path: root/community/gsoc/2013/hacklu.mdwn
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diff --git a/community/gsoc/2013/hacklu.mdwn b/community/gsoc/2013/hacklu.mdwn
index d0185c60..b7de141b 100644
--- a/community/gsoc/2013/hacklu.mdwn
+++ b/community/gsoc/2013/hacklu.mdwn
@@ -615,3 +615,1485 @@ In context of [[open_issues/libpthread/t/fix_have_kernel_resources]]:
found that.
<tschwinge> hacklu: That's how I found it, yes.
<hacklu> tschwinge: :)
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-14
+ <hacklu> hi. what is a process's msgport?
+ <hacklu> And where can I find the msg_sig_post_untraced_request()?
+ <hacklu> (msg_sig_post* in [hurd]/hurd/msg_defs)
+ <hacklu> this is my debugger demo code
+ use make test to run the demo. I
+ put a breakpoint before the second printf in hello_world(inferior
+ program). but I can't resume execution from that.
+ <hacklu> could somebody give me some suggestions? thanks so much.
+ <teythoon> hacklu: % make test
+ <teythoon> make: *** No rule to make target `exc_request_S.c', needed by
+ `all'. Stop.
+ <hacklu_> teythoon: updated, forget to git add that file .
+ <teythoon> hacklu_: cool, seems to work now
+ <teythoon> will look into this tomorrow :)
+ <hacklu_> exit
+ <hacklu_> teythoon: not work. the code can,t resume from a breakpoint
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-15
+ <hacklu> hi, this is my weekly
+ report.
+ <hacklu> sadly to unsolve the question of resume from breakpoint.
+ <teythoon> hacklu: have you tried to figure out what gdb does to resume a
+ process?
+ <hacklu> teythoon: hi. em, I have tried, but haven't find the magic in gdb
+ yet.
+ <teythoon> have you tried rpctrace'ing gdb?
+ <hacklu> no, rpctrace has too many noise. I turned on the debug in gdb.
+ <hacklu> I don't want rpctrace start gdb as its child task. if it can
+ attach at some point instead of at start
+ <teythoon> hacklu: you don't need to use gdb interactively, you could pipe
+ some commands to it
+ <hacklu> teythoon: that sounds a possible way. I am try it, thank you
+ <hacklu> youpi: gdb can't work correctlly with rpctrace even in batch
+ mode.
+ <hacklu> get something like this "rpctrace: get an unknown send right from
+ process 2151"
+ <youpi> hacklu: well, ideally, fix rpctrace );
+ <youpi> ;)
+ <youpi> hacklu: but you can also as on the list, perhaps somebody knows
+ what you need
+ <hacklu> ok.
+ <hacklu> or I should debug gdb more deeply.
+ <youpi> do both
+ <youpi> so either of them may win first
+ <hacklu> braunr: I have found that, if there is no exception appears, the
+ signal thread will not be createed. Then there is only one thread in the
+ task.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-17
+ <hacklu__> braunr: ping
+ <braunr> hacklu__: yes ?
+ <hacklu__> I have reply your email
+ <braunr> i don't understand
+ <braunr> "I used this (&_info)->suspend_count to get the sc value."
+ <braunr> before the thread_info call ?
+ <hacklu__> no, after the call
+ <braunr> but you have a null pointer
+ <braunr> the info should be returned in info, not _info
+ <hacklu__> strange thing is the info is a null pointer. but _info not
+ <braunr> _info isn't a pointer, that's why
+ <braunr> the kernel will use it if the data fits, which is usually the case
+ <hacklu__> in the begin , the info=&_info.
+ <braunr> and it will dynamically allocate memory if it doesn't
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> info should still have that value after the call
+ <hacklu__> but the call had change it. this is what I can;t understand.
+ <braunr> are you completely sure err is 0 on return ?
+ <hacklu__> since the parameter is a pointer to pointer, the thread_info can
+ change it , but I don't think it is a good ideal to set it to null
+ pointer without any err .
+ <hacklu__> yes. i am sure
+ <braunr> info_len is wrong
+ <braunr> it should be the number of integers in _info
+ <braunr> i.e. sizeof(_info) / sizeof(unsigned int)
+ <braunr> i don't think that's the problem though
+ <braunr> yes, THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT is already exactly that
+ <braunr> hm not exactly
+ <braunr> yes, exactly in fact
+ <hacklu__> I try to set it by hand, not use the macro.
+ <braunr> the macro is already defined as #define THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT
+ (sizeof(thread_basic_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+ <hacklu__> the info_len is 13. I checked.
+ <braunr> so, i said something wrong
+ <braunr> the call doesn't reallocate thread_info
+ <braunr> it uses the provided storage, nothing else
+ <braunr> yes, your call is wrong
+ <braunr> use thread_info (thread->port, THREAD_BASIC_INFO, (int *) info,
+ &info_len);
+ <hacklu__> em. thread_info (thread->port, THREAD_BASIC_INFO, (int *) &info,
+ &info_len);
+ <braunr> &info would make the kernel erase the memory where info (the
+ pointer) was stored
+ <braunr> info, not &info
+ <braunr> or &_info directly
+ <braunr> i don't see the need for an intermediate pointer here
+ <braunr> ideally, avoid the cast
+ <hacklu__> but in gnu-nat.c line 3338, it use &info.
+ <braunr> use a union with both thread_info_data_t and
+ thread_basic_info_data_t
+ <braunr> well, try it my way
+ <braunr> i think they're wrong
+ <hacklu__> ok, you are right, use info it is ok. the value is the same as
+ &_info after the call.
+ <hacklu__> but the suspend_count is zero again.
+ <braunr> check the rest of the result to see if it's consistent
+ <hacklu__> I think this line need a patch.
+ <hacklu__> what you mean the rest of the result?
+ <braunr> the thread info
+ <braunr> run_state, sleep_time, creation_time
+ <braunr> see if they make sense
+ <hacklu__> ok, I try to dump it
+ <braunr> bbl
+ <hacklu__> braunr: thread [118] suspend_count=0
+ <hacklu__> run_state=3, flags=1, sleep_time=0,
+ creation_time.second=1374079641
+ <hacklu__> something like this, seems no problems.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-18
+ <hacklu__> how to get the thread state from TH_STATE_WAITING to
+ <braunr> hacklu__:
+ <braunr> hacklu__: ah waiting
+ <braunr> hacklu__: this means the thread is waiting for an event
+ <braunr> so probably waiting for a message
+ <braunr> or an internal kernel event
+ <hacklu__> braunr: so I need to send it a message. I think I maybe forget
+ to send some reply message.
+ <braunr> hacklu__: i'm really not sure about those low level details
+ <braunr> confirm before doing anything
+ <hacklu__> the gdb has called msg_sig_post_untraced_request(), I don't get
+ clear about this function, I just call it as the same, maybe I am wrong .
+ <hacklu__> how will if I send a CONT to the stopped process? maybe I should
+ try this.
+ <hacklu__> when the inferior is in waiting
+ status(TH_STATE_WAITING,suspend_count=0), I use kill to send a CONT. then
+ the become(TH_STATE_STOP,suspend_count=1). when I think I am near the
+ success,I call thread_resume(),inferior turn out to be (TH_STATE_WAITING,
+ suspend_count=0).
+ <braunr> so yes, probably waiting for a message
+ <hacklu__> braunr: after send a CONT to the inferior, then send a -9 to the
+ debugger, the inferior continue!!!
+ <braunr> probably because it was notified there wasn't any sender any more
+ <hacklu__> that's funny, I will look deep into thread_resume and kill
+ <braunr> (gdb being the sender here)
+ <hacklu__> in hurd, when gdb attach a inferior, send signal to the
+ inferior, who will get the signal first? the gdb or the inferior?
+ <hacklu__> quite differnet with linux. seems the inferior get first
+ <braunr> do you mean gdb catches its own signal through ptrace on linux ?
+ <hacklu__> kkk
+ <braunr> ?
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-20
+ <hacklu> braunr: yeah, on Linux the gdb catch the signal from inferior
+ before the signal handler. And that day my network was broken, I can't
+ say goodbye to you. sorry for that.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-22
+ <hacklu> hi all, this is my weekly
+ report.
+ <teythoon> good to hear that you got the resume issue figured out
+ <hacklu> teythoon: thanks :)
+ <teythoon> hacklu: so your next step is to port gdbserver to hurd?
+ <hacklu> yep, I am already begin to.
+ <hacklu> before the mid-evaluate, I must submit something. I am far behind
+ my personal expections
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: You've made great progress! Sorry, for not being able
+ to help you very much: currently very busy with work. :-|
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Working on gdbserver now is fine. I understand you
+ have been working on HDebugger to get an understanding of how everyting
+ works, outside of the huge GDB codebase. It's of course fine to continue
+ working on HDebugger to test things, etc., and that also counts very much
+ for the mid-term evaluation, so nothing to worry about. :-)
+ <hacklu> but I have far away behind my application on GSOC. I haven't
+ submit any patches. is it ok?
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Don't worry. Before doing the actual work, things
+ always look much simpler than they will be. So I was expecting/planning
+ for that.
+ <tschwinge> The Hurd system is complex, with non-trivial and sometimes
+ asynchronous communication between the different components, and so it
+ takes some time to get an understanding of all that.
+ <hacklu> yes, I haven't get all clear about the signal post. that's too
+ mazy.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: It surely is, yes.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: may you help me to understand the msg_sig_post(). I
+ don't want to understand all details now, but I want to get the _right_
+ understanding of the gerneral.
+ <hacklu> as I have mentioned on my weekly report, gdb is listening on the
+ inferior's exception port, then gdb post a signal to that port. That
+ says: gdb post a message to herself, and handle it. is this right?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: [gdb]/gdb/gnu-nat.c (line 1371), and
+ [glibc]/hurd/hurdsig.c(line 1390)
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: My current understanding is that this is a "real"
+ signal that is sent to the debugged process' signal thread (msgport), and
+ when that process is resumed, it will process that signal.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: This is different from the Mach kernel sending an
+ exception signal to a thread's exception port, which GDB is listening to.
+ <tschwinge> Or am I confused?
+ <hacklu> is the msgport equal the exception port?
+ <hacklu> in my experience, when the thread haven't cause a exception, the
+ signal thread will not be created. after the exception occured, the
+ signal thread is come out. so somebody create it, who dose? the mach
+ kernel?
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: My understanding is that the signal thread would always
+ be present, because it is set up early in a process' startup.
+ <hacklu> but when I call task_threads() before the exception appears, only
+ on thread returned.
+ <tschwinge> "Interesting" -- another thing to look into.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Well, you must be right: GDB must also be listening to
+ the debugged process' msgport, because otherwise it wouldn't be able to
+ catch any signals the process receives. Gah, this is all too complex.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: that's maybe not. gdb listening on the task's exception
+ port, and the signal maybe handle by the signal thread if it could
+ handle. otherwise the signal thread pass the exception to the task's
+ exception port where gdb catched.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Ah, I think I now get it. But let me first verify...
+ ;-)
+ <hacklu> something strange. I have write a program to check whether create
+ signal threads at begining, the all created!
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: this is my test code and
+ result.
+ cat test.c
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <mach.h>
+ #include <mach_error.h>
+ int main(int argc,char** argv)
+ {
+ mach_port_t task_port;
+ thread_array_t threads[5];
+ mach_msg_type_number_t num_threads[5];
+ error_t err;
+ task_port = mach_task_self();
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ for(i=0;i<5;i++)
+ if(task_port){
+ err = task_threads(task_port,&threads[i],&num_threads[i]);
+ if(err)
+ printf("err\n");
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<5;i++){
+ printf("===============\n");
+ printf("has %d threads now\n",num_threads[i]);
+ for(j=0;j<num_threads[i];j++)
+ printf("thread[%d]=%d\n",j,threads[i][j]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ and the output
+ ./a.out
+ ===============
+ has 2 threads now
+ thread[0]=87
+ thread[1]=97
+ ===============
+ has 2 threads now
+ thread[0]=87
+ thread[1]=97
+ ===============
+ has 2 threads now
+ thread[0]=87
+ thread[1]=97
+ ===============
+ has 2 threads now
+ thread[0]=87
+ thread[1]=97
+ ===============
+ has 2 threads now
+ thread[0]=87
+ thread[1]=97
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: the result is different with HDebugger case.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: It is my understanding that the two sig_post_untraced
+ RPC calls in inf_signal indeed are invoked on the real msgport (signal
+ thread) if the debugged process.
+ <tschwinge> That port is retrieved via the
+ proc_getmsgport on the proc server, and that will return (unless
+ overridden by proc_setmsgport, but that isn't done in GDB) the msgport as
+ set by [glibc]/hurd/hurdinit.c:_hurd_new_proc_init or _hurd_setproc.
+ <tschwinge> inf_signal is called from gnu_resume, which is via
+ [target_ops]->to_resume is called from target.c:target_resume, which is
+ called several places, for example infrun.c:resume which is used to a)
+ just resume the debugged process, or b) resume it and have it handle a
+ Unix signal (such as SIGALRM, or so), when using the GDB command »signal
+ SIGALRM«, for example.
+ <tschwinge> So such a signal would then not be intercepted by GDB itself.
+ <tschwinge> By the way, this is all just from reading the code -- I hope I
+ got it all right.
+ <tschwinge> Another thing: In Mach 3 Kernel Principles, the standard
+ sequence described on pages 22, 23 is thread_suspend, thread_abort,
+ thread_set_state, thread_resume, so you should probably do that in
+ HDebugger too, and not call thread_set_state before.
+ <tschwinge> I would hope the GDB code also follows the standard sequence?
+ Can you please check that?
+ <tschwinge> The one thing I'm now confused about is where/how GDB
+ intercepts the standard setup (probably in glibc's signaling mess?) so
+ that it receives any signals raised in the debugged process.
+ <tschwinge> But I'll have to continue later.
+ <hacklu___> tschwinge: thanks for your detail answers. I don't realize that
+ the gnu_resume will resume for handle a signal, much thanks for point
+ this:)
+ <hacklu___> tschwinge: I am not exactly comply with <Mach 3 kernel
+ principles> when I call thread_set_state. but I have called a
+ task_suspend before. I think it's not too bad:)
+ <tschwinge> hacklu___: Yes, but be aware that gnu_resume is only relevant
+ if a signal is to be forwarded to the debugged process (to be handled
+ there), but not for the case where GDB intercepts the signal (such as
+ SIGSEGV), and handles it itself without then forwarding it to the
+ application. See the »info signals« GDB command.
+ <hacklu___> I also confused about when to start the signal thread. I will
+ do more experiment.
+ <hacklu___> I have found this: when the inferior is stop at a breakpoint, I
+ use kill to send a CONT to it, the HDebugger will get this message who
+ listening on the exception port.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-28
+ <hacklu_> how to understand the rpctrace output?
+ <hacklu_> like this. 142<--143(pid15921)->proc_mark_stop_request (19 0)
+ 125<--1
+ <hacklu_> 27(pid-1)->msg_sig_post_request (20 5 task108(pid15919));
+ <hacklu_> what is the (pid-1)? the kernel?
+ <teythoon> 1 is /hurd/init
+ <hacklu_> pid-1 not means minus 1?
+ <teythoon> ah, funny, you're right... I dunno then
+ <teythoon> 2 is the kernel though
+ <hacklu_> the 142<--143 is port name?
+ <teythoon> could very well be, but I'm not sure, sorry
+ <hacklu_> the number must be the port name.
+ <teythoon> anyone knows why /hurd/init does not get dead name notifications
+ for /hurd/exec like it does for any other essential server?
+ <teythoon> as far as I can see it successfully asks for them
+ <teythoon> about rpctrace, it poses as the kernel for its children, parses
+ and relays any messages sent over the childrens message port, right?
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-29
+ <hacklu_> hi. this is my weekly
+ report.
+ <teythoon> hacklu_: the inferior voluntarily stops itself if it gets a
+ signal and notifies its tracer?
+ <hacklu_> yes
+ <teythoon> what if it chose not to do so? undebugable program?
+ <hacklu_> debugged program will be set an flag so called
+ hurdsig_traced. normal program will handle the signal by himself.
+ <hacklu_> in my env, I found that when GDB attach a running program, gdb
+ will not catch the signal send to the program. May help me try it?
+ <teythoon> it doesn't? I'll check...
+ <teythoon> hacklu_: yes, you're right
+ <hacklu_> you can just gdb a loop program, and kill -CONT to it. If I do
+ this I will get "Can't wait for pid 12332:NO child processes" warning.
+ <teythoon> yes, I noticed that too
+ <teythoon> does gdb reparent the tracee?
+ <hacklu_> I don't think this is a good behavior. gdb should get inferior's
+ signal
+ <teythoon> absolutely
+ <hacklu_> In linux it does, not sure about hurd. but I think it should.
+ <teythoon> definitively. there is proc_child in process.defs, but that may
+ only be used once to set the parent of a process
+ <hacklu_> gdb doesn't set the inferior as its child process if attached a
+ running procss in HURD.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu_: So you figured out this tracing/signal stuff. Great!
+ <hacklu_> tschwinge: Hi. not exactly.
+ <hacklu_> as I have mentioned, gdb can't get signal when attach to a
+ running process.
+ <hacklu_> I also want to know how to build glibc in hurd. I have got this "
+ relocation error: ./ symbol _dl_find_dso_for_object, version
+ GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file with link time reference" when
+ use LD_PRELOAD=./my_build_glibc/
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: You can't just preload the new, but you'll also
+ need to use the new Have a look at [glibc-build]/ for
+ how to invoke these properly. Or, link with
+ »-Wl,-dynamic-linker=[glibc-build]/elf/,-rpath,[glibc-build]:[glibc-build]/elf
+ -L [glibc-build] -L [glibc-build]/elf«. If using the latter, I suggest
+ to also add »-Wl,-t« to verify that you're linking against the correct
+ libraries, and »ldd
+ <tschwinge> [executable]« to verify that [€xecutable] will load the correct
+ libraries when invoked.
+ <hacklu> I will try that, and I can't find this call
+ pthread_cond_broadcast(). which will called in the proc_mark_stop
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Oh, right, you'll also need to add libpthread (I think
+ that's the directory name?) to the rpath and -L commands.
+ <hacklu> is libpthread a part of glibc or hurd?
+ <pinotree> glibc
+ <NlightNFotis> hacklu: it is a different repository available here
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: thanks for that, but I don't think I need help about
+ the comiler error now, it just say missing some C file. I will look into
+ the Makefile to verify.
+ <NlightNFotis> but I think it's a part of glibc as a whole
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: OK.
+ <tschwinge> glibc is/was a stand-alone package and library, but in Debian
+ GNU/Hurd is nowadays integrated into glibc's build process.
+ <hacklu> NlightNFotis: thanks. I only add hurd, glibc, gdb,mach code to my
+ cscope file. seems need to add libpthread.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: If you use the Debian glibc package, our libpthread
+ will be in the libpthread subdirectory.
+ <tschwinge> Ignore nptl, which is used for the Linux kernel.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge:BTW, I have found that, to continue the inferior from a
+ breakpoint, doesn't need to call msg_sig_post_untraced. just call
+ thread_abort and thread_resume is already ok.
+ <hacklu> I get the glibc from
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: That sounds about right, because you want the inferior
+ to continue normally, instead of explicitly sending a (Unix) signal to
+ it.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: I suggest you use: »apt-get source eglibc« on your Hurd
+ system.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: The Savannah repository does not yet have libpthread
+ integrated. I have this on my TODO list...
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: no, apt-get source doesn't work in my Hurd. I got any
+ code from git clone ***
+ <pinotree> you most probably lack the deb-src entry in your sources.list
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Do you have deb-src lines in /etc/apt/source-list? Or
+ how does it fail?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: I have deb-src lines. and apt-get complain that: E:
+ Unable to find a source package for eglibc or E: Unable to find a source
+ package for glibc
+ <youpi> hacklu: which deb-src lines do you have?
+ <hacklu> and piece of my source_list : deb
+ unreleased main deb-src
+ unreleased main
+ <youpi> you also need a deb-src line with the main archive
+ <youpi> deb-src unstable main
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Oh, hmm. And you did run »apt-get update« before?
+ That aside, there also is <>
+ that you can use. You'll need the *.dsc and *.debian.tar.xz files
+ corresponbding to your version of glibc, and the *.orig.tar.xz file. And
+ then run »dpkg-source -x *.dsc«.
+ <tschwinge> The Debian snapshot is often very helpful if you need source
+ packages that are no longer in the main Debian repository.
+ <youpi> or simply running dget on the dsc url
+ <tschwinge> Oh. Good to know.
+ <youpi> e.g. dget
+ <hacklu> the network is slowly. and I am in apt-get update.
+ <youpi> I will be away from this evening until sunday, too
+ <hacklu> what the main difference between the source site?
+ <hacklu> is dget means wget?
+ <pinotree> no
+ <hacklu> not exist in linux?
+ <pinotree> it does, in devscripts
+ <pinotree> it's a debian tool
+ <hacklu> oh, yes, I have installed devscripts.
+ <hacklu> I have got the libphread code, thanks.
+ <braunr> teythoon: the simple fact that this msg thread exists to receive
+ requests and that these requests are sent by ps and procfs is a potential
+ DoS
+ <teythoon> braunr: but does that mean that on Hurd a process can prevent a
+ debugger from intercepting signals?
+ <braunr> teythoon: yes
+ <braunr> that's not a problem for interactive programs
+ <braunr> it's part of the hurd design that programs have limited trust in
+ each other
+ <braunr> a user can interrupt his debugger if he sees no activity
+ <braunr> that's more of a problem for non interactive system stuff like
+ init scripts
+ <braunr> or procfs
+ <hacklu> why gdb can't get inferior's signal if attach a running process?
+ <braunr> hacklu: try to guess
+ <hacklu> braunr: it is not a reasonable thing. I always think it should
+ catch the signal.
+ <braunr> hacklu: signals are a unix thing built on top of mach
+ <braunr> hacklu: think in terms of ports
+ <braunr> all communication on the hurd goes through ports
+ <hacklu> but when use gdb to start a process and debugg it, this way, gdb
+ can catch the signal
+ <braunr> hacklu: my guess is :
+ <braunr> when starting a process, gdb can act as a proxy, much like
+ rpctrace
+ <braunr> when attaching, it can't
+ <hacklu> braunr: ah, my question should ask like this: why gdb can't set
+ the inferior as its child process when attaching it? or it can not ?
+ <braunr> hacklu: i'm not sure, the proc server is one of the parts i know
+ the less
+ <braunr> but again, i guess there is no facility to update the msg port of
+ a process in the proc server
+ <braunr> check that before taking it as granted
+ <hacklu> braunr: aha, I alway think you know everything:)
+ <tschwinge> braunr: There is: setmsgport or similar.
+ <braunr> if there is one, gdb doesn't use it
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: That is a good question -- I can't answer it off-hand,
+ but it might be possible (by setting the tracing flag, and such things).
+ Perhaps it's just a GDB bug, which omits to do that. Perhaps just a
+ one-line code change, perhaps not. That's a new bug (?) report that we
+ may want to have a look at later on.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: But also note, this new problem is not really related
+ to your gdbserver work -- but of course you're fine to have a look at it
+ if you'd like to.
+ <hacklu> I just to ask for whether this is a normal behavior. this is
+ related to my gdbserver work, as gdbserver also need to attach a running
+ process...
+ <braunr> gdbserver can start a process just like gdb does
+ <braunr> you may want to focus on that first
+ <tschwinge> Yes.
+ <tschwinge> Attaching to processes that are already running is, I think,
+ always more complicated compared to the case where GDB/gdbserver has
+ complete control about the inferior right from the beginning.
+ <hacklu> yes, I am only focus on start one. the attach way I haven't
+ research now.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: That's totally fine. You can just say that attaching
+ to processes is not supported yet.
+ <hacklu> that's sound good:)
+ <tschwinge> Ther will likely be more things in gdbserver that you won't be
+ able to easily support, so it's fine to do it step-by-step.
+ <tschwinge> And then later add more features incrementally.
+ <tschwinge> That's also easier for reviewing the patches.
+ <hacklu> and one more question I have ask yestoday. what is the rpctrace
+ output (pid-1) mean?
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Another thing I can't tell off-hand. I'll try to look
+ it up.
+ <teythoon> hacklu, tschwinge: my theory is that it is in fact an error
+ message, maybe the proc server did not now a pid for the task
+ <braunr> hacklu: utsl
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: for saving your time, I will look the code myself, I
+ don;t think this is a real hard question need you to help me by reading
+ the source code.
+ <tschwinge> teythoon, hacklu: Yes, from a quick inspection it looks like
+ task2pid returning a -1 PID -- but I can't tell yet what that is supposed
+ to mean, if it's an actualy bug, or just means there is no data
+ available, or similar.
+ <hacklu> braunr: utsl??
+ <tschwinge> hacklu:
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: thank you. braunr like say abbreviation which I can't
+ google out.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Again, if this affects your work, it is fine to have a
+ look at that presumed rpctrace problem, if not, it is fine to have a look
+ at it if you'd like to, and otherwise, we'll file it as a possible bug to
+ be looked at laster.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Now you learned that one. :-)
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: ok , this doesn't affect me now. If I have time I will
+ figure out it.
+ <teythoon> btw, what about the copyright assignment process?
+ <tschwinge> teythoon, hacklu: You still haven't heard from the FSF about
+ your copyright assignments? What's the latest you have heard?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: I have wrote a emali to ask for that, but no reply.
+ <teythoon> tschwinge: last and only response I got was on July 1st, the
+ last ping with explicit request for confirmation was on July the 12th
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: When did you send this email?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: last week.
+ <tschwinge> teythoon: I suggest you send another inquiry, and please put me
+ in CC. And if there'S no answer within a couple days (well, I'm away
+ until Monday...), I'll follow up.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Likewise for you; depending on when exactly ;-) you
+ sent the last email. (Always allow for a few days until you exect an
+ answer, but if nothing happend within a week for such rather simple
+ administrative tasks, better ask again, unfrotunately.)
+ <hacklu> tschwinge:ok , I will email more
+ <hacklu> how to understand the asyn RPC?
+ <braunr> hacklu: hm ?
+ <hacklu> for instance, [hurd]/proc/main.c proc_server is loop in listening
+ message. and handle it by message_demuxer.
+ <hacklu> but when I send a request like proc_wait_request() to it, will it
+ block in the message_demuxer?
+ <hacklu> and where is the function of
+ ports_manage_port_operations_multithread()?
+ <braunr> this one is in libports
+ <braunr> it's the last thing a server calls after bootstrapping itself
+ <braunr> message_demuxer normally blocks, yes
+ <braunr> but it's not "async"
+ <hacklu> the names seems the proc_server is listening message with many
+ threads?
+ <braunr> every server in the hurd does
+ <braunr> threads are created by ports_manage_port_operations_multithread
+ when incoming messages can't be processed quick enough by the set of
+ already existing threads
+ <hacklu> if too many task send request to the server, will it ddos?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <teythoon> every server but /hurd/init
+ <braunr> (and /hurd/hello)
+ <braunr> hacklu: that's, in my opinion, a major design defect
+ <hacklu> yes, that is reasonable.
+ <braunr> that's what causes what i like to call thread storms on message
+ floods ... :)
+ <braunr> my hurd clone is intended to address such major issues
+ <teythoon> couldn't that be migitated by some kind of heuristic?
+ <braunr> it already is ..
+ <hacklu> I don't image that the port_manage_port_operations_multithread
+ will dynamically create threads. I thought the server will hang if all
+ work thread is in use.
+ <braunr> that would also be a major defect
+ <braunr> creating as many threads as necessary is a good thing
+ <braunr> the problem is the dos
+ <braunr> hacklu: btw, ddos is "distributed" dos, and it doesn't really
+ apply to what can happen on the hurd
+ <hacklu> why not ? as far as I known, the message transport is
+ transparent. hurd has the chance to be DDOSed
+ <braunr> we don't care about the distributed property of the dos
+ <hacklu> oh, I know what you mean.
+ <braunr> it simply doesn't matter
+ <braunr> on thread calling select in an event loop with a low timeout (high
+ frequency) on a bunch of file descriptors is already enough to generate
+ many dead-name notifications
+ <tschwinge> Oh! Based on what I've read in GDB source code, I thought the
+ proc server was single-threaded. However, it no longer is, after 1996's
+ Hurd commit fac6d9a6d59a83e96314103b3181f6f692537014.
+ <braunr> those notifications cause message flooding at servers (usually
+ pflocal/pfinet), which spawn a lot of threads to handle those messages
+ <braunr> one* thread
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: ah, the comment in gnu_nat.c is out of date!
+ <braunr> hacklu: and please, please, clean the hello_world processes you're
+ creating on darnassus
+ <braunr> i had to do it myself again :/
+ <hacklu> braunr: [hacklu@darnassus ~]$ ps ps: No applicable processes
+ <braunr> ps -eflw
+ <braunr> htop
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Probably the proc_wait_pid and proc_waits_pending stuff
+ could be simplified then? (Not an urgent issue, of course, will file as
+ an improvement for later.)
+ <hacklu> braunr: ps -eflw |grep hacklu
+ <hacklu> 1038 12360 10746 26 26 2 87 22 148M 1.06M 97:21001 S
+ p1 0:00.00 grep --color=auto hacklu
+ <braunr> 15:08 < braunr> i had to do it myself again :/
+ <teythoon> braunr: so as a very common special case, a lot of dead name
+ notifications cause problems for pf*?
+ <braunr> and use your numeric uid
+ <braunr> teythoon: yes
+ <hacklu> braunr: I am so sorry. I only used ps to check. forgive me
+ <braunr> teythoon: simply put, a lot of messages cause problems
+ <braunr> select is one special use case
+ <teythoon> braunr: blocking other requests?
+ <braunr> the other is page cache writeback
+ <braunr> creating lots of threads
+ <braunr> potentially deadlocking on failure
+ <braunr> and in the case of writebacks, simply starving
+ <teythoon> braunr: but dead name notifications should mostly trigger
+ cleanup actions, couldn't those be handled by a different thread(pool)
+ than the rest?
+ <braunr> that's why you can bring down a hurd system with a simple cp
+ bigfile somewhere, bigfile being a few hundreds MiBs
+ <braunr> teythoon: it doesn't change the problem
+ <braunr> threads are per task
+ <braunr> and the contention would remain the same
+ <teythoon> hm
+ <braunr> since dead-name notifications are meant to release resources
+ created by what would then be "regular" threads
+ <braunr> don't worry, there is a solution
+ <braunr> it's simple
+ <braunr> it's well known
+ <braunr> it's just hard to directly apply to the hurd
+ <braunr> and impossible to enforce on mach
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: I am confuzed after I have look into S_proc_wait()
+ [hurd/proc/wait.c], it has relate pthread_hurd_cond_wait_np. I can't find
+ out when it will return. And the signal is report to the debuger by
+ S_proc_wait.
+ <teythoon> braunr: a pointer please ;)
+ <braunr> teythoon: basically, synchronous ipc
+ <braunr> then, enforcing one server thread per client thread
+ <braunr> and replace mach-generated notifications with messages sent from
+ client threads
+ <braunr> the only kind of notification required by the hurd are no-senders
+ notifications
+ <braunr> this happens when a client releases all references it has to a
+ resource
+ <braunr> so it's easy to make that synchronous as well
+ <braunr> trying to design RPCs as closely as system calls on monolithic
+ kernels helps in viewing how this works
+ <braunr> the only real additions are address space crossing, and capability
+ invocation
+ <teythoon> sounds reasonable, why is it hard to apply to the hurd? most
+ rpcs are synchonous, no?
+ <braunr> mach ipc isn't
+ <hacklu> braunr: When client C send a request to server S, but doesn't wait
+ for the reply message right now, for a while, C call mach_msg to recieve
+ reply. Can I think this is a synchronous RPC?
+ <braunr> a malicious client can still overflow message queues
+ <braunr> hacklu: no
+ <teythoon> yes, I can see how this is impossible to enforce, but still we
+ could all try to play nice :)
+ <braunr> teythoon: no
+ <braunr> :)
+ <braunr> async ipc is heavy, error-prone, less performant than sync ipc
+ <braunr> some async ipc is necessary to handle asynchronous events, but
+ something like unix signals is actually a lot more appropriate
+ <braunr> we're diverging from the gsoc though
+ <braunr> don't waste too much time on that
+ <teythoon> 15:13 < braunr> it's just hard to directly apply to the hurd
+ <teythoon> I wont
+ <teythoon> why is it hard
+ <braunr> almost everything is synchronous on the hurd
+ <braunr> except a few critical bits
+ <braunr> signals :)
+ <braunr> and select
+ <braunr> and pagecache writebacks
+ <braunr> fixing those parts require some work
+ <braunr> which isn't trivial
+ <braunr> for example, select should be rewritten not to use dead-name
+ notifications
+ <teythoon> adding a light weight signalling mechanism to mach and using
+ that instead of async ipc?
+ <braunr> instead of destroying ports once an event has been received, it
+ should (synchyronously) remove the requests installed at remote servers
+ <braunr> uh no
+ <braunr> well maybe but that would be even harder
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: This (proc/wait.c) is related to POSIX thread
+ cancellation -- I don't think you need to be concerned about that. That
+ function's "real" exit points are earlier above.
+ <braunr> teythoon: do you understand what i mean about select ?
+ <teythoon> ^^ is that a no go area?
+ <braunr> for now it is
+ <braunr> we don't want to change the mach interface too much
+ <teythoon> yes, I get the point about select, but I haven't looked at its
+ implementation yet
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: when I want to know the child task's state, I call
+ proc_wait_request(), unless the child's state not change. the
+ S_proc_wait() will not return?
+ <braunr> it creates ports, puts them in a port set, gives servers send
+ rights so they can notify about events
+ <teythoon> y not? it's not that hurd is portable to another mach, or is it?
+ and is there another that we want to be compatible with?
+ <braunr> when an event occurs, all ports are scanned
+ <braunr> then destroyed
+ <braunr> on destruction, servers are notified by mach
+ <braunr> the problem is that the client is free to continue and make more
+ requests while existing select requests are still being cancelled
+ <teythoon> uh, yeah, that sounds like a costly way of notifying somewone
+ <braunr> the cost isn't the issue
+ <braunr> select must do something like that on a multiserver system, you
+ can't do much about it
+ <braunr> but it should be synchronous, so a client can't make more requests
+ to a server until the current select call is complete
+ <braunr> and it shouldn't use a server approach at the client side
+ <braunr> client -> server should be synchronous, and server -> client
+ should be asynchronous (e.g. using a specific SIGSELECT signal like qnx
+ does)
+ <braunr> this is a very clean way to avoid deadlocks and denials of service
+ <teythoon> yes, I see
+ <braunr> qnx actually provides excellent documentation about these issues
+ <braunr> and their ipc interface is extremely simple and benefits from
+ decades of experience on the subject
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: This function implements the POSIX wait call, and per
+ »man 2 wait«: »The wait() system call suspends execution of the calling
+ process until one of its children terminates.«
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: This is implemented in glibc in sysdeps/posix/wait.c,
+ sysdeps/unix/bsd/bsd4.4/waitpid.c, sysdeps/mach/hurd/wait4.c, by invoking
+ this RPC synchronously.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: GDB on the other hand, uses this infrastructure (as I
+ understand it) to detect (that is, to be informed) when a debuggee exits
+ (that is, when the inferior process terminates).
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Ah, so maybe I miss-poke earlier: the
+ pthread_hurd_cond_wait_np implements the blocking. And depending on its
+ return value the operation will be canceled or restarted (»start_over«).
+ <tschwinge> s%maybe%%
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Does this information help?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: proc_wait_request is not only to detect the inferior
+ exit. it also detect the child's state change
+ <braunr> as tschwinge said, it's wait(2)
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: and I have see this, when kill a signal to inferior,
+ the gdb will get the message id=24120 which come from S_proc_wait
+ <hacklu> braunr: man 2 wait says: wait, waitpid, waitid - wait for process
+ to change state. (in linux, in hurd there is no man wait)
+ <braunr> uh
+ <braunr> there is, it's the linux man page :)
+ <braunr> make sure you have manpages-dev installed
+ <hacklu> I always think we are talk about linux's manpage :/
+ <hacklu> but regardless the manpage, gdb really call proc_wait_request() to
+ detect whether inferior's changed states
+ <braunr> in any case, keep in mind the hurd is intended to be a posix
+ system
+ <braunr> which means you can always refer to what wait is expected to do
+ from the posix spec
+ <braunr> see
+ <hacklu> braunr: even in the manpags under hurd, man 2 wait also says: wait
+ for process to change state.
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> that's what it's for
+ <braunr> what's the problem ?
+ <hacklu> the problem is what tschwinge has said I don't understand. like
+ and per »man 2 wait«: »The wait() system call suspends execution of the
+ calling process until one of its children terminates.«
+ <braunr> terminating is a form of state change
+ <braunr> historically, wait was intended to monitor process termination
+ only
+ <hacklu> so the thread become stoped wait also return
+ <braunr> afterwards, process tracing was added too
+ <braunr> what ?
+ <hacklu> so when the child state become stopped, the wait() call will
+ return?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <hacklu> and I don't know this pthread_hurd_cond_wait_np.
+ <braunr> wait *blocks* until the process it references changes state
+ <braunr> pthread_hurd_cond_wait_np is the main blocking function in hurd
+ servers
+ <braunr> well, pthread_hurd_cond_timedwait_np actually
+ <braunr> all blocking functions end up there
+ <braunr> (or in mach_msg)
+ <braunr> (well pthread_hurd_cond_timedwait_np calls mach_msg too)
+ <hacklu> since I use proc_wait_request to get the state change, so the
+ thread in proc_server will be blocked, not me. is that right?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> both
+ <hacklu> this is just a request, why should block me?
+ <braunr> because you're waiting for the reply afterwards
+ <braunr> or at least, you should be
+ <braunr> again, i'm not familiar with those parts
+ <hacklu> after call proc_wait_request(), gdb does a lot stuffs, and then
+ call mach_msg to recieve reply.
+ <braunr> ok
+ <hacklu> I think it will be blocked only in mach_msg() if need.
+ <braunr> usually, xxx_request are the async send-only versions of RPCs
+ <tschwinge> Yes, that'S my understanding too.
+ <braunr> and xxx_reply the async receive-only
+ <braunr> so that makes sense
+ <hacklu> so I have ask you is it a asyn RPC.
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> 15:18 < hacklu> braunr: When client C send a request to server S,
+ but doesn't wait for the reply message right now, for a while, C call
+ mach_msg to recieve reply. Can I think this is a synchronous RPC?
+ <braunr> 15:19 < braunr> hacklu: no
+ <braunr> if it's not synchronous, it's asynchronous
+ <hacklu> sorry, I spell wrong. missing a 'a' :/
+ <tschwinge> S_proc_wait_reply will then be invoked once the procserver
+ actually answers the "blocking" proc_wait call.
+ <tschwinge> Putting "blocking" in quotes, because (due to the asyncoronous
+ RPC invocation), GDB has not actually blocked on this.
+ <braunr> well, it doesn't call proc_wait
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: yes, the S_proc_wait_reply is called by
+ process_reply_server().
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: so the "blocked" one is the thread in proc_server .
+ <tschwinge> braunr: Right. »It requests the proc_wait service.«
+ <braunr> gdb will also block on mach_msg
+ <braunr> 16:05 < braunr> both
+ <hacklu> braunr: yes, if gdb doesn't call mach_msg to recieve reply it will
+ not be blocked.
+ <braunr> i expect it will always call mach_msg
+ <braunr> right ?
+ <hacklu> braunr: yes, but before it call mach_msg, it does a lot other
+ things. but finally will call mach_msg
+ <braunr> that's ok
+ <braunr> that's the kind of things asynchronous IPC allows
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: I have make a mistake in my week report. The signal
+ recive by inferior is notified by the proc_server, not the
+ send_signal. Because the send_singal send a SIGCHLD to gdb's msgport not
+ gdbself. That make sense.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-30
+ <hacklu> braunr: before I go to sleep last night, this question pop into my
+ mind. How do you find my hello_world is still alive on darnassus? The
+ process is not a CPU-heavy or IO-heavy guy. You will not feel any
+ performance penalization. I am so curious :)
+ <teythoon> hacklu: have you looked into patching the proc server to allow
+ reparenting of processes?
+ <hacklu> teythoon:not yet
+ <teythoon> hacklu: i've familiarized myself with proc in the last week,
+ this should get you started nicely:
+ diff --git a/proc/mgt.c b/proc/mgt.c
+ index 7af9c1a..a11b406 100644
+ --- a/proc/mgt.c
+ +++ b/proc/mgt.c
+ @@ -159,9 +159,12 @@ S_proc_child (struct proc *parentp,
+ if (!childp)
+ return ESRCH;
+ + /* XXX */
+ if (childp->p_parentset)
+ return EBUSY;
+ + /* XXX if we are reparenting, check permissions. */
+ +
+ mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), childt);
+ /* Process identification.
+ @@ -176,6 +179,7 @@ S_proc_child (struct proc *parentp,
+ childp->p_owner = parentp->p_owner;
+ childp->p_noowner = parentp->p_noowner;
+ + /* XXX maybe need to fix refcounts if we are reparenting, not sure */
+ ids_rele (childp->p_id);
+ ids_ref (parentp->p_id);
+ childp->p_id = parentp->p_id;
+ @@ -183,11 +187,14 @@ S_proc_child (struct proc *parentp,
+ /* Process hierarchy. Remove from our current location
+ and place us under our new parent. Sanity check to make sure
+ parent is currently init. */
+ - assert (childp->p_parent == startup_proc);
+ + assert (childp->p_parent == startup_proc); /* XXX */
+ if (childp->p_sib)
+ childp->p_sib->p_prevsib = childp->p_prevsib;
+ *childp->p_prevsib = childp->p_sib;
+ + /* XXX we probably want to keep a reference to the old
+ + childp->p_parent around so that if the debugger dies or detaches,
+ + we can reparent the process to the old parent again */
+ childp->p_parent = parentp;
+ childp->p_sib = parentp->p_ochild;
+ childp->p_prevsib = &parentp->p_ochild;
+ <teythoon> the code doing the reparenting is already there, but for now it
+ is only allowed to happen once at process creation time
+ <hacklu> teythoon: good job. This is in my todo list, when I implement
+ attach feature to gdbserver I will need this
+ <braunr> hacklu: i use htop
+ <teythoon> braunr: why is that process so disruptive?
+ <braunr> the big problem with those stale processes is that they're in a
+ state that prevents one important script to complete
+ <braunr> there is a bug on the hurd with regard to terminals
+ <braunr> when you log out of an ssh session, the terminal remains open for
+ some reason (bad reference counting somewhere, but it's quite tricky to
+ identify)
+ <braunr> to work around the issue, i have a cron job that calls a script to
+ kill unused terminals
+ <braunr> this works by listing processes
+ <braunr> your hello_world processes block that listing
+ <teythoon> uh, how so?
+ <hacklu> braunr: ok. I konw.
+ <braunr> teythoon: probably the denial of service we were talking about
+ yesterday
+ <teythoon> select flooding a server?
+ <braunr> no, a program refusing to answer on its msg port
+ <braunr> ps has an option -M :
+ <braunr> -M, --no-msg-port Don't show info that uses a process's
+ msg port
+ <braunr> the problem is that my script requires those info
+ <teythoon> ah, I see, right
+ <braunr> hacklu being working on gdb, it's not surprising he's messing with
+ that
+ <teythoon> yes indeed. couldn't ps use a timeout to detect that?
+ <hacklu> braunr: yes, once I have found ps will hang when I has run
+ hello_world in a breakpoint state.
+ <teythoon> braunr: thanks for explaining the issue, i always wondered why
+ that process is such big a deal ;)
+ <braunr> teythoon: how do you tell between processes being slow to answer
+ and intentionnally refusing to answer ?
+ <braunr> a timeout is almost never the right solution
+ <braunr> sometimes it's the only solution though, like for networking
+ <braunr> but on a system running on a local machine, there is usually
+ another way
+ <teythoon> braunr: I don't of course
+ <braunr> ?
+ <braunr> ah ok
+ <braunr> it was rethorical :)
+ <teythoon> yes I know, and I was implying that I wasn't expecting a timeout
+ to be the clean solution
+ <teythoon> and the current behaviour is hardly acceptable
+ <braunr> i agree
+ <braunr> it's ok for interactive cases
+ <braunr> you can use Ctrl-C, which uses a 3 seconds delay to interrupt the
+ client RPC if nothing happens
+ <teythoon> braunr: btw, what about *_reply.defs? Should I add a
+ corresponding reply simpleroutine if I add a routine?
+ <braunr> normally yes
+ <braunr> right, forgot about that
+ <teythoon> so that the procedure ids are kept in sync in case one wants to
+ do this async at some point in the future?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> this happened with select
+ <braunr> i had to fix the io interface
+ <teythoon> ok, noted
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-31
+ <hacklu> Do we need write any other report for the mid-evaluation? I have
+ only submit a question-answer to google.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-08-05
+ <hacklu> hi, this is my weekly
+ report.
+ <hacklu> youpi: can you show me some suggestions about how to design the
+ interface and structure of gdbserver?
+ <youpi> hacklu: well, I've read your blog entry, I was wondering about
+ tschwinge's opinion, that's why I asked whether he was here
+ <youpi> I would tend to start from an existing gdbserver, but as I haven't
+ seen the code at all, I don't know how much that can help
+ <hacklu> so you mean I shoule get a worked gdbserver then to improve it?
+ <youpi> I'd say so, but again it's not a very strong opinion
+ <youpi> I'd rather let tschwinge comment on this
+ <hacklu> youpi: ok :)
+ <youpi> how about the copyright assignments? did hacklu or teythoon receive
+ any answer?
+ <teythoon> youpi: I did, the copyright clerk told me that he finally got my
+ papers and that everything is in order now
+ <youpi> few!
+ <youpi> s/f/ph
+ <youpi> teythoon: you mean all steps are supposed to be done now, or is he
+ doing the last steps? I don't see your name in the copyright folder yet
+ <teythoon> youpi: well, he said that he had the papers and they are about
+ to be signed
+ <youpi> teythoon: ok, so it's not finished, that's why your name is not on
+ the list yet
+ <youpi> this paper stuff is really a pain
+ <hacklu> youpi: I haven't got any answer from FSF now.
+ <youpi> did you ping them recently?
+ <hacklu> I have pinged 2 week ago.
+ <hacklu> what you mean of ping? I just write an email to him. Is it enough?
+ <youpi> yes
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-08-12
+ <hacklu> hi, this is my weekly report
+ . sorry for so late.
+ <youpi> hacklu: it seems we misunderstood ourselves last week, I meant to
+ start from the existing gdbserver implementation
+ <youpi> but never mind :)
+ <youpi> starting from the lynxos version was a good idea
+ <hacklu> youpi: em... yeah, the lynxos port is so clean and simple.
+ <hacklu> youpi: aha, the "Remote connection closed" problem has been fixed
+ after I add a init_registers_i386() and set the structure target_desc.
+ <hacklu> but I don't get understand with the structure target_desc. I only
+ know it is auto-generated which configured by the configure.srv.
+ <tschwinge> Hi!
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: In gdbserver, you should definitely re-use existing
+ infrastructure, especially anything that deals with the
+ protocol/communication with GDB (that is, server.c and its support
+ files).
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Then, for the x86 GNU Hurd port, it should be
+ implemented in the same way as an existing port. The Linux port is the
+ obvious choice, of course, but it is also fine to begin with something
+ simpler (like the LynxOS port you've chosen), and then we can still add
+ more features later on. That is a very good approach actually.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: The x86 GNU Hurd support will basically consist of
+ three pieces -- exactly as with GDB's native x86 GNU Hurd port: x86
+ processor specific (tge existing gdbserver/i386-low.c etc. -- shouldn't
+ need any modifications (hopefully)), GNU Hurd specific
+ (gdbserver/gnu-hurd-low.c (or similar)), and x86 GNU Hurd specific
+ (gdbserver/gnu-hurd-x86-low.c (or similar)).
+ <tschwinge> s%tge%the
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: now I have only add a file named gnu-low.c, I should
+ move some part to the file gnu-i386-low.c I think.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: That's fine for the moment. We can move the parts
+ later (everything with 86 in its name, probably).
+ <hacklu> that's ok.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: Can I copy code from gnu-nat.c to
+ gdbserver/gnu-hurd-low.c? I think the two file will have many same code.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: That's correct. Ideally, the code should be shared
+ (for example, in a file in common/), but that's an ongoing discussion in
+ GDB, for other duplicated code. So, for the moment, it is fine to copy
+ the parts you need.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Oh, but it may be a good idea to add a comment to the
+ source code, where it is copied from.
+ <hacklu> maybe I can do a common-part just for hurd gdb port.
+ <tschwinge> That should make it easier later on, to consolidate the
+ duplicated code into one place.
+ <tschwinge> Or you can do that, of course. If it's not too difficult to
+ do?
+ <hacklu> I think at the begining it is not difficult. But when the
+ gdbserver code grow, the difference with gdb is growing either. That will
+ be too many #if else.
+ <tschwinge> I think we should check with the GDB maintainers, what they
+ suggest.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Please send an email To: <> Cc:
+ <>, <>, and ask about
+ this: you need to duplicate code that already exists in gnu-nat.c for new
+ gdbserver port -- how to share code?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: ok, I will send the email right now.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: need I cc to hurd mail-list?
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Not really for that questions, because that is a
+ question only relevant to the GDB source code itself.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: got it.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-08-19
+ <hacklu__> when and where is the best time and place to get the regitser
+ value in gdb?
+ <youpi> well, I'm not sure to understand the question
+ <youpi> you mean in the gdb source code, right?
+ <youpi> isn't it already done in gdb?
+ <youpi> probably similarly to i386?
+ <youpi> (linux i386 I mean)
+ <hacklu__> I don't find the fetch_register or relate function implement in
+ gnu-nat.c
+ <hacklu__> so I can't make decision how to implement this in gdbserver.
+ <youpi> it's in i386gnu-nat.c, isn't it?
+ <hacklu__> yeah.
+ <youpi> does that answer your issue?
+ <hacklu__> thank you. I am so stupid
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-08-26
+ < hacklu> hello everyone, this is my week
+ report.
+ < hacklu> btw, my FSF copyright assignment has been concepted. They guy
+ said, they have recived my mail for a while but forget to handle it.
+ < hacklu> but now I face a new problem, when I typed the first continue
+ command, gdb will continue all the breakpoint, and the inferior will run
+ until normally exit.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-08-30
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: hi, does gdb's attach feature work correctlly on Hurd?
+ <hacklu> on my hurd-box, the gdb can't attach to a running process, after a
+ attaching, when I continue, gdb complained "can't find pid 12345"
+ <teythoon> hacklu: attaching works, not sure why gdb is complaining
+ <hacklu> teythoon: yeah, it can attaching, but can't contine process.
+ <hacklu> in this case, the debugger is useless if it can't resume execution
+ <teythoon> hacklu: well, gdb on Linux reacts a little differently, but for
+ me attaching and then resuming works
+ <hacklu> teythoon: yes, gdb on linux works well.
+ <teythoon> % gdb --pid 21506 /bin/sleep
+ <teythoon> [...]
+ <teythoon> (gdb) c
+ <teythoon> Continuing.
+ <teythoon> warning: Can't wait for pid 21506: No child processes
+ <teythoon> # pkill -SIGILL sleep
+ <teythoon> warning: Pid 21506 died with unknown exit status, using SIGKILL.
+ <hacklu> yes. I used a sleep program to test too.
+ <teythoon> I believe that the warning and deficiencies with the signal
+ handling are b/c on Hurd the debuggee cannot be reparented to the
+ debugger
+ <hacklu> oh, I remembered, I have asked this before.
+ <tschwinge> Confirming that attaching to a process in __sleep -> __mach_msg
+ -> mach_msg_trap works fine, but then after »continue«, I see »warning:
+ Can't wait for pid 4038: No child processes« and three times »Can't fetch
+ registers from thread bogus thread id 1: No such thread« and the sleep
+ process exits (normally, I guess? -- interrupted "system call").
+ <tschwinge> If detaching (exit GDB) instead, I see »warning: Can't modify
+ tracing state for pid 4041: No such process« and the sleep process exits.
+ <tschwinge> Attaching to and then issueing »continue« in a process that is
+ not currently in a mach_msg_trap (tested a trivial »while (1);«) seems to
+ work.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: ^
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: in my hurdbox, if I just attach a while(1), the system
+ is near down. nothing can happen, maybe my hardware is slow.
+ <hacklu> so I can only test on the sleep one.
+ <hacklu> my gdbserver doesn't support attach feature now. the other basic
+ feather has implement. I am doing test and review the code now.
+ <tschwinge> Great! :-)
+ <tschwinge> It is fine if attaching does not work currently -- can be added
+ later.
+ <hacklu> btw, How can I submit my code? put the patch in email directly?
+ <tschwinge> Did you already run the GDB testsuite using your gdbserver?
+ <hacklu> no, haven't yet
+ <tschwinge> Either that, or a Git branch to pull from.
+ <hacklu> I think I should do more review and test than I submit patches.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: See [GDB]/gdb/testsuite/boards/native-gdbserver.exp
+ (and similar files) for how to run the GDB testsuite with gdbserver.
+ <hacklu> ok.
+ <tschwinge> But don't be disappointed if there are still a lot of failures,
+ etc. It'll already be great if some basic stuff works.
+ <hacklu> now it can set and remove breakpoint. show register, access
+ variables.
+ <tschwinge> ... which already is enogh for a lot of debugging sessions.
+ :-)
+ <hacklu> I will continue to make it more powerful.
+ <hacklu> :)
+ <tschwinge> Yes, but please first work on polishing the existing code, and
+ get it integrated upstream. That will be a great milestone.
+ <tschwinge> No doubt that GDB maintainers will have lots of comments about
+ proper formatting of the source code, and such things. Trivial, but will
+ take time to re-work and get right.
+ <hacklu> oh, I got it. I will give my pathch before this weekend.
+ <tschwinge> Then once your basic gdbserver is included, you can continue to
+ implement additional features, piece by piece.
+ <tschwinge> And then we can run the GDB testsuite with gdbserver and
+ compare that there are no regressions, etc.
+ <tschwinge> Heh, »before the weekend« -- that's soon. ;-)
+ <hacklu> honestly to say, most of the code is copyed from other files, I
+ haven't write too many code myself.
+ <tschwinge> Good -- this is what I hoped. Often, more time in software
+ development is spent on integrating existing things rathen than writing
+ new code.
+ <hacklu> but I have spent a lot of time to get known the code and to debug
+ it to work.
+ <tschwinge> Thzis is normal, and is good in fact: existing code has already
+ been tested and documented (in theory, at least...).
+ <tschwinge> Yes, that's expected too: when relying on/reusing existing
+ code, you first have to understand it, or at least its interfaces. Doing
+ that, you're sort of "mentally writing the existing code again".
+ <tschwinge> So, this sounds all fine. :-)
+ <hacklu> your words make me happy.
+ <hacklu> :)
+ <tschwinge> Well, I am, because this seems to be going well.
+ <hacklu> thank you. I am going to coding now~~
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-02
+ <hacklu> hi, this is my weekly
+ report.
+ <hacklu> please give me any advice on how to use mig to generate stub-files
+ in gdbserver?
+ <braunr> hacklu:
+ <hacklu> braunr: shouldnt' I work like this
+ ?
+ <braunr> hacklu: seems that you need server code
+ <braunr> other than that i don't see the difference
+ <hacklu> gdb use autoconf to generate the Makefile, and part from the *.mh
+ file, but in gdbserver, there is no .mh like files.
+ <braunr> hacklu: why can't you reuse / ?
+ <hacklu> braunr: question is that, there are something not need in
+ /
+ <braunr> hacklu: like what ?
+ <hacklu> braunr: like fork-child.o msg_U.o core-regset.o
+ <braunr> hacklu: well, adjust the dependencies as you need
+ <braunr> hacklu: do you mean they become useless for gdbserver but are
+ useful for gdb ?
+ <hacklu> braunr: yes, so I need another one file.
+ <hacklu> braunr: but the gdbserver's configure doesn't have any *.mh file,
+ can I add the first one?
+ <braunr> or adjust the values of those variables depending on the building
+ mode
+ <braunr> maybe
+ <braunr> tschwinge is likely to better answer those questions
+ <hacklu> braunr: ok, I will wait for tschwinge's advice.
+ <luisgpm> hacklu, The gdb/config/ dir is for files related to the native
+ gdb builds, as opposed to a cross gdb that does not have any native bits
+ in it. In the latter, gdbserver will be used to touch the native layer,
+ and GDB will only guide gdbserver through the debugging session...
+ <luisgpm> hacklu, In case you haven't figured that out already.
+ <hacklu> luisgpm: I am not very clear with you. According to your words, I
+ shouldn't use gdb/config for gdbserver?
+ <luisgpm> hacklu, Correct. You should use configure.srv for gdbserver.
+ <luisgpm> hacklu, gdb/gdbserver/configure.srv that is.
+ <luisgpm> hacklu, gdb/configure.tgt for non-native gdb files...
+ <luisgpm> hacklu, and gdb/config for native gdb files.
+ <luisgpm> hacklu, The native/non-native separation for gdb is due to the
+ possibility of having a cross gdb.
+ <congzhang> what's srv file purpose?
+ <luisgpm> hacklu, gdbserver, on the other hand, is always native.
+ <luisgpm> Doing the target-to-object-files mapping.
+ <hacklu> how can I use configure.srv to config the MIG to generate
+ stub-files?
+ <luisgpm> What are stub-files in this context?
+ <hacklu> On Hurd, some rpc stub file are auto-gen by MIG with *.defs file
+ <braunr> luisgpm: c source code handling low level ipc stuff
+ <braunr> mig is the mach interface generator
+ <tschwinge> luisgpm, hacklu: If that is still helpful by now, in
+ <>
+ I described the MIG usage in GDB. (Which also states that ptrace is a
+ system call which it is not.)
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: For the moment, it is fine to indeed copy the rules
+ related to MIG/RPC stubs from gdb/config/i386/ to a (possibly
+ new) file in gdbserver. Then, later, we should work out how to properly
+ share these, as with all the other code that is currently duplicated for
+ GDB proper and gdbserver.
+ <luisgpm> hacklu, tschwinge: If there is code gdbserver and native gdb can
+ use, feel free to put them inside gdb/common for now.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu, luisgpm: Right, that was the conclusion from
+ <>.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge, luisgpm : ok, I got it.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: sorry for haven't submit pathes yet, I will try to
+ submit my patch tomorrow.
+[[!message-id ""]].
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-06
+ <hacklu> If I want compile a file which is not in the current directory,
+ how should I change the Makefile. I have tried that obj:../foo.c, but the
+ foo.o will be in ../, not in the current directory.
+ <hacklu> As say, When I build gdbserver, I want to use [gdb]/gdb/gnu-nat.c,
+ How can I get the gnu-nat.o under gdbserver's directory?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: ^^
+ <tschwinge> Hi!
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Heh, unexpected problem.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: How is this handled for the files that are already in
+ gdb/common/? I think these would have the very same problem?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: ah.
+ <hacklu> I got it
+ <tschwinge> I see, for example:
+ <tschwinge> ./gdb/
+ ${srcdir}/common/linux-btrace.c
+ <tschwinge> ./gdb/gdbserver/
+ ../common/linux-btrace.c $(linux_btrace_h) $(server_h)
+ <hacklu> If I have asked before, I won't use soft link to solve this.
+ <tschwinge> But isn't that what you've been trying?
+ <hacklu> when this, where the .o file go to?
+ <tschwinge> Yes, symlinks can't be used, because they're not available on
+ every (file) system GDB can be built on.
+ <tschwinge> I would assume the .o files to go into the current working
+ directory.
+ <tschwinge> Wonder why this didn't work for you.
+ <hacklu> in gdbserver/configure.srv, there is a srv_tgtobj="gnu_nat.c ..",
+ if I change the, it doesn't gdb's way.
+ <hacklu> So I can't use the variable srv_tgtobj?
+ <tschwinge> That should be srv_tgtobj="gnu_nat.o [...]"? (Not .c.)
+ <hacklu> I have try this, srv_tgtobj="../gnu_nat.c", then the gnu_nat.o is
+ generate in the parent directory.
+ <hacklu> s/.c/.o
+ <hacklu> (wrong input)
+ <hacklu> For my understand now, I should set the srv_tgtobj="", and then
+ set the gnu_nat.o:../gnu_nat.c in the gdbserver/ right?
+ <tschwinge> Hmm, I thought you'd need both.
+ <tschwinge> Have you tried that?
+ <hacklu> no, haven't yet. I will try soon.
+ <hacklu> I have met an strange thing. I have this in Makefile,
+ i386gnu-nat.o:../i386gnu-nat.c $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $<
+ <hacklu> When make, it will complain that: no rules for target
+ i386gnu-nat.c
+ <hacklu> but I also have a line gnu-nat.o:../gnu-nat.c ../gnu-nat.h. this
+ works well.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Does it work if you use $(srcdir)/../i386gnu-nat.c
+ instead of ../i386gnu-nat.c?
+ <tschwinge> Or similar.
+ <hacklu> I have try this, i386gnu-nat.c: echo "" ; then it works.
+ <hacklu> (try $(srcdir) ing..)
+ <hacklu> make: *** No rule to make target `.../i386gnu-nat.c', needed by
+ `i386gnu-nat.o'. Stop.
+ <hacklu> seems no use.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: I have found another thing, if I rename the
+ i386gnu-nat.o to other one, like i386gnu-nat2.o. It works!
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-07
+ <hacklu> hi, I have found many '^L' in gnu-nat.c, should I fix it or keep
+ origin?
+ <LarstiQ> hacklu: fix in what sense?
+ <hacklu> remove the line contains ^L
+ <LarstiQ> hacklu: see bottom of
+ <LarstiQ> hacklu: "Please use formfeed characters (control-L) to divide the
+ program into pages at logical places (but not within a function)."
+ <LarstiQ> hacklu: so unless a reason has come up to deviate from the gnu
+ coding standards, those ^L's are there by design
+ <hacklu> LarstiQ: Thank you! I always think that are some format error. I
+ am stupid.
+ <LarstiQ> hacklu: not stupid, you just weren't aware
+ * LarstiQ thought the same when he first encountered them
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-09
+ <youpi> hacklu_, hacklu__: I don't know what tschwinge thinks, but I guess
+ you should work with upstream on integration of your existing work, this
+ is part of the gsoc goal: submitting one's stuff to projects
+ <tschwinge> youpi: Which is what we're doing (see the patches recently
+ posted). :-)
+ <youpi> ok
+ <hacklu__> youpi: I always doing what you have suggest. :)
+ <hacklu> I have asked in my new mail, I want to ask at here again. Should
+ I change the gdb use lwp filed instead of tid field? There are
+ <hacklu> too many functions use tid. Like
+ <hacklu> named tid in the structure proc also.
+ <hacklu> make_proc(),inf_tid_to_thread(),ptid_build(), and there is a field
+ <hacklu> (sorry for the bad \n )
+ <hacklu> and this is my weekly
+ report.
+ <hacklu> And in Pedro Alves's reply, he want me to integration only one
+ back-end for gdb and gdbserver. but the struct target_obs are just
+ decalre different in both of the two. How can I integrate this? or I got
+ the mistaken understanding?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: ^^
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: I will take this to email, so that Pedro et al. can
+ comment, too.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: I'm not sure about your struct target_ops question.
+ Can you replay to Pedro's email to ask about this?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: ok.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: I have sent an email about the LWP/TID question.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: Thanks for your email, now I know how to fix the
+ LWP/TID for this moment.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Let's hope that Pedro also is fine with this. :-)
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: BTW, I have a question, if we just use a locally
+ auto-generated number to distignuish threads in a process, How can we do
+ that?
+ <hacklu> How can we know which thread throwed the exception?
+ <hacklu> I haven't thought about this before.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: make_proc sets up a mapping from Mach threads to GDB's
+ TIDs. And then, for example inf_tid_to_thread is used to look that up.
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: oh, yeah. that is.
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-16
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Even when waiting for Pedro (and me) to comment, I
+ guess you're not out of work, but can continue in parallel with other
+ things, or improve the patch?
+ <hacklu> tschwinge: honestly to say, these days I am out of work T_T after
+ I have update the patch.
+ <hacklu> I am not sure how to improve the patch beyond your comment in the
+ email. I have just run some testcase and nothing others.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: I have not yet seen any report on the GDB testsuite
+ results using your gdbserver port (see
+ gdb/testsuite/boards/native-gdbserver.exp). :-D
+ <hacklu> question is, the resule of that testcase is just how many pass how
+ many not pass.
+ <hacklu> and I am not sure whether need to give this information.
+ <tschwinge> Just as a native run of GDB's testsuite, this will create *.sum
+ and *.log files, and these you can diff to those of a native run of GDB's
+ testsuite.
+ <hacklu> this is my result
+ === gdb Summary ===
+ # of expected passes 15573
+ # of unexpected failures 609
+ # of unexpected successes 1
+ # of expected failures 31
+ # of known failures 57
+ # of unresolved testcases 6
+ # of untested testcases 47
+ # of unsupported tests 189
+ /home/hacklu/code/gdb/gdb/testsuite/../../gdb/gdb version -nw -nx -data-directory /home/hacklu/code/gdb/gdb/testsuite/../data-directory
+ make[3]: *** [check-single] Error 1
+ make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/hacklu/code/gdb/gdb/testsuite'
+ make[2]: *** [check] Error 2
+ make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hacklu/code/gdb/gdb'
+ make[1]: *** [check-gdb] Error 2
+ make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hacklu/code/gdb'
+ make: *** [do-check] Error 2
+ <hacklu> I got a make error so I don't get the *.sum and *.log file.
+ <tschwinge> Well, that should be fixed then?
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: When does university start again for you?
+ <hacklu> My university have start a week ago.
+ <hacklu> but I will fix this,
+ <tschwinge> Oh, OK. So you won't have too much time anymore for GDB/Hurd
+ work?
+ <hacklu> it is my duty to finish my work.
+ <hacklu> time is not the main problem to me, I will shedule it for myself.
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: Thanks! Of course, we'd be very happy if you stay with
+ us, and continue working on this project (or another one)! :-D
+ <hacklu> I also thanks all of you who helped me and mentor me to improve
+ myself.
+ <hacklu> then, what the next I can do is that fix the testcase failed?
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: It's been our pleasure!
+ <tschwinge> hacklu: A comparison of the GDB testsuite results for a native
+ and gdbserver run would be good to get an understanding of the current
+ status.
+ <hacklu> ok, I will give this comparison soon. BTW,should I compare the
+ native gdb result with the one before my patch
+ <tschwinge> You mean compare the native run before and after your patch?
+ Yes, that also wouldn't hurt to do, to show that your patch doesn't
+ introduce any regressions to the native GDB port.
+ <hacklu> ok, beside this I should compare the native gdb with gdbserver ?
+ <tschwinge> Yes.
+ <hacklu> beside this, what I can do more?
+ <tschwinge> No doubt, there will be differences between the native and
+ gdbserver test runs -- the goal is to reduce these. (This will probably
+ translate to: implement more stuff for the Hurd port of gdbserver.)
+ <hacklu> ok, I know it. Start it now
+ <tschwinge> As time permits. :-)
+ <hacklu> It's ok. :)
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-23
+ <hacklu_> I have to go out in a few miniutes, will be back at 8pm. I am
+ sorry to miss the meeting this week, I will finishi my report soon.
+ <hacklu_> tschwinge, youpi ^^