+even without specific knowledge of the RPC in question.
+Thus implementing a general parser for the reply messages
+will already give Valgrind a fairly good approximation of memory validity --
+without having to specify the exact semantic of each RPC by hand.
+While this should make Valgrind quite usable on the Hurd already, it's not perfect:
+some RPCs might return a buffer that is only partially filled with valid data;
+or some reply parameters might be optional,
+and only contain valid data under certain conditions.
+Such specific semantics can't be deduced from the message headers alone.
+Thus for a complete port,
+it will still be necessary to go through the list of all known RPCs,
+and implement special handling in Valgrind for those RPCs that need it.
+The goal of this task is at minimum to make Valgrind grok Mach traps,
+and to implement the generic RPC handler.
+Ideally, specific handling for RPCs needing it should also be implemented.
+Completing this project will require digging into Valgrind's handling of system calls,
+and into Hurd RPCs.
+It is not an easy task, but a fairly predictable one --
+there shouldn't be any unexpected difficulties,
+and no major design work is necessary.
+It doesn't require any specific previous knowledge:
+only good programming skills in general.
+On the other hand,
+the student will obtain a good understanding of Hurd RPCs while working on this task,
+and thus perfect qualifications for Hurd development in general :-)
+Possible mentors: Samuel Thibault (youpi)
+Exercise: As a starter,
+students can try to teach valgrind a couple of Linux ioctls,
+as this will make them learn how to use the read/write primitives of valgrind.